Page 7 of The Best Friend

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Her earlier mirth is gone, and her eyes are at half-mast. Goddamn, she looks different when she’s like this. Allie is usually all rainbows and butterflies. But this? It’s like she’s morphed into someone else. Someone naughty, sensual, and … well, a walking wet dream basically.

The air in the room shifts and thickens. I become hyper-aware of her—the thin fabric of her dress sticking to her body like a second skin, molding her tits, showing her peaked nipples.

Her hair has managed to escape the bun, and she’s looking at me like she wants me for her next meal.

“There’s no coming back from this, Bun. You can still back out now.”


That’s all I need to hear. The sweetest ‘no’ I’ve ever heard. “It’s gonna hurt, so we’ll try just the tip first. Okay?”

She chews on her bottom lip and feasts her gaze on me as I lift the shirt over my head and toss it to the floor. She doesn’t look away even while I take off my pants, leaving me in nothing but my boxers.

Allie’s eyes almost bulge out of their sockets when she spots my hard cock, and I feel a weird sense of pride and bump in my masculine ego that she finally sees me as a man. Not some best friend who won’t feel anything even as she ditches the bra in front of me or walks half-naked most of the time.


I am a man and I only want one thing.


A thought niggles in my brain. Maybe if I made her feel so good, she wouldn’t want another man. Maybe if I show her I can take care of her nicely in bed, she wouldn’t bother with that ex-roommate’s brother. Maybe … maybe she can be mine. Only mine.

Tugging my boxers down, I hold her gaze and wrap a hand around my rock-hard erection. The way she licks her lips almost pushes me to the edge, but I have to get a grip on myself. I have one mission—to make her come harder than before. And I’m gonna focus all my energy on pleasing her.

I won’t stop until I accomplish that.

“Let’s take you out of that dress first,” I tell her and lift the dress over her head. It joins the pile on the floor with a splat.

Seeing her naked will forever be burned into my brain. Those tits she used to call ‘small’ but actually fit perfectly in my palm. Those delicious curves and dips I want to explore so badly. That tiny scar on her stomach after her emergency appendectomy in eighth grade.

Everything about her is beautiful.

And now it’s getting increasingly hard to keep my hands to myself.

As if propelled by some unknown force, I kneel on the bed, the mattress dipping under my weight. My hands run up her legs and thighs until I reach the junction. My fingers massage her pussy, which now glistens—from the rain or arousal, I’m not sure.

When I graze the slit with my middle finger, Allie bows off the bed, her fingers clutching the sheets. “Oh God.”

The dust tickles my nose, but I ignore it. No one and nothing can keep me away from her pussy right now.

I position myself in front of her, widening her legs, and wedge the tip at her entrance. Fucking hell. I can come from this alone. Slowly, I slide inside of her. She’s so tight that I have to be extra mindful of the way I move my hips forward, but it helps that she’s soaking wet.

When the head is fully sheathed inside her, I raise my gaze, only to find her with her head thrown back, her hands squeezing her tits.

Holy shit.

Those should be my hands and mouth, so I grab both wrists and trap them above her head with my hands. My cock hits her barrier, and I bury my face in her chest, taking one pebbled nipple into my mouth and sucking on it. Her moans only make my cock twitch. I run my tongue along the valley between her breasts before I suck on the other nipple and give it the same attention.

She manages to pull her hands back, and her fingers go to the back of my head, pushing my mouth to take more of her.

So I do. My hands find her breasts, squeezing, kneading, pinching the nipples, while I graze the sensitive spot on her neck with my tongue, running along the tendons until I reach her earlobe. I nip the soft skin before swirling my tongue along the shell. “This is gonna hurt a little, Bun, and I’m sorry but there’s no other way around it.”


She doesn’t finish it because I slam into her, tearing her hymen and burying myself to the hilt. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Are you okay? Bun, how do you feel?” My eyes scan her features but save for the lip biting, there’s no other indication that she’s in pain.
