Page 74 of Kindred Spirit

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When Nolan starts blindly reaching for his bedside table, I climb off him with all the grace of a baby deer, careful not to hit him with my knee. If I wasn’t out of my mind with arousal, I’d probably just stay flopped on my side, too tired to get up. How can an experience be exceptionally pleasurable and also so maddening?

Once he retrieves a condom, he looks over at me and smiles with amusement. “If it’s too much, we can wait for another night.”

“The hell we will,” I grumble, giving him a heated glare.

His smile shifts to a grin, and he rips open the foil package. After guiding the lubricated rubber down his straining cock, he lifts himself up onto one elbow and runs his hand down my bare hip. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I could admire you for hours.”

I glow under the depth of his sincerity. Sitting up while facing him, I get to my knees and kiss him with all the tenderness living within my heart. “I love you more than I have words to express.”

“I love you too,” he whispers against my mouth.

In this cradled world of love and beauty, I watch his face as I straddle his hips and slowly slide down his length. His eyelids droop, his brows furrow, and his lips part as a low moan pours out of him, but his eyes—those mesmerizing pale chips of ice blue—stay riveted on mine.

As promised, it isn’t painful. It’s more of a pleasurable stretching sensation that takes a moment to adjust to. He doesn’t rush me, instead reaching down between us to rub circles against my clit with his thumb. The combination of feeling so full and the stimulation of the overly sensitive bundle of nerves causes my legs to shake and my sex to clench around him. He exhales sharply but doesn’t stop, once again leading me to the brink of ecstasy.

Instinctually, my hips begin to rock, and there’s a whole new level of pleasure as he seems to reach something unexplored within me.

“That’s it, my love,” he purrs, grasping my hip with his free hand and matching my pace with gentle thrusts of his own. “Ride me. Take what you want.”

Bracing my hands on his chest, I tip my chin up, and my hair cascades down my back. Panting moans escape my parted lips as I increase my speed, chasing the building pressure blooming between my legs and spreading throughout my body. Sweat drips between my breasts, and I shiver as Nolan sits up to lick it from my skin.

“You feel so fucking good,” he praises, his hand moving from my hip to cup my breast. He works my peaked nipple between his fingers, while his other hand continues to stroke my clit. “Come for me, love. Let yourself go.” He takes my free nipple into his hot, wet mouth, the gentle suction only heightening the already overwhelming pleasure taking over my body.

It’s not long before I’m once again on the precipice of release, my straining need coiled around me. This time, I blissfully dive over the edge, crying out Nolan’s name like a prayer. Thanks to my magic, he comes right along with me, his whole body flexing as he climaxes. Shattered and remade, we collapse onto the bed, gasping for air.

For several seconds, we lie wrapped in each other’s arms, still connected as we catch our breath. With my head resting on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat as it slowly returns to resting levels. It’s a comforting sound—the sound of life.

Nolan gently runs his fingers through my tangled hair. “Thank you.”

As I look up at him, my expression turns into a confused frown. “For what?”

“For loving me.” His lips pull into a crooked smile. “I didn’t make it easy.”

I open my mouth to reply, but he presses a finger to my lips.

“Before you argue, I’m not saying I’m unlovable.” He sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “I just… I didn’t want to love anyone ever again, so I intentionally pushed it away, but because of what I needed to do to survive, it also took something from me.” He lowers his gaze back to me. “Tonight, you gave it back to me. I love you so damn much, and being with you like this…” His eyes turn glassy, and his smile wobbles at the corners. “I gave up hope that it could ever be this way for me.”

“One of these days, Nolan Campbell, you will see yourself the way I see you. You are one of the most loving people I have ever known, which, yes, has also made you very frustrating at times.” We both laugh, and I kiss his chest. “I love you too, so very much, and I’m glad I had my first time with you.”

He cups my face with one hand, running his thumb over my cheekbone in gentle arcs. “How are you feeling, by the way? I hope it didn’t hurt too much.”

“It didn’t hurt at all. What you did was maddening but effective.” I shift until I’m lying beside him, taking stock of my body as I move. “My inner thighs are a little sore, but otherwise, I’m okay.”

Amusement dances in his eyes. “Drives Donovan crazy too, but the payoff is usually worth it.”

Despite everything we just did, a blush spreads across my cheeks as I recall the explosive feeling of finally being able to climax. “I don’t know if I’d like it every time, but it did feel good.”

“Good.” He drops a kiss to my lips that tastes both salty and sweet, and my blush deepens when I realize what I taste is me.

“You, uh… You might want to wipe…” I motion toward my mouth.

He licks his lips and hums with masculine pleasure. “I love the way you taste.”

My eyes grow owlish, and my brain short-circuits. “You do?”

“Mm-hmm,” he purrs, running his hand down my belly, his fingers dangerously close to where I’m most sensitive. “Can’t wait to do it again.”

“You can’t?” I reply, apparently only able to string two words together at a time.
