Page 3 of The Heir: Part 1

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My parents lost their minds, I lost mine, and somehow everything I’ve done in the last three and a half years, the way I’ve lived my life to adhere to that old man’s rules, has led me here.

It’s my sister’s engagement party tonight. She’s marrying the boy my parents wanted to be mine. I don’t know if I ever really wanted him, or if I was just told I wanted him so many times that I started to believe it.

Arlo Lexington is from the right kind of family. My great-grandfather was a real peach when it came to picking my future husband. With that letter that damned me, he also provided a list of names of suitable husbands for me. They range from twenty years older than me all the way down to five years younger.

I’ve met them all, flirted with the ones my parents asked me to flirt with, ignored the ones they thought were beneath us. Everything I’ve done, every thought I’ve had for the last few years, has been about securing me a husband.

Another slightly crazed laugh falls from my lips and I’m glad that the room is empty, because right now I don’t know if I should be laughing or crying or screaming. My life went to shit the day that will was read, but it imploded when I watched my parents beat the hell out of my sister. Physically attack her, punch her, and slap her until she was cowering on the floor at their feet.

That was the moment I knew this was all wrong. That the person I’d allowed the money to make me was evil. That I was evil, that they were evil. But what do you do when you realize that about yourself? It’s not like you can just take it back. If I could I’d like to think I would. Or maybe I wouldn’t because despite it all, despite all the truly despicable things I’ve done since I first read that will, I still want the money.

I want the power that comes with it. I want to be wanted, envied, desired, and without that billion dollar pay out I’m just another rich girl.

Now I’m here, planning my own judgement, ruining my future, changing my whole life because I am a terrible person and bad people have to pay a penance for their actions. Today is my penance, my day of reckoning so to speak, and it all started at five o’clock this morning.

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