Page 73 of Kindred Spirit

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I feel his smile against my skin as Nolan retracts his fangs. After running his tongue along the puncture marks, he asks, “Like that, do you?” with the amusement of a confident lover.

“Yes,” I pant, split between the urge to drop my hips into his touch or skitter away. I’m overwhelmed by the sensations of being touched so intimately for the first time with no fabric between us to dull the feeling.

After kissing his way up my inner thigh, he releases a hot breath against my core. “I’ve dreamt about how you would taste.”

“You, uh, mentioned that,” I mumble, quaking as the hand that was holding my thigh slips between my legs.

He spreads me wide and then runs his tongue through my wetness in a slow sweep. With a satisfied hum, he murmurs, “Better than I imagined.”

“Oh!” I gasp, dropping to my elbows as he tastes and touches where no one has before.

At first, it’s an odd sensation, a combination of hot and tingly from the slight numbing effect of his saliva, but then he replaces his thumb with his mouth, and I see stars. He consumes me with the same fervor as he did when feeding, sucking on my clit and flicking his tongue over the swollen bundle of nerves.

Through the headiness of my own pleasure and lust, I vaguely recall that the whole point of this particular position was so I could touch him as freely as he touches me. Leaning my weight onto one elbow, I wrap my fingers around his silken length, now slick with precum. I’m clumsy at first, still not quite sure how much pressure to use.

“Tighter over the head,” Nolan rasps, bucking his hips. “It’s okay, love. You won’t hurt me.”

Attempting to do as instructed, I make the opening in my hand smaller when going over the crown and then larger down the shaft. “Like this?”

“Yes, just like that,” he growls, the vibrations of his lips against me sending shivers throughout my body. “Fuck. Feels so good.”

His reaction makes me feel bold, and I want to do more. I want to know him as he knows me. I’m too short to attempt to take him fully into my mouth, but I can taste the tip. Equal parts nervous and excited, I continue to stroke his shaft, pointing him toward my face. My heart flutters as I take the first tentative lick.

He freezes for a moment, his body vibrating beneath me. “You don’t have to…”

“I want to,” I reply, dropping a kiss on his lower belly. “Tell me how.”

“Okay,” he murmurs, gripping my hip. “Think of it like you’re holding an ice cream cone that you don’t want to drip. Lick around and then suck the top. Careful with your teeth.”

The analogy makes the process seem less intimidating. Imagining it’s a hot summer day, I run the flat of my tongue over and around the head of his cock, the taste of salt and sweat lingering in my mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he moans, his hips arching and his toes curling when I begin gently sucking the tip.

Nolan reciprocates my actions, his far more skillful tongue turning my body into a live wire of mounting ecstasy. As he focuses on my clit with his mouth, he dips one finger inside me. The intrusion is shocking but not unpleasant, like he’s filling an aching need that I could never quite reach. He slowly pumps in and out of me, and instinctually, I start rocking my hips with the motion. A soft mewling sound escapes me when he adds a second finger.

“Damn, you’re tight,” he comments with a hint of concern.

“I’ve never… um… put… anything…” I babble, embarrassed to admit how little I’ve explored my own body.

“It’s okay, love,” he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

I feel very naïve. Most of my knowledge is from sex ed in health class and, more recently, romance novels. “Isn’t it supposed to?” I ask.

“Not if I do this right.” While his two fingers continue to gently stretch me, he uses the thumb on his other hand to rub circles over my clit. “I’m going to edge you a bit.”

“Edge me?” I echo, the question coming out breathless as pleasure builds between my legs and radiates throughout my body.

“You’ll see.” He kisses my inner thigh, and I feel his smile against my skin. “Try to relax and enjoy the ride.”

The meaning of the term becomes frustratingly evident as Nolan concentrates his efforts on leaving me on the cusp of release. With every stroke of his fingers or flick of his tongue, I’m left seeing stars. My magic builds in equal measure of my growing pleasure, flowing around me and seeping into him. At first, I don’t realize what’s happening beyond the sensations gripping my body until I notice he moans with me even though I’ve grown too distracted to reciprocate. His timing is also beyond perfect to keep me from fully climaxing.

I’m doing it again. My magic is giving me away, and the brilliant jerk is using it to his advantage.

He plays me like a world-class violinist, making my body sing the most visceral of melodies. I’m nearly dizzy from the way my muscles keep tensing when I’m close then relaxing when he pulls me back from the edge. Eventually, I grow so weak that my entire upper body collapses on top of him, and I’m begging in barely coherent moans for more.

His fingers slow to a lazy rhythm, and he nips the delicate flesh of my thigh with his human teeth. “You ready for me, love?”

“Yes,” I whine, desperate to fill this aching need inside me.
