Page 79 of The Boss

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I could, but I didn’t want to. Right or wrong, I wanted Riley here tonight because she wanted to be here, not because I was paying her.

Riley sat on the bed, and I sucked in a harsh breath when she ran her fingers over my dick before reaching for my belt.

“Riley,” I said, my voice hoarse, “you don’t have to do this.”

She paused in unbuckling my belt, staring up at me with those pretty brown eyes. “I want to do this. Don’t you want me to?”

I reached out and smoothed my thumb across her cheekbone. “So fucking much, baby.”

Her smile was adorably cheeky. “Then be my good boy and take off your pants, Mr. Cross.”



“I want my good girl naked while she’s sucking my dick,” I said.

“Yes, Mr. Cross.” She stood, and we helped each other remove clothing until we were both naked.

I cupped one breast, teasing her nipple with my thumb before sliding my hand down her body and between her legs. She gasped, her hands digging into my arm when I easily slid two fingers into her entrance.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet already.”

“I’ve been wet since I walked through the front door,” she said. “It’s embarrassing.”

“It isn’t,” I said, brushing my thumb across her clit.

“You need to stop doing that, or I’ll forget what I’m supposed to do,” she said.

I gave her clit one last rough swipe before pulling my hand free. “We can’t have that.”

She went to sit on the bed again, and I shook my head before dropping a pillow on the floor. “Good girls suck cock on their knees.”

She knelt gracefully on the pillow, staring at me as I stepped closer. I held the base of my dick and cupped the back of her head. “Open, good girl.”

She opened, and I groaned as I fed my cock inch by inch into her hot mouth. I watched her lips stretch around my width, and she made a muffled sound when the head brushed against the back of her throat. I pulled back a little and rubbed my thumb along her cheekbone. “Suck.”

She sucked hard, bobbing her head back and forth, keeping her gaze on mine as I watched my dick sliding in and out of her mouth.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I told her as I smoothed her hair back from her face. I shook my head when she tried to wrap her hand around my base. “No. Keep your hands in your lap.”

She dropped them obediently, and I pushed further, forcing her to take more of my cock. Her eyes widened, and she made another muffled sound before trying to pull back. I cupped her skull hard. “No, baby. You need to learn to take more. Relax your jaw and your throat.”

She didn’t relax, and I gave her a stern look. “Do as I say, Riley.”

She sucked in a deep breath through her nose and relaxed her jaw. I fed her another inch, watching her carefully as she gave me a slightly panicked look.

“Shh, baby, you’re doing so well. Can you take a little more for me?”

She shook her head, and I smiled at her. “I think you can. If you do, if you’re my good girl who sucks my dick like I tell her to, I’ll eat your sweet pussy for you.”

She made a soft moan, and when she reached to rub her clit, I said, “Don’t you dare touch yourself, sweet Riley. Your pussy is for me and only me. Do what I say, and you’ll get your reward.”

I pulled out of her mouth to give her a chance to take a few deep breaths. “Deacon, I…”

“Do you want your pussy eaten, Riley?”

“Yes, sir,” she said.
