Page 37 of Grumpy Makes Three

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When he didn’t react, I stopped and studied him. He’d gone pale and was staring from me to the paintings and back.

I stomped out of the room, slammed the door shut, and was immediately grabbed by Alex. Swearing under my breath, I made my way back to base to take my turn as seeker, but I couldn’t get Jud’s face out of my head. He’d looked shocked. If I didn’t know better I’d say that he hadn’t known he was painting me. It was beyond creepy and I wanted to avoid him for the rest of time. I also immediately felt guilty for being so mean to him, but I couldn’t help it. He’d scared me.

I was able to avoid him until dinner that night. Somehow, the Carringtons had gone from working through their meals to having their meals all together in the dining room once the island wouldn’t fit all of us. David was thrilled about it but it was still tense at times. The kids had gotten used to meals just being our time and suddenly their dads were there, stiffening up the place.

That night, I was sitting next to Kendall and Milo with Jud straight across from me. I could feel his eyes on me and I wanted to poke him in those pale blue eyes with a toothpick. He normally didn’t come to dinner. He was the brother who would take time with Milo if I handed Milo to him but he got so lost in his studio that if no one went and reminded him that he had a family, he’d never know. Yet, that night, there he was.

Kendall cleared her throat next to me and squeezed my hand under the table. I jerked my attention to her and smiled back, unsure of what was happening because I’d been so lost in my Jud thoughts. She stood up and blew out a shaky breath. “On Friday, I’m performing in a creative reimagining of Cinderella. I’m playing Cinderella and I’m inviting everyone to come and watch.”

She sank back into her seat after sending a long look to her dad. I grabbed her and hugged her instantly. “That’s amazing, Kenny! We’ll all be there, of course. Right?”

Collin grinned. “Of course, Kendall.”

My creepy stalker Jud raised his glass. “Congrats, kid. I’ll come support you.”

“Get ready to be so embarrassed, Kendall. You should’ve seen the way Ada screamed when we finished our presentation!” Avery laughed. “All my friends were like who’s that crazy lady?”

I scoffed. “Your friends sound like they need to liven up a bit.”

Collin laughed into his napkin. “I mean…we did get some strange looks.”

Kendall was focused on her dad. “Dad? Will you come?”

The room went silent and I held my breath until Joe nodded. “I’ll be there, Ken.”

Everyone exhaled and I felt a wave of happiness. Even Jud’s constant looks couldn’t bring me down. I even made David let me help serve dessert. When all the plates were cleared, we all stayed in our seats, a new sense of comfort amongst the table.

That was until Milo looked up at me and grinned. It was his mischievous grin and I knew I was in trouble the second he opened his mouth. “Shitty! Shitty!”

I palmed my face and shook my head at him. “No, no, Milo. We don’t say that.”

“Aya say shitty!”

I gasped. “Don’t tell on me, bud! I thought we were closer than that.”

Kendall cackled from beside me. “When he learns the rest of the English language, we’re all doomed. No one will be safe.”



Itossedandturnedin my bed trying to get comfortable. That sense of deja vu with Jud wasn’t going away, even after finding out he was a creep. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, trying to find whatever it was that was eating at me.

I even got up and took a hot bath in an effort to make myself tired enough to pass out. I crawled back in bed in just a t-shirt and lay there, staring at the ceiling with a frown on my face. If it hadn’t been so late, I would’ve called Mom and talked to her until I was tired, but there was nothing I could do.

The sound of my bedroom door creaking open startled me into sitting up and I stared through the darkness, waiting and watching for whoever was creeping in. My bedroom curtains were open and the moon cast enough light in that as Jud drew closer, I saw his face. I gasped and started to scoot away but he held out his hands and said something that kept me planted right where I was.

“The paintings aren’t new, Ada. They’re not new.” He stood in front of my bed in just a pair of loose joggers and I saw that he’d shaved. His hair was trimmed, too. He looked like a Carrington for once.

“What are you talking about?” I frowned. “Is it supposed to make me feel better that you painted me before I moved in here? How did you even know what I looked like or who I was? Why didn’t you say anything when I strolled in here with this face, the same face you’ve been painting? Or is it still a creepy thing that’s going on?”

He shook his head and inched closer. “I met a girl at a fair when I was younger, Ada. She didn’t give me her name or number but she promised she’d meet me at the fair the next night. She never showed. I couldn’t get her face out of my head, though. I couldn’t get…yourface out of my head.”

I went up on my knees in bed, shock and disbelief burning me up. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not. I didn’t recognize you because… I don’t know. I’m an idiot? No, that’s not completely true. The first time I saw you here, I felt like I knew you and I thought you looked similar to my fair girl. I’d just been locked away for days on end painting, though, and I convinced myself I was seeing things. When I saw you in that room today, though, I knew. You’re my mystery girl. You gave me your first kiss, Ada.”

Tears filled my eyes and I shook my head. “No. That’s impossible. I’d recognize… I’d… It’s not true.”

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