Page 7 of The Boss

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I sighed. “It’s apprehension, not nerves. And can you blame me? You know what happened with Eloise.”

“Sure, but that was a year and a half ago.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since Eloise.”

Leo’s eyes widened, and he scrubbed a hand through his short dark hair. “You haven’t had sex in a year and a half?”

“I’ve had vanilla sex,” I said. “Neither woman had a clue about my kink. In fact, they were both more dominant in bed, a zero on the praise kink scale, and didn’t give one fuck about being my good girl.”

“Did you even come when you fucked them?” Leo asked with his usual bluntness.

“Yes,” I said.

“But it took some work, huh?” Leo grinned at me.

I sighed. “Maybe.”

“Why did you even bother? We like what we like, man, and you’re the last person I would have thought would try to deny himself.”

I swiped the cloth over the gleaming faucet. “After Eloise, even the thought of a woman on her knees in front of me made me sick to my stomach. I thought maybe it was better to return to vanilla sex. It didn’t work.”

“She did a real fucking number on you, bud,” Leo said sympathetically.

I took a deep breath. “She did, but I’ve healed.”

“Have you?” Leo asked. “You’ve been away from the kink lifestyle for nearly two years. You haven’t even been to the club in over three years. I don’t mean to be a dick, but are you sure this is the right timing for you to break in - I mean - teach a newbie?”

I didn’t reply, mostly because I knew there was some truth to what he said. It wasn’t the best timing, and a part of me wished I’d never responded to Celeste’s email.

“You should ease back into it at the club first,” Leo said. “Hell, at least a dozen women there would be happy to be your good girl. Sabrina still talks about the life-changing orgasm you gave her, and that was five fucking years ago.”

When I continued to remain silent, he said, “I know you love the newbies, but you should be with someone who knows what to do and expect with their kink. Eloise was a newbie and look how that turned out.”

“I know,” I said with a hint of irritation. “But I can’t help what I like, and this girl Celeste and Catherine are sending me is…”

“What?” Leo asked.

“She’s beautiful,” I said. “I looked at her picture, and it was like a punch to the gut. Just imagining her on her knees had me hard as a fucking rock.”

“Tell me she doesn’t look like Eloise,” Leo said.

“She’s the exact opposite,” I said. “She’s dark-haired with brown eyes, and she’s curvy.”

“So, great tits then?” Leo asked with a grin.

“She’s beautiful,” I repeated, “and the opportunity to help her be the perfect good girl is a temptation I can’t resist.”

“Hey, I get it,” Leo said. “It’s my kink, too, remember? I just don’t want what happened with Eloise to happen here, and I can’t help feeling like returning to that damn agency is a huge mistake. You know the twin grannies only want you back for the ‘100% satisfaction guaranteed’ shit they tout to every client, right?”

“You know that calling them the twin grannies to their faces is why they suddenly stopped having any women who fit your needs, right?” I said.

Leo laughed hard. “Fuck, yeah, I know. I thought Catherine was going to slice off my head Highlander style.”

Despite my nerves, I laughed. “You’re lucky she didn’t.”

Leo just shrugged. “I prefer the club, anyway. Way less fucking expensive.”

“I appreciate you being worried, but I have a no fucking clause this time,” I said. “So, it’ll be fine.”
