Page 6 of The Boss

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“Fine, but you know you have to visit us, right?” Jamie said. “That’s non-negotiable.”

“I know,” I said.

Jamie grinned at me, and a wave of sadness washed over me. Jamie was my boss, but I also considered him a friend.

“I’m really going to miss you,” I said.

“I’m gonna miss you too, Ry,” he said. He stood and walked toward me. “You’ve been the best assistant I’ve ever had. I mean that.”

“You’ve been the best boss I’ve ever had,” I said, my voice hoarse.

Jamie hesitated before hugging me. I returned his hug, my voice muffled in his suit jacket when I said, “Tell me again that I’ll get along just fine with Mr. Rainer.”

He stepped back, holding me by my shoulders as he studied me. “You will get along fine with him. He’s different from me and how I work, but you are amazing at your job, and he will quickly realize how valuable you are. Just be yourself, okay?”

“I’m not sure I’ll like working for a CFO who acts like an accountant,” I said.

Jamie laughed. “Hey, I can be accountant-like if I work at it.”

“Sure, you can,” I said. My voice wavered a little, and Jamie squeezed my shoulders.

“It will be fine, I promise. Is he the friendliest guy in the world? No, but we don’t come to work for hugs and kisses, do we?”

I laughed. “No, we don’t. But I wish I could have at least met him. The guy starts on Monday, and I’ve never even spoken to him.”

“It was bad timing that you were on holiday when we interviewed and hired him,” Jamie said. “But I’ve told him exactly how competent and amazing you are, so he’s already impressed.”

“Or, his expectations will be incredibly high,” I said.

“You know you can meet them,” Jamie said.

I paused before giving him a cheeky smile. “Yeah, I can.”

He laughed. “There’s the Riley I know and love. Okay, we have an insane afternoon, and if I don’t get this shit done before Friday, Aiden will have my fucking head. He’s already pissed with me that I’m leaving right before our year end madness. And if Aiden murders me before I can move to Montana with Alison, she’ll be very disappointed in you and me.”

“Well, we can’t have that,” I said. “Let’s get this shit done.”

Jamie grinned. “Let’s get this shit done.”



“Since when did you get nervous breaking in a new girl?”

I scowled. I loved Leo, the guy had been my best friend since high school, but I hated it when he got crude about our kink.

“You know I hate that term,” I said.

“They use it all the time at the club with newbies,” Leo said.

“That doesn’t make it appropriate. We’re teaching them, not breaking them in like they’re goddamn horses,” I said.

“Okay, don’t get your panties in a bunch.” Leo leaned against the quartz covered island. “Doesn’t answer my question about why you’re nervous.”

“I’m not.” I wiped the dishcloth over the counter.

“Horseshit. That’s the twelfth time you’ve cleaned the counter, and you only obsessively clean when you’re nervous,” Leo said.
