Page 89 of Bruno

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Finally, they were all ushered into the dining room for the real celebration to begin.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Toasts had been made, jokes told, and a few tears shed. Then the lights dimmed, and the flickering candlelight on the tables created an intimate atmosphere as people crowded onto the dance floor.

Bruno searched the hall for Marissa and finally found her in conversation with his Aunt Florence, who wore a blue hat with a peacock feather as part of the elaborate design. After a quick glance at his aunt, he couldn’t take his eyes off Marissa—elegant and magnificent in a white and green ensemble. She took his breath away.

Before he could approach her, Monica and Audra sidled up beside him. “Is that her?” Monica asked, eyes bright with excited interest.

“That’s her,” Bruno answered.

“You didn’t tell us she had a kid,” Audra said.

“No, I didn’t,” he admitted with a shrug.

“You never date women with kids.”

Bruno shot a frown at his sister. “Yes, I do.”

“Since when?” Monica and Audra said at the same time.

“I have before.”

“And you complained,” Audra reminded him.

Monica added, “I distinctly remember you saying on more than one occasion that dating women with children was a problem you didn’t want because of past experience. ‘I don’t want the drama of dealing with the child’s father.’ Remember saying that? After that guy confronted you about trying to take his place?”

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind,” Bruno muttered.

Theo was a cute kid, and as far as he knew, Chet didn’t have a problem with him being around his son.

Monica and Audra glanced at each other.

His eyes narrowed on his sisters. “What does that look mean?”

“You really like her, and you’re willing to set aside your own preferences. That’s huge,” Monica said.

Bruno lowered his voice. “I do like her. A lot.”

Audra’s eyes widened, and she let out a little squeal.


Aunt Florence patted Marissa’s arm and walked away.

“Come on and introduce us.” Monica grabbed Bruno’s wrist and dragged him over to Marissa.

When she saw him, her eyes lit up. “Hi.” Then she shifted her attention to his sisters.

“These are my sisters, Nosy and Nosier,” Bruno said.

Monica elbowed him, and he winced.

She stepped forward. “You’re going to meet a lot of family tonight, and you probably won’t remember all our names. For now, you only need to remember mine. I’m the fun one, Monica.”

Marissa laughed. “The fun one. Monica.”

“That’s right.”
