Page 72 of Kindred Spirit

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“Happily,” I murmur, leaning down and pressing my mouth to his.

At first, the kiss is a tender, exploring dance, but as his passion builds, he grows more insistent. His free hand tangles in my hair, holding me to him, and he begins feasting on my lips and sucking on my tongue. I’m consumed by him, surviving on the air from his lungs because I dare not stop long enough to take a single breath. It’s only when I feel the barest prick of his fangs that I pull back.

“Sorry,” he murmurs. “Sometimes I can’t control them.”

“I know you’re worried about how the bite will affect me, but it really is okay if you want to feed,” I tell him and then give him a featherlight kiss. “I promise it won’t change how I feel about you or about what I want.”

He considers my words, his eyes searching mine. “Do you want the bite? Would it make you more comfortable?”

“I don’t want you to hold back,” I state, continuing my slow strokes up and down his shaft. “Being a vampire is as much a part of you as being a witch is a part of me. There’s no shame in giving into what we are.”

Nolan shudders. “Fuck… Okay.” He clears his throat. “On two conditions.”

Brushing my lips along his jaw, I ask, “And they are?”

His fingers tighten in my hair as his hips buck into my touch. “First, if I’m not holding back, neither are you. I want to feel your magic—not just in your blood, but everywhere.”

“That shouldn’t be too difficult.” I laugh as my heart feels like it’ll burst with love. “I still can’t really control it when I get, um…”

“Turned on?” he purrs, dragging his extended fangs along the tender flesh of my neck.

“Mm-hmm,” I hum. The memories of his bite are burned into my skin, and my entire body throbs with the implied promise.

“Call on your magic, Callie,” he directs, releasing my hair so he can run his fingers down my side. “I want to make my warrior witch come.”

Desire floods between my legs as his words awaken the side of me that’s powerful and terrifying, slinking in the darkness with icy sharp claws and dancing fearless and free in the moonlight with monsters—the side of me that croons lovingly to the predator within him.

“Oh fuck!” he shouts, his breathing turning ragged as my magic comes out to play. It coats his skin and fills the room with a scorching heat, fueled by my burning need for him.

“And your second condition?” I ask huskily, focused on his traveling fingers on my inner thigh.

Nolan sits up and whispers against the shell of my ear. “You’re going to sit on my face while I feed from you right here.” He strokes the spot on my inner thigh before his fingers lightly brush my core, causing a shock of shivers to run down my spine. “And then I’m going to taste you here. Do my terms sound good to you?”

“That, uh, sounds reasonable to me,” I rasp, unconsciously spreading my knees wider. “What direction do I face?”

He gives a pointed look to my hand still wrapped around him, and a slow smile spreads across his lips. “That’s up to you, love. I guess it depends on what you want to do with your hands.”

“There is a saying about idle hands,” I muse, loosening my grip so I can trail my fingers along his shaft.

His breath is hot against my ear as he exhales. “Mm… Something about it being a bad thing.”

“Exactly,” I murmur and gently push him back into the pillows.

The way he looks at me, like I’m the most exquisite being he’s ever seen, makes me feel womanly and powerful. While he moves some pillows to lie flat on the bed, I shift my back to him. However, as my knees bracket his head, a new level of awareness ripples over my skin. I’m completely exposed to him in a place I’m only beginning to explore myself. Fortunately, before I can get too deep in my own head, worried that I should have fled into the bathroom and scrubbed every inch of me clean first, Nolan runs his hands up my thighs and groans with masculine delight.

“So fucking sexy,” he purrs, the heat of his breath shocking against my nether regions. Turning his head, he licks a particularly sensitive part of my inner thigh. “Ready?”

“Mm-hmm,” I hum, tingling with anticipation.

There’s a sharp pinch as his fangs sink into me, followed quickly by tendrils of pleasure and need that chase any remaining inhibitions away. Clutching the bedsheet tangled beneath us, I moan softly as my world explodes in color.

Nolan grips my outer thigh with his left hand, holding me in place. He groans with the bliss of a starving man tasting the sweetest of fruit and sucks on my flesh as if he’s afraid to miss a single drop.

The urge to feel his skin against mine builds, and I feel almost drunk on the relief that I now have full permission to give into it. Strangely, the knowledge quiets the normal desperation, allowing me to savor the sheer delight that he is mine to nurture and adore. Shifting my weight to one hand, I gently run my fingers down his stomach, over the hills and valleys of his hips, and tease his straining cock.

He answers in kind, his free hand slipping from the valley between my breasts, down my belly, and to my core. His thumb runs along the seam of my pussy, coating it with my arousal, until he finds the most sensitive spot on my entire body. He slowly strokes in small circles with the barest of pressure, leaving me shaking from the stimulation.

“Oh goddess,” I cry, as sparks of pleasure ignite within me.
