Page 82 of The Boss

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I turned my head to stare at him. “Two hours? Seriously?”

“Yep,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I lost track of time, although I should have realized it with how many times I’ve had to add hot water to the bath.”

He pressed a kiss against my temple. “It’s fine. I like having you naked in my tub.”

“I like having you naked in your tub with me,” I said.

I could feel his cock pressing against the small of my back, but he simply trailed his finger up and down my arm. “How’s your pussy?”

I laughed. “Fine.”

“I know you’re sore,” he said before rubbing my thigh under the water. “It’s been a couple of years for you.”

“You remembered that?” I asked.

“I remember everything you tell me,” he said.

I leaned against him, warmth that had nothing to do with the water temperature making me flush. “It’s sorer than I expected.”

He rubbed my thigh again, and I said teasingly, “It’s because I’m not used to such a large dick.”

He didn’t laugh, and I twisted to stare at him again, a little surprised at the guilt on his face. “Hey, it’s no big deal.”

“It is,” he said. “I don’t like that I’ve hurt you. I should have been more gentle with you, shouldn’t have made you have sex with me three times.”

“You didn’t make me do anything, and I’m the one who initiated sex this morning. Besides, it’s not that sore,” I said.

He just frowned and pulled me against him again. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his body and the warmth of the water.

“I have a present for you,” Deacon said after a few minutes.

“You do?”

He nodded and reached over the side of the tub to hand me a brown paper bag. “Sorry, it’s not wrapped. This was the best I could do for a gift bag.”

I smiled and sat up, taking the small bag from him. “I don’t care. When did you have time to buy me a present? You don’t even have a car right now. Wait,” I gave him a suspicious look, “did you drive Marvin?”

He laughed. “God, no. I prefer my cars to have power windows and power steering.”

“Hey, be nice to Marvin,” I said. “He can’t help it if he doesn’t have fancy bells and whistles.”

He also doesn’t have a horn, a working muffler, or airbags,” he said.

I just wrinkled my nose at him. “Seriously, how did you get me a present?”

“Prime delivery is an amazing thing,” he smiled. “Open your gift, please.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” I said tartly before reaching into the bag. I pulled out the book, gasping with surprise. “Oh my God, the new Lisa Gardner book! Deacon, you bought me the new Lisa Gardner book!”

“I did,” he said.

I carefully put the book back in the bag and set it on the floor before turning and kissing him. “That was so nice of you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He linked his hands together at the small of my back, and we kissed, a slow, deep one that made me forget all about my sore pussy.

He cupped my breast, teasing my nipple lightly as we kissed repeatedly. I rubbed against his erection, and he placed a hand on my hip. “No, baby.”
