Page 90 of Bruno

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“Can you tell she loves attention?” Bruno asked.

Monica glared at him.

“I’m Audra, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you,” Marissa said.

“We’ll leave you two alone. Hopefully, we’ll see you at other family functions in the future.” Audra tossed a glance his way before pulling Monica with her.

Marissa covered her mouth as she laughed. “Oh, they’re funny.”

“Yes, they’re hysterical, and did I mention nosy?”

“That’s normal for brothers and sisters. I was the same way with my brother’s wife. We have to look out for our siblings.”

Damn, she looked so beautiful his chest hurt. Behind the black frames her eyes glowed with happiness. He didn’t want to be there with anyone else, and he realized with a start that he didn’t just like Marissa, as he had told his sisters. He was in love with her.

Dios. He almost staggered under the weight of the admission. He hadn’t expected to fall in love with her. He certainly hadn’t been searching for love.

The feeling had snuck up on him, and now he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. His travel companion. His plus one. Someone he could talk to about anything. Exactly what he had been looking for when he contacted Executive Match.

“Come on, let’s dance.” Taking her hand, Bruno pulled Marissa toward the dance floor. He already knew she was a great dancer from the after parties in L.A., where they’d kicked up their heels and worked up a sweat.

He slipped between couples holding each other as the live band played a sultry jazz tune.

Bruno pulled Marissa into his arms, and their bodies instinctively found the rhythm as they slowly swayed to the music. The sexy tone of a saxophone mingled with the murmurs of conversation and occasional bursts of laughter in the hall.

Their movements were smooth and fluid while gliding across the floor, wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Where is Theo?” Bruno asked.

Marissa slipped her arms around his neck. “Around here somewhere doing exactly what I told him not to do. No running or jumping. He made friends with Audra’s kids.”

“In that case, he’s definitely going to get into trouble. Junior is not known for his fine behavior, and Tracy will be right there in the mix with the two of them.”

She giggled, and it was the loveliest sound. He imagined hearing her laughter for the rest of his life, and that was one of the best thoughts he’d had all day.

He pressed his lips to her temple. “You look beautiful. Incredible.”

“Thank you.” Gazing up at him, she trailed her fingers through the hair at his nape.

Bruno turned her in a slow circle. “At some point, I’m going to introduce you to the rest of the family. Be prepared to get invited to Sunday dinner and God knows what else. Don’t feel obligated to say yes to anything.”

“Is your family pushy?”

“They’re overbearing.”

“Is that how they are with all your girlfriends?”

Bruno slipped a hand to the small of her back. “I haven’t brought many women around my family. In fact, it’s been years since I introduced them to anyone.”

“Too busy working?”

“Mostly I never wanted to bring anyone around.” He maintained eye contact to ensure she understood the relevance of his words.

Realization dawned on her face, and a smile touched her lips. “Oh.”

“Yes. Oh.”
