Page 54 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“We all want Ada. We’ve all slept with her so we know she’s interested in all three of us. Now that we’ve made our interest clearer, though, she’s avoiding us as much as possible.” Joe nodded at Collin. “Tell him what she told you.”

“She’s afraid of hurting one of us so she’s keeping to herself.”

I wiped my hands on an old cloth. “I haven’t said this out loud to you both yet, but I made up my mind the day after I slept with her and found out you both still want her, too. I would rather have Ada in some way than not at all. It’s not conventional but I’m not going to ask her to choose one of us.”

Collin sank onto the lounge. “You’re serious. This is your dream girl, Judson. You’re willing to…what? Share?”

I ground my teeth together and traced the lines of Ada’s body on my canvas. “Yes. If it means I get to have her, I’m willing to share.”

“This conversation is deeply fucked up.” Joe saw my expression darken and held up his hands. “I’m not making a judgment, Jud. Collin and I came up here to talk about the same thing. It’s just… It sounds really fucked up when you say it out loud. I don’t see another way, though. We all want her and she wants us. It feels like she takes all of us or none of us.”

“We need to make sure that we’re on the same page before we attempt this.” Collin sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “We need to be sure we’re sure. And we need an exit strategy. If things go bad, we can’t fuck our family up over this.”

“There is no exit strategy for me. I have dreamt of Ada for a decade. I’m not going to let her go again.” Shrugging, I knew deep down that what I was saying was my truth.

“What if she decides she only wants one of us?” Joe didn’t have to say the rest out loud. He wanted to know what I would do if she chose one of them over me.

“I don’t know. What would you two want if that happened and she chose me?”

Wincing, Collin shrugged. “It wouldn’t be great. It’s not like we could suddenly pretend like we hadn’t fucked your person and still want to.”

“Walking around this house, seeing Ada and interacting with her, just to have to keep my hands to myself would be hard. I’d respect her wishes but it’s not like it’d be easy to go from touching her whenever I want to to not touching her at all.” Joe sighed. “Maybe it’s a bad idea.”

“It’s the only one we’ve got. I’m not backing down. I’ve been waiting for her for so long. I’m sorry, but you two can back down or we can do this together and hope for the best.” I stood up and ran my hands down my thighs, wiping paint and sweat away. “This might all be pointless anyway. We don’t even know if she’d be willing to do something like this. It’s not exactly normal.”

“What about the sex?” Joe shrugged when Collin and I both turned to face him. “Do we take turns?”


He glared at Collin. “What? It’s not like I’ve done this before. I also highly doubt there’s a manual for this. How to share a woman with your brothers without it being weird. That’s not a book I’ve seen lying around.”

“Then we play it by ear.” I swallowed a lump of nerves and shrugged. “There’s no other choice. If we end up one on one, or…three on one…, it depends on Ada.”

Collin shuddered. “On that note, I’m going to bed. For future reference, though, if I’m ever in the same bed as you two and Ada, make sure you keep your dicks away from me.”

“No fucking shit, Col.” Joe pushed him and walked towards the door. “If we do this, we have to talk to each other the whole time. We can’t fuck up our family because we all want the same woman.”

“Speaking of talking to each other… I invited Ada’s parents to stay with us. There was a fire in their house. They’re okay but they were staying with friends. They’re bringing their dog.”

Joe and I stared at Collin like he’d grown a dick on his forehead. I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying so Joe spoke up. “I’m sorry. What did you just say?”

Collin heaved a giant sigh and shook his head. “She wants to see her parents. You weren’t there. You didn’t see her face. I invited them here for her sake. You would’ve done the same.”

“The woman we all want to have our way with, who we employ, is going to have her parents here? We might as well forget sleeping with her. As soon as her parents sense what we’re interested in, they’re going to steal Ada away in the middle of the night.” Joe gripped the door and pulled it open. “What a terribly unfun rollercoaster of emotions this night has been.”

“I think you’re going to be surprised by her parents.” Collin smiled and pushed Joe to get out of his way. “Anyway. I need my beauty sleep. Your artistry is amazing, Jud. I want a copy of this painting in my room.”

I watched both of my brothers walk out and settled on my stool so I could do some touch-ups of the painting. I wanted to spend time with it and recreate the scene in my head a dozen or so times so I could get everything exactly right.



Thedaymyparentsshowed up was a day filled with anxiety for me. If I’d doubted how far outside of the bounds of employee and boss I was operating with the guys, my parents moving in surely captured that I was so far out of bounds that I was on the other side of the world. My parents moving into the Carrington Mansion was insane. The knowledge that it was insane just made me more nervous. Everything was on the cusp of change and I wasn’t sure I was ready.

The guys were working when my parents arrived, so I set out on showing my parents around with the knowledge that I wouldn’t have to introduce them to the guys yet. Every part of the mansion excited my parents and they weren’t shy or quiet about their enthusiasm. I, on the other hand, was feeling reserved for the first time in my stay at the estate. Reserved, or resigned. I wasn’t sure.

After walking into half a dozen bathrooms that weren’t attached to bedrooms, Dad nodded and clapped his hands once. “Well, the verdict is in. Having money is amazing and we should’ve had more of it.”

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