Page 51 of The Boss

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“You look amazing,” I said.

She laughed. “Uh-huh. How are you doing?”

“I’m great,” I lied.

I looked away from her sharp gaze, my eyes dropping to the light gray pit bull next to Lina. Her muzzle was pure white, and her eyes a little milky, but she wagged her tail when I smiled at her. “Daisy! Hi, sweet girl.”

She walked stiffly around the desk, her tail still wagging, and placed her big blocky head on my thighs. I petted her gently, running my fingers over her forehead before scratching behind her ears like I knew she liked. “How are you, honey? Where’s your boyfriend?”

“King is at home with Noah. My bestie Tracy agreed to babysit while I took Daisy to the vet for her annual. But I’m pretty sure Tracy might drop me as a best friend after this - King and Noah were hyper as hell when I left. I may or may not have stopped in to see Aiden, hoping that King and Noah would both be having their afternoon nap by the time I got home. Aiden needed to take a quick phone call, so I thought I’d pop by and say hello.”

I laughed and stroked Daisy’s head again. “I’m glad you did. Is Daisy good?”

“She is,” Lina said. We do twice-annual vet visits now because of her age. She turned fifteen last month, but the vet said she’s doing fantastic considering her age. Her bloodwork is the bloodwork of a ten-year-old Pitbull, he said.”

“That’s wonderful,” I said.

“Riley, are you okay?” Lina asked.

“Of course,” I said. “I’m great.”

“You seem a little off,” she said.

“Just a long week,” I said.

“Have you spoken with Jamie since he left?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, we text once or twice a week, and Alison video-called me last weekend to give me a tour of their ranch. She and Jamie want me to come out for a visit in the spring.”

“That’s great,” Lina said. “Will you?”

“I’ll try,” I lied. I barely had enough money for groceries, and no matter how much I missed Jamie and Alison, I couldn’t afford a plane ticket to Montana.

“Good,” Lina said. “I know you and Jamie were friends and -”

“Ms. Gates!” My boss’s angry voice bellowed out from his office and into the hallway despite his closed door. “Get the fuck in here, right now!”

My stomach crashed to the floor, and I gave Lina a look of pure panic before getting a hold of myself. My stomach twisting and churning, I stood up. “I have to go. Sorry, Lina.”

I hurried toward Mr. Rainer’s office, acutely aware of Lina staring at me as I knocked and then slipped inside his office, shutting the door behind me and joining him at his desk. “Yes, Mr. Rainer?”

“Tell me, Ms. Gates, are you lazy, or are you stupid?” Mr. Rainer stared at me from behind his desk, his face red with fury.

Bile burned the back of my throat. “Neither, sir.”

“Oh, I very much doubt that,” Mr. Rainer snarled. He stood and stalked around the desk toward me. I backed away, panic disorienting me as I stumbled in my heels. My ass hit the bookshelf on the far wall, and my throat tightened when Mr. Rainer stopped only inches from me, leaving me feeling small and trapped.

“What did I do wrong?” I asked.

He barked derisive laughter. “Of course, you wouldn’t even know what you did wrong. Because you’re a fucking idiot, and I am over having to deal with you.”

“I’m not sure what -”

“Quiet!” he barked, and I shrank back when spittle flew from his mouth. His nostrils flaring and his face bright red, he said, “You’re fired, Ms. Gates. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of the building.”

Close to crying but determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing it, I said, “You have to tell me what I did wrong.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything!” he shouted. “You are nothing, do you understand? You’re a fucking secretary and not even a good one. Jamie Parker couldn’t shut the fuck up about how amazing you were, and I had high expectations for you. But I guess because I’m not asking you to lie back and spread your fucking legs daily like Parker so obviously did, I’m not blind to your -”
