Page 80 of The Boss

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“Then do what I tell you.” I pushed my dick back into her mouth, pleased with how she stayed completely still while I fucked her mouth. I pushed deep, the head of my cock slipping down her throat, and then I pulled back, letting her take a breath before I did it again. Over and over, I slid into her mouth, forcing her to take me deeper each time until her lips touched my pubic hair and her throat clenched around my cock.

“Fuuuck,” I moaned and pulled out.

Riley coughed and gagged, and I hauled her to her feet, wiping away my precum from her lips. “You did so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you,” she said hoarsely.

I kissed her, sliding my tongue into her mouth and fresh precum dripping from my cock when I tasted myself on her tongue. She clung to me, her body rubbing against mine eagerly as I cupped her breast and lightly pinched her nipple.

“Is my good girl ready for her reward?”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

I pushed her back on the bed. She bounced and giggled, and I grinned at her before nudging her legs apart and settling on my stomach between them. I licked her soft pussy lips, and her giggles died out. She clutched my head, moaning loudly when I attacked her clit with my lips and tongue.

I’d wanted to draw this out, to tease and torment, but my cock was throbbing for release, and all I could think about was being inside of her. I sucked and licked, sliding two fingers into her and thrusting roughly as her hips bucked against me.

I lifted my head and nipped her inner thigh hard. She cried out, her body jerking before she stared at me. “Sir?”

“Say my name when you come, good girl.”

“I will,” she moaned. “I will… just please… I need it. Please.”

I licked her inner thighs before licking her swollen clit. She jerked and cried out, her hands digging into my scalp as she ground her pussy against my face. I licked her clit again and then sucked hard on it.

“Deacon!” She shrieked my name, her hips jutting forward and her body shaking wildly. Fresh warm liquid coated my lips and tongue, and I cleaned away her sweet cream, my dick leaking copious amounts of precum against the quilt as I fought hard not to just get to my knees and bury my aching cock into her perfect body.

I sucked in a deep breath and kissed her round stomach before leaning over her and bracing my hands on either side of her head. My cock brushed against her pussy, and I groaned when she let her legs fall wide and stared hazily at me.

“Will you fuck me now, Deacon?”

“I want to, baby,” I rasped. “But only if you want that, too.”

“Yes,” she said. “I want that so much.”

I straightened, and she made a soft cry of disappointment. I rubbed her thigh as I leaned over and opened the nightstand drawer. “Give me a minute.”

She watched through half-lidded eyes, her perfect body splayed out below me. I rolled the condom on, gritting my teeth against even that slight sensation, and lined myself up at her entrance.

“Are you sure, baby?” I asked as my body screamed at me to make Riley mine.

“Yes.” She gripped my arms, pulling my body down so she could press a kiss against my mouth. “I want you to fuck me, Deacon.”

I groaned and slid into her with one hard thrust. She was tight, so fucking tight, and I stopped immediately, afraid I would blow my load right then and there at the feel of her exquisite cunt.

“Deacon?” She rubbed my chest, staring at me with the perfect combination of sultry vixen and innocent virgin. “Why did you stop?”

“You feel so fucking good,” I groaned. “Your little cunt is a vice around my cock, baby. You fit me so perfectly.”

She flushed pink, but the self-satisfied smile on her face was way too fucking adorable. I leaned down and pressed a kiss against her mouth before making a few experimental thrusts. We both moaned, and she gripped my waist before hooking her thighs around my waist. “Fuck me, Deacon.”

“Yes, Riley,” I said.

I tried to move slowly, tried to draw out the pleasure for as long as I could, but within minutes I was fucking her with deep, hard strokes. Her soft body cushioned mine perfectly, and her pussy clung to every inch of my dick as I drove in and out of her.

Her soft cries spurred me on, and I leaned down to suck hard on one nipple before I said, “Touch yourself, baby. Make yourself come while I fuck you.”

She wiggled her hand between our bodies, crying out when she rubbed her clit. Her pussy clenched hard around me, and I groaned at the added pressure. Fuck, that might have been a bad idea.
