Page 36 of Grumpy Makes Three

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I tried not to let it bother me. I didn’t matter. Only the kids mattered. If he was mad at me, that was fine.

Just before the presentations started, I watched Collin stand up and make a beeline for me. I also noticed multiple heads turning to watch him. Of course, he looked amazing in a bespoke suit. I crossed my arms over my chest and tipped my chin up, determined to remain calm and unbothered.

Collin stopped right in front of me and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

Calm and unbothered flew out the window. I gasped. “What?”

He frowned. “Don’t make me regret saying it, Ada.”

I reached out and picked imaginary lint off his shoulder. “So, what exactly are you sorry for?”

“I don’t understand how someone who looks so sweet can be so damn evil.” He caught my chin and tugged my face closer to his. “I’m sorry I was an ass. I’ve been trying so fucking hard to be better with my boys, Ada, and I hated the reminder that I’ve been so shitty. I shouldn’t have been such a dick to you.”

Something came over me, stupidity probably, and before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward and kissed him. I’d barely touched my lips to his, though, when my intelligence came back on and I pulled away and cleared my throat. “I think it’s about to start. Go sit down where the boys can see you.”

Collin studied my face and then shook his head. Grabbing my hand, he nodded at the seating. “Come on. They’ll want to see you, too.”

He held my hand all the way to our seats and when we sat and I tried to extract my hand, he grunted and held on. I shot him an exasperated look and he leaned in close to whisper in my ear.

“You kissed me, Ada. You have to let me hold your hand now.” His smirk was punch-worthy but I didn’t feel the same urge I usually did.

I sighed and refused to face him but I stopped trying to get my hand away from him. Even when his thumb stroked along my inner wrist and I shifted in my seat because I found myself getting turned on, I didn’t pull away.

Then, Alex and Avery were presenting their experiment and I watched in awe as they transformed in front of my eyes into two professional little men who spoke perfectly and sounded brilliant. I didn’t even realize I was clasping Collin’s hand tighter and tighter until the boys finished and I jumped up to cheer for them.

People stared at me but I didn’t care. I was so proud of them. When they left the stage, I sat back down and turned to Collin. “They were amazing! Did you know they could do that? They were-”

Collin slid his hand into my hair and kissed me. It was softer and sweeter than I would’ve ever expected from him and it took my breath away because of it. He pulled back slightly and stroked my cheek. “You didn’t breathe the entire time they were up there.”

I laughed and gently eased myself out of his hold. “I was in awe. Collin, they’re brilliant.”

He blinked a few times and nodded before turning back to the stage. “Their mother never cared for them the way you do. She left to chase bigger things when they were young and I was happy to see her go. Having a woman they care about celebrating them is nice. Thank you for staying. Can I drive you home?”

“I have a coffee date with a friend after this.” I saw his shoulders stiffen and had to fight the urge to assure him that it was with a woman. I was terrified of what we’d just done and I didn’t think it was a good idea to keep it up. I looked at the clock on my phone and stood up. “Actually, I’m running late. Tell the boys I’m so proud of them, okay?”

Before he could protest, I got myself out of there.



Thenextafternoon,whileKendall was at camp prepping for her play, the boys and I decided to play hide and seek. They were done with camp for the rest of the week and we had plenty of time to kill. Milo was sleeping in his room and I had a baby monitor attached to my hip so I’d know as soon as he woke up. Because of it being just the twins and me, it got extra competitive.

It was Alex’s turn to seek and I was hiding in a nook of the hallway. We had to make it back to base before we got caught and Alex was shockingly fast. I didn’t want to be the seeker again so I was determined to make it. I saw Alex turn down the hallway, away from me, so I pushed away from the nook and started creeping along the wall. I sucked in a sharp breath, though, when I heard Alex’s footsteps stop and shuffle backwards. I was next to a door and without a second thought, I slipped inside and shut the door as silently as I could.

Pressed against the door, I held my breath and listened to see if he went by. It was impossible to hear footsteps through the door, however, so I was blind. Frustrated, because I truly did not want to be the seeker in a massive mansion, I turned around and gasped. I was in some sort of storage area. It was just a normal room but there were hundreds of canvases lined up on the wall, against the walls, and even stacked high on shelves.

Deep down, I knew I should’ve left the room and minded my own business. I knew that Jud’s studio was off-limits but I didn’t think the room I was in was a studio. Maybe I was splitting hairs, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the art surrounding me.

I ventured deeper into the room, heart lodged in my throat as I took in piece after piece of Jud’s art. It was stunning. Dark colors smeared across canvas to create portraits that oozed sadness. I didn’t know how long I’d been in the room when I made my way into a back corner of the room and froze. My hand came up to cover my mouth and stop a scream from ripping out of my mouth. Staring back at me from the walls were dozens of…me. Well, fetishized younger me.

I stumbled farther into the corner and saw stacks of them, all of me. Hundreds of paintings of me, all painted by Jud. My heart thumped painfully in my chest as the creepiness of it all settled deep in my bones. I wanted to run but my feet felt frozen to the floor. I wanted to shout for Alex and Avery.

A creak of a floorboard behind me had me spinning around and screaming when I saw Jud standing there, furious. I’d never seen so much animation in his features and I didn’t like it. He wasn’t happy with me, at all.

“What the fuck are you doing in here? This room is private! Get out!” He marched towards me and tried to grab my arm to pull me out but I slapped his hand away, letting anger replace my fear.

“No wonder it’s private, you giant creep! Why the hell are you painting me? This is weird, even for the reclusive rich guy, Jud!” I shuddered and pushed past him. “Stop painting me, asshole!”

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