Page 6 of The Best Friend

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My arms wrap around his neck, and he hauls me up, wrapping my legs around him and pinning me against the tree with his hips. His hard cock is pressed against my bare crotch, and I shamelessly rub against him. I need that friction. I need it like I need oxygen to breathe.

Droplets continue to fall on my exposed skin, but I no longer care. Both of us are so hot, I’m not sure why we haven’t combusted into flames yet.

Tristan slides his hand along my thigh and up to my waist. When he realizes I don’t have anything on, he breaks the kiss and growls, “No panties?”

It takes me an insane amount of focus to respond. “No.”


Before I know it, he lifts me higher and wraps my legs around his neck, my thighs resting on his shoulders. I clamber to grab anything to hold on to but find nothing. Instead, I grab his hair and dig my nails into his scalp.

Tristan hikes my dress higher, and with a face full of raw hunger, he drags his tongue along my slit. The sensation is so good and so overwhelming that I instinctively tighten my thighs around him and arch my back.

“You like it, Bun?”

“I-I do.”


He digs his fingers in my thighs and teases my clit with his tongue. A whimper sneaks past my lips as he slides his tongue inside me. My mind is in shambles. I don’t know where I am anymore, but there’s a coil in my belly that’s winding tighter and tighter.


Pleasure racks me in waves, and my legs tremble. My breath comes in short bursts as I come with an almost blinding force. It feels so good that I trap his tongue in my pussy, suctioning it until the sensation ebbs.

Still dazed from that soul-sucking orgasm, Tristan shifts me easily—as though I weigh nothing—tossing me over his shoulder and smacking my ass. I dangle face down, watching us getting nearer to the mansion.

He chuckles darkly beside me when we reach the doorway. “See, Bun? Nothing’s wrong with you. You just needed me. You had to come on my tongue.”



Allie fires my blood to a boiling point.

We’ve just crossed a line we can never come back from, and I find that I don’t mind. This is where I want to be, suffocating between her thighs. I have no idea how I managed to avoid touching her this way for the past few years, but now that I’ve got a taste of her, I won’t be able to scrub that off my mind … for as long as I live.

With her flung across my shoulder, I take the keys from my pocket and slide into the brass doorknob. The old mechanism resists before it gives way.

This is only the second time we’ve stepped foot inside. The first one was on spring break during sophomore year. Back then, Allie found it so creepy that she begged to leave only a minute into “exploring” the house.

The door creaks open, revealing a vast hallway with patches of darkness and lit only by the outdoor lights. Dust motes float in the beams of light filtering through the grimy floor-to-ceiling windows. The grand staircase is the same as it’s always been, and Allie yelps when I transfer her from my shoulder to my arms, carrying her bridal style.

She’s busy looking around too, and we ascend the stairs in silence. We reach the top, and the long corridor stretches out before us, lined with closed doors.

The parquet floor beneath my feet groans as I speed-walk from one bedroom to another, trying to remember where the hell the master bedroom is—the only one with a clean bed … probably, and hopefully.

Ah, here it is.

I kick it open, and my eyes zero in on the massive four-poster bed, with sheer white fabric draping over the canopy. The bed itself is made, smooth and undisturbed.


I fling Allie onto the bed, and she laughs when a cloud of dust envelopes her.

“We can just check into a hotel, Bun. I made a reservation earlier.”

She shakes her head, eyes glinting. “No, this is perfect. Besides, I can’t wait anymore. I need you inside me.”
