Page 50 of The Boss

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“Unbutton your pants,” he muttered against my breast.

My shaky fingers struggled to unbutton them, and he nipped at the underside of my breast before giving my ass a hard spank. “Obey me, baby.”

“I’m trying,” I whimpered.

I finally got the button undone and zipper down, crying out when Mr. Steele immediately stuck his hand into my pants and rubbed my clit with rough circles. I rocked against his fingers, gasping when he slid them along my slit and then thrust two fingers into my tight core.

“Fuck my fingers, baby,” he said. “Ride my hand like the good girl you are.”

I moaned his name before doing what he asked, thrusting myself down over and over on his fingers. I clenched around him, tamping down my urge to beg him for his cock. His fingers weren’t enough, not long enough, not thick enough. I needed more.

“Please,” I whined, “I need…”

He gripped the back of my neck with his free hand, pulling me in close. I rubbed my tits against his chest, the rough hair teasing my sensitive nipples as he kissed me and said, “What do you need, baby? This?”

He curled his fingers inside of me and pressed hard against my g-spot. Hot fire raced through my veins, and I shrieked his name as I came in a haze of hot bliss. I shook against him, clutching frantically at his shoulders as my climax went on and on until I collapsed in a boneless, moaning mess against his chest.

Mr. Steele pulled his hand out of my pants and wrapped both arms around me. I clung to him, listening to his soft words of praise and enjoying the warmth of his hands as he rubbed my back.

I had no idea how long we sat together on the couch, but I was almost dozing when Mr. Steele shifted below me and helped me to sit up before sliding me off his lap and onto the sofa beside him.

I yawned, my entire body like a wet noodle, as I watched Mr. Steele stand and pull up his pants. He put on his shirt but didn’t bother to button it before glancing at the clock on the wall.

Shit! I sat up in a hurry and pulled on my shirt before standing. It was half an hour past our scheduled two hours, and while I appreciated that Mr. Steele hadn’t sent me home without making me climax first, lounging around on his furniture like I was his damn girlfriend or something was ridiculous and a little humiliating.

“Sorry,” I said as I smoothed my hair and buttoned and zipped my pants.

“For what?” he asked.

“Keeping you longer than our scheduled two hours,” I said. I hurried for the office door. “We missed a chunk of it, though, because of my meltdown, so we’ll just call it two hours, okay?”

“Charlotte, you don’t -”

His phone rang, and he glanced at it, frustration crossing his face. “I have to take this.”

“Right, okay. Have a nice evening, Mr. Steele. Thank you for… everything.”

“Charlotte,” his phone rang again, but he ignored it, “I won’t be booking you for Sunday.”

My stomach dropped, and he must have seen the misery on my face because he said quickly, “Because I have prior plans that can’t be changed.”

“Oh, okay,” I said. “Thank you for letting me know. Maybe I’ll see you next week, then?”

“You will,” he said.

I left his office, the pleasure from my orgasm gone and my disappointment so thick that I could practically taste it in the air. I wouldn’t see Mr. Steele for an entire week. I wouldn’t get to be his good girl for seven whole days.

I closed the bathroom door, leaning briefly against it before I reached for my bra and panties. Why did that thought upset me so much?



“Hello, Riley. Happy Friday.”

I glanced up from my computer, my wide smile making my sore bottom lip sting. “Lina, hi! How are you?”

One hand resting on her massive belly, she leaned a hip against my desk. “No longer able to see my own feet, and so ready for this kid to make her appearance.”
