Page 49 of The Boss

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He groaned, his hips bucking, and a bead of precum appeared at the slit. I ignored the sliver of apprehension working its way up my spine. I hated the taste of cum, but there was no way in hell I’d let Mr. Steele even suspect that. I needed to be his good girl tonight, and a good girl didn’t have a problem with bad tasting cum in her mouth.

I leaned forward. My tits brushing against his bare thighs made him groan again, and I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and licked clean the precum that now slicked the entire head. My eyes widened, and I stared up at him as I released him with a soft pop.

Concern flickered across his face, and he cupped my face, his thumb rubbing lightly across my lip. “What’s wrong? Did you hurt your lip?”

I shook my head, my amazement making me blurt out, “You don’t taste bad.”

He blinked at me. “Okay?”

“Before you… it was… I mean, it normally tastes bad, so I thought you would, too, but you don’t. You taste… oh God, what am I doing?” I groaned inwardly as he grinned. I was making a fool of myself.

Embarrassed and desperate to make him forget how ridiculous I was, I took him deep into my mouth, nearly gagging myself on his length but pulling back in time to save me from that embarrassment.

“Fuck!” His deep voice rang out in the office, and his hands curled in my hair when I gripped his base and sucked hard, hollowing my cheeks.

“Fuck, Charlotte… oh fuuuck,” he moaned, his hips arching.

Delighted by his reaction, I sucked enthusiastically, using plenty of tongue and stroking the base as I sucked him. He pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail. “Look at me.”

I stared up at him, my pussy clenching uselessly around nothing when he said, “You’re so beautiful, Charlotte. Can you take more of me?”

I nodded around his cock and did my best to relax my throat as I slid more of him into my mouth.

“Good,” he moaned, his hands gripping my hair as he used it to guide me back and forth over his dick. “Stay nice and still while I fuck your mouth. Can you do that for me, good girl?”

I made a soft sound of assent, and he ran his thumb over my cheekbone. “That’s my good girl, sweet Charlotte.”

His praise warmed me from the inside out, and I stared up at him as, his hips thrusting and his hands holding me tight, he fucked my mouth with long, deep strokes. He kept up a stream of praise mixed with dirty talk, and with every ‘you’re so beautiful,’ ‘you look so fucking pretty sucking my cock’, ‘you’re my good girl,’ the anxiety and stress that had a stranglehold on me chipped away.

I lost track of time and no longer noticed how sore my lip and my knees were. I let myself float on the delicious taste of Mr. Steele’s cock, on the praise that fell from his lips, on the look of approval and affection on his face.

His thrusts were slowing now, his breath growing harsher, and groans and quiet moans replacing his words. I sucked a little harder and cupped his heavy balls. They twitched in my hand, and he cried out when I gently squeezed them before giving them a light tug.

“Fuck, baby,” he groaned. “I want to come in your mouth. Will you be my good girl and swallow my cum?”

I pulled off long enough to give him a hoarse, “Yes, Mr. Steele.”

He moaned, his hand cupping the back of my head and urging me back onto his cock. I went willingly, sucking hard as I played with his balls and kept my gaze planted on his face. His pupils had blown wide, making it nearly impossible to see where they ended, and his dark irises began. A frantic look of need on his face, he pumped rapidly into my mouth and made a hoarse shout.

Warm liquid filled my mouth, and I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed again, trying to take everything he gave me as my pussy throbbed and ached and demanded to be filled. His body shaking, he emptied himself into my mouth, his fingers holding my hair tightly before he collapsed against the couch.

“Holy fuck, baby,” he whispered.

I clenched my thighs together, dismay washing over me when Mr. Steele’s phone alarm went off. Our play session was over, and I would have to go home and masturbate if I wanted an orgasm.

Mr. Steele grabbed his phone from the side table and shut off the alarm as I climbed to my feet. I smiled at him, hoping my disappointment wasn’t written all over my face. “Good night, Mr. Steele.”

He grabbed my wrist and growled, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Our session is over,” I said.

“Straddle me,” he demanded.

“Mr. Steele, I -”

“Do as I say, Charlotte.”

Disobeying him wasn’t even an option for me. I straddled his bare thighs, crying out when he cupped my breasts and sucked hard on my right nipple and then my left. I gripped his shoulders, gasping and moaning as he teased me with hard sucks and licks.
