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“Hey, Jacqueline?” I went with another test of sharing like I’d done with Drake—something that definitely took balls.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I didn’t think I would ever be able to forgive you for the emotional pain I experienced as a child either—but I do.”

A soft sob sounded through the speaker, and I swallowed a few times to keep from crying with her.

“I—I understand why you were selfish in your reaction to Nancy’s truth,” I went on, my voice wobbly, “and while I won’t ever be able to forget about it, I promise I’m willing to move past it for the sake of our relationship.”

I didn’t know if she would acknowledge the point I’d tried to make or if her recent self-reflections would open her eyes to seeing the truth of my words. When she didn’t respond, I grew antsy, my backside shifting on the bed.

“You said you’re leaving Spain tomorrow,” I reminded her, figuring we’d had enough of the deep, soul-tiring talk and had enough to think about until her next call. “Where are you headed?”

She sighed before answering, as though thankful I changed the topic. “Greece.”

“Not fair,” I stated with the same pouty voice I’d always done as a child when she’d eat two glazed donuts and only ever allowed me one.

Light laughter tinkled through my phone’s speaker, encouraging a smile to my lips. Talk about a damned roller coaster. When had we last experienced a good memory, let alone one that inspired a positive reaction in both of us at the same time?

“You sound happy,” I said. “A hundred percent more than when you slaved away in that office.”

“Selling was the best decision I ever made apart from giving birth to you and falling in love with Devlin. He’s an incredible man.” Her voice broke again, and I wondered if she lamented Nancy’s transition or was flooded with thankfulness for the second guy she’d given her heart to. “The absolute best,” she whispered.

“I’m glad you found him.” I almost tacked on Mom but hesitated. We’d agreed on my calling her Jacqueline years ago, and it would take a lot of actions and words of healing between us before I would ever call her that again.

But I’d been truthful. I wouldn’t change the fact Jacqueline had gone off on a whim and married Devlin Hemmings. If she hadn’t, I never would have met Drake, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

The distance between Drake and I caused every muscle in my body to ache. I cried at night. Whined to no one but myself during the day. Dragged to get anything done due to heartache. But this conversation was like a hint of sunlight through the clouds, making the future a slight shade brighter.

We hung up a few minutes later, and I lay back on my bed, emotionally spent, staring at the ceiling as the unknowns shifted around inside me.

Something was taking place in Jacqueline’s heart, a new rhythm of thought that would eventually lead to harmony if she continued on her journey. Finally free from the burden to expand the Casswell empire I now believed her father had put on her, she allowed for some serious introspection.

She sought out a deeper meaning to her existence while enjoying vacationing with her husband, who still somehow adored the ground she walked on.

Perhaps when the day came for me to lay all the truth before her, she would understand why I wanted the same with the man I loved. Maybe I wouldn’t need to choose one path over the other after all.

Maybe fate drew them closer together and would soon have them join where healing and love could be given and accepted all around.

Chapter 27


Saturday afternoon, I lounged on Sean’s couch, my back to the wall of windows overlooking the wharf. The water was almost empty of boats due to it only being early March, and winter clung to Boston like a jealous bitch.

Zack sat beside me rather than Preston like I’d have preferred, Jimmy on my other side. Another couch held three other current employees, none of which I was super close with. Couldn’t even wrack my brain to remember their names.

A bottle of Sam Adams sweated in my hand as I attempted to watch the Bruins take on the Lightning.

The absence of Preston lay heavily on my mind, keeping my spirits low as they’d been for going on three weeks.

Sean knew everything. I’d finally spilled what I’d kept from him about my time living in New York. He’d listened patiently rather than behaving like a brat, teasing or prompting me to hurry so he could get back to his Teach.

Like I’d expected, there had been no judgment, simply a desire to rip Jacqueline a new one and welcome Preston into the fold whenever he was ready to take that step. That was why I had extended the invitation, in hopes that Preston would see that there were people who wouldn’t look at us strangely or believe us being in a relationship was wrong.

My best friend knelt beside Matteo, who sat in a recliner, his cheek resting on his lover’s knee. Never had I ever expected Sean to portray any type of submissive tendencies in front of his past and present employees, but that just went to show how much love could change a man to the point he didn’t give two fucks what other people thought about how he lived his life.

He took pride in needing Matteo, and not a single guy in the room voiced a teasing word like usual whenever we got together. But it was all done in fun.

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