Page 91 of Bruno

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The music changed, and the band switched to Lizzo’s “About Damn Time.” Maxwell had threatened to request the song, an obvious tongue-in-cheek reference to how long Ethan had taken to marry Skye.

Bruno spotted his youngest sibling on the sidelines, raising a drink to Ethan who was on the dance floor with his bride. Ethan shook his head at him, and when Bruno caught Maxwell’s eyes, Bruno mouthed the word cabrón—which made Maxwell burst out laughing.

Minutes later, they were dancing to “Beautiful” by Snoop Dogg and Pharrell. Bruno twirled Marissa around the dance floor and surreptitiously grabbed her ass.

“Quit,” she said, laughing and shoving away his hand.

“You know I can’t help myself,” he murmured, pulling her in close to bury his face in her neck.

She moaned and latched her arms around his neck. She kissed his jaw. “Behave. Your obsession with ass is unhealthy.”

They spent the rest of the evening dancing and engaging in lively conversations with the other guests. The live band continued to play a mix of music that coaxed even the most reserved members of the group onto the dance floor. They mixed partners, Marissa at one point dancing with Ignacio and Maxwell.

When Theo appeared, the three of them held hands and shimmied on the dance floor together. The little boy cut up with energetic moves that made Bruno and Marissa laugh until the other kids wound their way through the adults and pulled him away.

As the evening drew to a close, attendants directed everyone outside, where fireworks lit up the sky in a splendor of bright colors, ending the festivities with a flourish. Soon afterward, they bid farewell to Ethan and Skye. The newlyweds left the estate in the blue 1956 Bentley coupe convertible with Ethan at the wheel and Skye kneeling on the passenger seat beside him, waving goodbye to all the guests with raw happiness on her face.

Bruno spotted Skye’s coworker, Janelle, with her husband. She wasn’t smiling and waving like everyone else. She stared after the vehicle with longing and unmistakable envy on her face.

* * *

Bruno slowly climbed the stairs behind Marissa with Theo in his arms. He had fallen asleep on the long drive home, tuckered out from running around with Junior and Tracy and the other kids at the wedding venue.

Marisa had told Bruno she could wake him up, but he insisted he could carry the little boy up the stairs. She unlocked the door and flicked on the light in the dark apartment.

Theo lifted sleepy eyes to Bruno. “I had fun. I have new friends,” he said. Then he dropped his head to Bruno’s shoulder.

“His bedroom’s back here,” Marissa whispered. She led him to the small bedroom.

She didn’t turn on the lights but pulled back the linens. Bruno carefully laid him on the bed and removed his shoes, and Theo rolled over with a groan.

“I’ll get him undressed later.” Marissa pulled the blanket over her son and walked out.

Bruno didn’t move right away. He looked down at Theo. He hadn’t spent much time with the boy, but he’d already grown attached to him and wanted the best for him.

He followed Marissa into the living room. “Damon is taking his kids to a baseball game in a couple of weeks. What do you think about me taking Theo and joining them?”

Her eyebrows raised in surprise. “He would love that.”

“Good. I’ll let you know the details later.”

She stepped closer and rested a hand against Bruno’s chest. “I had a wonderful time, and so did Theo. Thank you for inviting us. I’ve never been to a wedding like that, and I enjoyed meeting your family.”

“They like you and Theo.” He rested his hands on her hips.

“I liked them too. Your mom and dad were really nice and so were your siblings.”

Resting her head against his chest, Marissa wrapped her arms around him and moaned. “I don’t want you to leave.”

“I don’t want to leave.” He squeezed her tight and kissed her temple.

Her soft body molded to his, and she fit perfectly in his arms, as if she’d been made for him. They stood in that position for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, the sweet fragrance of her perfume and her unique scent filling his nostrils.

Finally, Bruno eased out of her arms.

Marissa pouted and moaned her disappointment again. “Drive carefully.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He kissed her hand and left.
