Page 8 of The Best Friend

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“I’m okay. Please don’t stop.” She punctuates it by rotating her hips, and it’s all I can do not to spill my seed inside her. It’s all the encouragement I need.

Slowly and without any sense of urgency, I slip in and out of her, watching her face the whole time.

“Stop staring at me, Tristan. Suck my tits and fuck me.”

Something explodes within me. The fraying thread of control snaps, and I feel a roaring in my chest.

Grabbing her hips and pulling her to me, I ram forward and begin fucking her in earnest.

“Yes, yes! God, yes. Harder, Tristan!”

I tunnel my fingers through her hair and kiss her roughly, biting and sucking her lower lip while pounding her into a moaning, trembling mess. In return, she drags her nails along my arms and tries to meet my drives even though it’s hard for her to move.

“Tristan, I-I’m coming.”

I don’t change my rhythm, but I pull back just enough to see her face twist into one of absolute ecstasy. Her eyes snap shut, lips screaming my name. Yes, screaming. Because despite the noise of the rain outside, her voice echoes around the room.

That’s it. I don’t think I can stave off the orgasm any longer.

I flip her onto her stomach and yank her against my body. With Allie on her knees and her ass in the air, I slide into her tight walls with ease. My hips begin to rut wildly, hands roughly cupping her tits, teeth biting her shoulder. My spine tightens as I get thicker inside of her.

My own orgasm crashes into me, making my head spin. This is so much better than all the fantasies I’ve had to live with for years. I don’t draw out from her, but we collapse on the bed, and I tuck her on my side.

“T-that was…” Allie trails off and snuggles closer.


It doesn’t take long before she dozes off. I try to do the same, but I can’t sleep. I spend the next two hours staring at the intricately carved ceiling. My mind races, and I can’t seem to silence the thoughts rampaging in my mind—some good, some bad. My arm, which Allie uses as a pillow, starts getting that pins-and-needles feeling. I can feel it falling asleep under her weight, electric pulses on my fingers.

I don’t want to interrupt her sleep, so I shift slightly and adjust my position, gently sliding my arm from beneath her. She stirs but settles quickly, her head now resting on the pillow.

To be fair to the house owner, it’s not as dirty as I imagined it would be. Maybe the maintenance staff came by recently. Even the sheets don’t feel itchy, and I no longer get the urge to sneeze.

Blood rushes back into my arm, and I wiggle my fingers.

I stand up slowly, careful not to disturb her, and slip out onto the terrace, finding a folded quilt on a chair and wrapping it around my waist. Bless you, whoever left it there.

Stepping into the cool night air and leaning against the balustrade, I look out over the estate.

I’ve always liked this place.

Even as a teen, it was my dream to someday own something like it. The upkeep must be expensive, which is probably why the homeowner limits maintenance to a few times per year.

He probably regretted cheating on Lucille. I was told he groveled for years, even when she already married Allie’s grandfather. Eventually, the guy gave up and left this place.

Barring his cheating, which is inexcusable by the way, it’s always sad when love is one-sided. I can relate to that part. I mean, I’ve loved Allie for years. Watching her laugh at another guy’s jokes or witnessing someone else try to get close to her felt like small deaths, like a hot poker twisting in my gut. I don’t know how we’ll be in the morning, but for now, I want to savor the happiness.

At one point, I thought of sleeping with her and flushing her out of my system. The joke’s on me. After what happened and with the way she writhed and screamed, how can I ever go back to being her best friend? How can I look at her and not think of the way her lips mold to mine? How can I sit beside her and not want to touch her and take her again?

This was stupid. Why did I agree in the first place? Now I’m assaulted by my visions of a future with her. A future where she’s mine. Completely, irrevocably mine.

Maybe I’ll even buy this godforsaken estate.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I barely register her presence until she slides her arms around me and intertwines her fingers over my stomach. She leans her cheek on my back, and I stiffen, unsure of where we currently stand and terrified to break this fragile state we’re in.

“Come back to bed, Tris.”

