Page 4 of The Heir: Part 1

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Seven hours earlier


I’m jolted to the side as someone shoves me in the shoulder. My eyes snap open and I act on instinct, grabbing the arm of my attacker and throwing them to the side as I jump out of bed and block any further attempts at violence with my forearm across their throat.

My Dad is a survivalist, so me and my brother have been trained in multiple martial arts and forms of both attack and self-defense. We’ve done survival training in all environments and some pretty heavy-duty war scenario training. My dad is a lovable whack job, but if someone comes at me at least I know I can defend myself.

Blinking past the haze of sleep, I realize that my attacker is a tiny blonde teenage girl. At first I think it’s Tally, but the long pink nails clawing at my arm show me that it’s not my friend, it’s her evil doppelganger.

Releasing my hold on her throat I step back, narrowing my eyes at her. “What the fuck are you doing Crueligan?”

“Really you psycho, what am I doing?” she shrieks.

“You’re in my room in the middle of the fucking night, but I’m the psycho,” I snarl back.

“It’s five am, it’s hardly the middle of the night and I was trying to wake you up.”

“Why?” I demand, taking another step back and crossing my arms across my chest, not caring that I’m completely naked.

Like she’s just realized I’m not wearing any clothes, her gaze drops to my dick hanging between my legs. I’m well endowed, I’m not boasting, just stating a fact. I have a big dick and even completely uninterested like he is now, he’s still pretty impressive.

“Oh my god, can you put some clothes on?”

“No,” I say, pursing my lips.

Her eyes lift comically high, like she’s never seen a dick before, and I swear if it wasn’t dark in here she’d be bright red with embarrassment. “Look I need your help, okay?”

“What do you want me to help you with?” I ask, suspiciously.

Her sigh is audible as she twists her head to the side, her eyes still focused on the ceiling. “Can we go somewhere away from here to talk, where you have clothes on?”

“Look at me,” I demand.


“Because I don’t trust a single word out of your mouth, so if you’re asking me for something, I want you to be looking me in the face while you do it,” I snarl, shocked when she instantly complies.

“I just, I just need your help. Can we please just go somewhere away from my sister so we can talk in private?” she asks, her eyes full of something I don’t expect to see. Honesty and fear.

Assessing her for a long moment I nod. “Okay, give me five minutes to get dressed.”

Without saying a word, she rushes from my room and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my lips. Crueligan is embarrassed, how fucking adorable, the evil one goes shy at the sight of a dick. Less than five minutes later I stroll out of my room and into the dimly lit living room of the hotel suite. Carrigan is waiting for me, sat primly on one of the sofa’s wearing the dress she wore yesterday when she, Arlo, and Tally ran from their crazy parents’ house.

“I’m ready, where do you want to go?” I ask, my voice low.

“Anywhere we won’t be overheard,” she says meekly, swallowing thickly as she gracefully rises from the sofa and takes a step toward the door.

“We can go to my boat, the crew won’t be there,” I suggest, not really wanting her in my personal space but unsure where else we can go that will guarantee privacy.

“Okay,” she nods, placing a piece of paper on the coffee table before leading the way out of the room.

Stopping at the coffee table I pick up the note she just left and scan the contents. Placing it back down, I follow her out of the suite, staring at her perfect fucking ass swaying with each step she takes in her stupidly high heels. “How the fuck do you walk in those stilts?”

“Practice,” she snaps back, her tone full of snark and vitriol.

“Stop,” I demand and she freezes. “Turn the fuck around and look at me.”

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