Page 109 of Bruno

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Bruno checked his phone, hoping to see a missed call or text from Marissa. He had missed calls and texts, but none were from her.

She should be here, experiencing this special moment with them. He wanted to call her but was determined to give her the space she asked for. For a while, anyway. A few more days, max. Any longer and he’d lose his damn mind.

He tucked the phone into his pocket.

“When are you going back to Brazil?” he asked his brother.

“I’m not.”

“What do you mean you’re not?”

“You’re not going to believe this, but Father asked me to stay. He said he could use my help.”

“With the entire company, not just the consulting department?” Bruno asked.

Thiago nodded. “That’s what he said.”

“What do you think caused him to change his mind?”

“I don’t know. He asked if I was interested in taking on more responsibility, and of course I said yes. I’ve been wanting him to let me take control of the business for years, and maybe this change will eventually lead to that.”

“Something must have happened.” He shot a look at Benicio. “You don’t think he’s sick, do you?”

Thiago looked thoughtful. “I don’t think so. He hasn’t said anything to me.”

“Hmm. I guess I’ll be seeing more of you for a while.”

“If Father sticks to his word. I’ll have to see, but I’m excited about the possibilities. I have some ideas to spur growth in the company. If he allows me to do significant work, the sky is the limit.”

Thiago had run the consulting arm of their father’s empire for years. During that time, he’d not only helped other companies, he had learned a lot. No doubt he intended to apply those lessons to their father’s business.

A hush came over the room, and Bruno’s attention was drawn to Priscilla, who had left her chair and was standing in front of the fireplace. Despite being well dressed, she looked frail and drawn, her curly hair streaked with gray and pulled into a ponytail. Bruno suspected the years behind bars had aged her.

She cradled a glass in her hand. “I’m not… good at speeches,” she said in a halting voice. “But the past week has been emotional and overwhelming. Everyone here knows my story. I had given up hope and resigned myself to do the time I had been given. But my baby boy, he never gave up on me.” She sent a grateful smile in Andre’s direction.

“But tonight isn’t about me. Tonight is about him and his accomplishments. I’m a proud mother. What he has accomplished is a big deal. Before I leave tonight, I need to say, loud and proud, my baby has his bachelor’s degree!”

Pure joy and pride radiated from her smiling, glowing expression, lighting up her entire face. Andre had been on track to be the first in his family to earn a college degree before his plans were derailed. Phin had ended up accomplishing that goal, but Andre’s success was just as sweet. More than happiness, Priscilla’s teary exclamation represented a dream realized and the accomplishment of a significant milestone for their family.

Applause and multiple “Congratulations!” were heard throughout the room.

“One more thing. Thank you all for being so welcoming to my son. He’s a grown man, but I’m a mom, and I worry about him. It’s good to know he has a second family. Monica, I won’t lie, I had my reservations about you.” She softened the words with a smile, and a soft chuckle rippled across the room. Priscilla sobered. “But I see how much he loves you, and I see how much you love him. Love like that comes along once in a lifetime—if we’re lucky. I hope you can forgive me for my thoughts, and know that I look forward to the day that I get to be your mother-in-law.”

She opened her arms, and Monica rushed over. They hugged warmly, both of them rocking from side to side to the sound of “aww” filling the room.

“Maybe now Monica can relax,” Thiago said.

Bruno nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts on Priscilla’s words. Love like that comes along once in a lifetime.

That was exactly the way he felt about Marissa. She made him believe in love and believe it could last. They weren’t just compatible. She wasn’t just his companion. She was his forever.

He would do everything in his power to hold on to her.

Chapter Forty-One

Marissa walked toward the stairs with two totes filled with groceries. As she neared the stairs, Bruno appeared with his hands stuffed into his pants pockets.

“Can we talk?”
