Page 5 of The Boss

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I had only taken a few steps out of the elevator when the toddler, his dark hair sticking every which way and a wide grin on his face, came around the corner. His face lit up when he saw me, and I immediately crouched and held out my arms.

He giggled and staggered down the hallway in that awkward drunken sailor sway that all toddlers just learning to walk had. I scooped him into my arms and smothered his face with kisses as he giggled again.

“Hi, Noah baby. How’s my favourite boy?”

He grinned at me and patted my face with his sticky fingers before resting his head on my chest.

“Oh, Noah, you’re covered in banana.” His mom, Lina, came hurtling around the corner. Well, as much as one could hurtle when they were eight months pregnant. “Sorry, Riley.”

“You know I don’t care,” I said before kissing Noah’s cheek. “How are you, Lina?”

“Good,” she said, “Except for the terrible heartburn and swollen ankles. Such a cliche, right? But here I am.”

“Well, you look very glowy and beautiful,” I said.

“Liar,” she said with a laugh. “But you are my favourite for lying so well about it.”

I smiled at her as Noah lifted his head and peered over my shoulder. He made an excited squeal before shouting, “Da!” and squirming to be free. I set him down, turning to watch him lurch his way down the hall to the tall, dark-haired man who scooped him up and kissed his cheek before settling him in the crook of his arm.

He joined us, and the look he gave Lina made me get all weirdly gooey inside. What I wouldn’t give to have a guy look at me like I was the only person who mattered.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Wright,” I said.

“Hello, Ms. Gates.” He didn’t take his gaze from Lina.

“Hi, honey.” Lina smiled at him as he leaned down to press a kiss against her mouth.

“How was the appointment?” He stared anxiously at her.

“It was fine, Aiden. No worries, everything is normal.”

“I knew I should have gone,” he said.

Lina laughed. “You couldn’t miss the meeting. Besides, I just told you that everything is normal. Our girl is baking up just fine.”

Aiden rested his hand on her belly before kissing Noah again. “Were you a good boy for your mama at the appointment?”

Noah nodded. “Mama, more banana?”

“Yes, you may have some more,” Lina said. “But I left it in Daddy’s office.”

Aiden took Lina’s hand before turning to me. “Jamie is looking for you.”

“Thank you,” I said. With a wave at Lina, I turned down the hallway toward Jamie’s office. My desk was in a small alcove outside of Jamie’s office, and I dropped off my purse and jacket before knocking on Jamie’s door.

“Come in!”

I stepped into the office, smiling a little at the chaos of his office. As the company's CFO, Jamie was the exact opposite of what most people thought an accountant should be. He was funny and personable, and while he was incredibly smart and did his job well, he tended to be unorganized. I didn’t mind, to be honest. Helping Jamie do his job well, knowing that I was part of what made our department run so smoothly, made me happy. Just another part of my praise kink, I supposed. I wasn’t the least bit attracted to Jamie, but I still craved his approval, and it made me happy when he thanked me for a job well done or made it clear that he would be lost without me.

“Hey, Jamie, I’m back from lunch.”

“Thank God,” he said. “I have about a billion things to clear up before Friday, and it might take a friggin’ miracle to do it.”

I laughed. “I specialize in miracles, so don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

He stopped his frantic typing and leaned back in his chair. “I know you do, Riley. Are you sure I can’t convince you to move to Montana and work with me there? Alison keeps reminding me we have a guest house on the ranch that you’re more than welcome to live in.”

“You and your fiancee are sweet, and I love you both, but I can’t live on a horse ranch in the middle of Montana. I’m a city girl, through and through,” I said.
