Page 108 of Bruno

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“Nonetheless, we have strict guidelines that I expect all my matchmakers to adhere to. Without that, the integrity of the company is threatened.”

Bruno nodded. “I understand, and that’s why I’m here. Marissa mentioned that, in addition to losing her job, she could be sued for damages. Is that correct?”

“That’s correct. I’ve already spoken to my lawyers about the situation, and we’re going to draw up the papers soon. I hate having to do this. I liked Marissa, and she did a good job, but I need to set an example. I can’t let her get away with such a breach. Then every employee will think they can do the same thing.”

Bruno wasn’t surprised by his reasoning. As a business owner, he would have the same thoughts. “I want to cover the cost of the damages.”

Arnie’s eyebrows shot toward the ceiling, and he leaned back in his chair. A predatory gleam entered his eyes, and Bruno prepared for the next words out of his mouth.

“The sum of the damages is high.”

“What is the cost?”

Slight pause.

“One million dollars,” Arnie said.

Bruno almost burst out laughing. Greedy, mother?—

There was no way Arnie expected Marissa to pay that kind of money. He had clearly come up with the outrageous figure solely for Bruno. He almost leaped across the desk to strangle the CEO but remained calm. He would pay a price ten times that amount to help the woman he loved.

“I’ll pay the one million in damages, under two conditions. Your attorney prepares a statement that Marissa’s debt has been paid in full, and you provide a reference letter she can use while looking for a new job.”

Marissa had put in years of work at the company, and by Arnie’s own admission, she’d done a good job. A reference letter would help as she searched for a new position in the matchmaking field or elsewhere.

Arnie steepled his fingers, never breaking eye contact. Finally, he released a heavy breath. “All right, I can do that.”

“I want to have this settled right away. Can your attorney draw up the paperwork within the next hour for my attorney to review?”

“I’ll make sure he does.”

Arnie’s attorney drafted a one-page agreement, which Bruno then forwarded to his own attorney for review. After a bit of back and forth, Arnie signed the final version and handed the document to Bruno.

Next, Bruno contacted his business manager and had her transfer one million dollars into Arnie’s bank account. Once Arnie confirmed the direct deposit was pending, both men rose to their feet.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” Arnie said.

“Wish I could say the same. Hopefully, we’ll never have to see each other again,” Bruno said.

Then he exited the office.

* * *

Standing near the doorway of the den in the mansion he grew up in, Bruno observed the small gathering. Family get-togethers were usually a joyous occasion, and celebrating Andre’s graduation was no different. Monica’s fiancé had worked hard over the past year to earn the credits he needed for his degree in hospitality and food industry management, while also opening NV Lounge.

Monica had wanted to throw a bigger bash for him, but he had insisted a small family gathering was sufficient. She reluctantly respected his wishes.

In attendance on Monica’s side were Bruno, their parents, Thiago, Audra and her husband, and Ethan and Skye. On Andre’s side, family members present were his uncle, his cousin Phin and his girlfriend, and Andre’s mother, Priscilla Campos—perhaps the most interesting person in attendance.

Priscilla had spent years in prison for killing her abuser, and she was finally free after a retrial. As planned, she had moved to Atlanta and was living with her brother. Bruno could see the difference in Andre now that his mother was free and nearby. There was a lightness to his step that hadn’t been there before. And though he was the guest of honor, he catered to his mother, bringing her food and drinks and making sure she was comfortable.

Bruno caught Monica’s eye from across the room, and she shot him a wan smile. That was unlike his sister, whose fun-loving personality often made her the life of the party.

Thiago sidled up to him and asked in a low voice, “What the hell is wrong with Monica tonight? She’s behaving like a different person.”

Bruno also whispered. “She’s worried about impressing Priscilla. She found out Andre’s mother wasn’t happy when she learned Monica was back together with her son.”

Thiago grimaced.
