Page 53 of Grumpy Makes Three

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I was almost asleep when Jud’s bedroom door swung open and the other two Carrington brothers came in. Joe was already talking to Jud before he even saw him. “Jud, we saw your light on. We need to talk-”

Jud stood up and held both hands out to me. “Don’t move, please. I’m so close, Ada. Just…freeze. Please.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. “This is humiliating.”

“What exactly is…this?” Joe’s voice moved closer and he whistled. “I should’ve been the artist.”

“Shut up.” I groaned and opened one eye to look at Jud. “Are you almost finished?”

“Yep.” He didn’t sound like he meant that answer.

“I’ve always wanted to watch you paint, Jud.” Collin sat at the foot of Jud’s bed, right in my line of sight. “This seems like as good a time as any.”

“I’ve been meaning to get into the arts.” Joe sat next to him. “Carry on. We can talk later.”

I waited for Jud to kick them out but he was so focused that he just kept right on painting. I groaned. “You guys suck. I’m never modeling again.”

That caught Jud’s attention. “You want me to kick them out?”

I looked at the two of them, perched on the end of the bed, watching so closely, and a touch of my attitude from early in our acquaintanceship flared back to life. “No. Let them stay and watch. It’s for the arts, after all.”

The energy in the air shifted and I could almost feel their gazes like physical touches on my skin. I flushed as I felt my nipples harden and become plainly visible under the silk sheet. My underwear dampened and I bit my lip in an attempt to distract myself.

The room was silent, except for the steady sound of Jud’s painting. I could hear every rustle of their clothing when they shifted. I could hear Jud’s labored breathing as he worked, the sound of it rhythmic and animalistic. I was so aware of them in the room with me that I ached. I gripped the back of the lounge hard and tried to breathe like normal but I was so turned on that I was terrified it was becoming obvious.

One look at Joe and Collin made it even worse. They were both leaning forward, elbows on their knees, faces pinched like they were in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut again and clenched my teeth together. I was breathing too hard and I was absolutely horrified that there was going to be a wet spot under me when I got up.

“Are you okay, Ada? You’re breathing harder and you look a little flushed. Need a fan?” Jud, the asshole, sounded like he was fully aware of what was happening and was enjoying it.

“I’m great, Jud. Are you almost finished?”

Joe stood up and moved behind Jud to look at the canvas. “You’re amazing, Jud, but there’s something about the real thing that just can’t be beat.”

“Never beat. Just captured.” Jud cleared his throat and stood up. “I just need to adjust your hand, Ada. Don’t move. I’ll do it.”

I gasped at the feel of his hand on my lower stomach and trembled. I was painfully aroused and my body was basically vibrating with need. I met Jud’s eyes and watched as he inhaled deeply and licked his lips. He stroked his fingers over mine and slowly repositioned my hand, letting his knuckles brush over my stomach as he stood.

“Perfect. Don’t move.”

Right behind him, I could see Collin and Joe watching with heat in their gazes. I felt like a bunny rabbit waving its juicy ass in front of three starving wolves. Worse, I wanted to be eaten.

It was the look exchanged between brothers, a silent communication that passed in less than five seconds, that finally broke the spell. I knew that if I stayed for another minute, I was going to be fucked three ways to Sunday. No matter how much I wanted that, I didn’t understand it and that scared me.

I stood up and ran out of there with the sheet clutched to my chest and without my clothing. I thought I heard them call for me but I wasn’t sure. My blood was rushing through my body so hard and fast that I couldn’t hear anything but a roar in my ears. I made it into my room and locked the door once I was in. I wasn’t afraid of them. I was afraid of me and what it meant that I wasn’t afraid of them in that room. I’d wanted to spread myself out and offer my body to them. All of them.

Flinging myself into bed, the sheet brushing over my nipples, I couldn’t help it. I pressed my hand into my underwear and touched myself until I came with their names on my lips.



Istaredatmynewest painting of Ada and wiped sweat from my brow. “We scared her off.”

Joe groaned as he sat back down on the end of my bed. “Fuck. We came to talk to you about Ada and what we’re doing here. I didn’t mean to freak her out.”

Collin rubbed his hands down his face. “Let’s just forget that for a second. Or at least pretend to forget it. I know that I’ll never get that image out of my head, but I’m going to try for this conversation. We have to figure this out.”

“Figure what out?” I had an idea of what they wanted to talk about but they’d surprised me before.

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