Page 81 of The Boss

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My body shuddering with the need for relief, I thrust in and out, losing myself in the warmth of her pussy. When she cried my name again, and her cunt clamped around me as she climaxed, I shouted hoarsely and drove in one final time. With another shout, I came hard, my body shaking and twitching above Riley’s, my breath whistling in and out of my lungs as the pleasure rocked me to my very core.

I collapsed on top of her, and she made a soft ‘oof,’ the knuckles of her hand digging into my abdomen as she patted my back with her free hand. “Deacon, can’t breathe.”

I pushed to my knees with a groan, muttering a curse when I pulled out.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“The condom broke,” I said.

I slid off the bed and walked into the bathroom, disposing of the torn condom before I brought a warm cloth and hand towel back to the bed. I sat on the side of the bed and patted Riley’s knee. “Open.”

She spread her thighs, and I wiped the cloth across her pussy. I ignored the stupid satisfaction that settled over me as I watched my cum drip out of her body. If Riley wasn’t on birth control, we were in big fucking trouble.

I cleaned her carefully and then dried her with the towel before tossing both in the hamper and sitting on the bed beside her. She sat up and clutched the sheet to her body. “I’m on birth control.”

“Thank God,” I said and then grimaced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean -”

She laughed shakily. “Deacon, trust me, I am just as relieved as you are.”

“Sorry,” I said again.

“It’s not your fault it broke,” she said, then paused. “Although you were riding me pretty hard there at the end, maybe it was your fault.”

I gaped at her, and Riley burst into laughter. “Oh my God, the look on your face right now.”

“Did you just say I was ‘riding you pretty hard’?” I asked.

“Am I wrong?” she asked.

“No, but when did my sweet Riley get replaced by this naughty girl?” I asked with a grin.

“I can be both,” she said.

I laughed, and any awkwardness between us disappeared. I leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. “That was amazing, Riley. Thank you.”

She cupped my face, giving me an affectionate look. “I know my medical records are part of my information package the agency sends you, but I’m happy to show them to you again if -”

“No,” I said, “I’m not worried about it. Do you need to see mine again?”

“Nope,” she said.

She sat back before clearing her throat. “Okay, well, it’s getting late, so I should go.”

“You could go,” I said, “or you could have a sleepover at my house and be guaranteed at least two more orgasms.”

She giggled and planted a kiss on my mouth. “Make it three orgasms and throw in a sandwich since I’ve worked up an appetite, and you have a deal.”

I pulled her close and gave her a long, slow kiss. “Deal.”



“Scootch forward, baby.”

Without opening my eyes, I sat up in the tub and wiggled forward. Deacon climbed in behind me, stretching his long legs out on either side of me. I sighed happily as I leaned back against his chest. “Have I been in the tub too long?”

He laughed. “I don’t know, is two hours too long?”
