Page 15 of No Boundaries

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Lynn stood and kissed Jax on the cheek, and gave him a smile only a mother can give. “You two kids have fun!”

“Yeah, you two kids have fun!” Parker repeated with a wink in my direction.

Rolling my eyes at Parker, I turned to Lynn. “Have fun at the spa.”

“We will!” Lynn replied.

It was then I felt Jax take my elbow and guide us quickly out of the restaurant. It wasn’t long before we were climbing onto the boat to take us to another island to enjoy our kayak adventure.

“Look at the fish!” I exclaimed as I pointed through the crystal clear water. Before Jax could even reply, I gasped. “Look at that bird!”

Laughing, he leaned forward, and his warm breath against my exposed skin sent a shiver down my spine.

“Take a breath, Mel. You’re going to see all kinds of amazing things.”

The use of my nickname from his lips had me conjuring up all kinds of naughty scenes where he could whisper it again.

I pushed my dirty thoughts away and enjoyed the two-hour kayak tour. Once it was over, we strolled along the streets of Key West. I bought a few things for Lori and Parker, as well as some souvenirs for my family.

“Are you getting hungry?” Jax asked.

“I am!”

With a grin, he said, “I know an amazing restaurant where we can get lobster pizza.”

I crinkled my nose. “Lobster pizza?”

“Trust me, it’s mouth watering.”

Figuring that Jaxon would know all the best places to eat, I trusted him on the restaurant choice.

“It’s not that far if you’re up for walking a few more blocks.”

“Totally up for it!”

I leaned against the back of the booth and sighed. “I’m so full! That was the best pizza of my life.”

Jax winked. “And to think you doubted me.”

Laughing, I replied, “I’ll admit I did at first, but it was so good.”

He tossed his napkin onto his plate and looked at me with a quizzical expression. “What are the bars and restaurantslike in Austin ?”

The question caught me off guard for a moment. “Um, well, I haven’t really went out to eat a whole lot since I was finishing up nursing school and all, but I think we have some pretty good places to eat. As far as bars go, Lori and Parker are your go-to girls for that. I’m not much of a bar person.”

Lifting his one brow, he asked, “Why not?”

I chewed on my lip before I let out a nervous laugh. “Well, after we started college, I slowly began putting weight on. Bad food choices and lack of moving my body. Anyway, it got to be too hard for me to go out and watch guys hit on Lori and Parker while I sat at the table by myself. I knew I was feeling sorry for myself, but it hurt, and I already had enough going on in my life to add self loathing to the list.”

Jax frowned and reached across the table, taking my hand in his. “Amelia, you’re beautiful and would be beautiful regardless of what the number on the scale says.”

“I know that now, but I would be lying to you if I didn’t say when I look in the mirror I still see that insecure, overweight girl in the mirror.”

He slowly shook his head. “Any man who walks past you and doesn’t see what is right in front of his damn eyes is a fool.”

My cheeks heated and I looked away, not wanting to read what his intense eyes were saying at that moment.

“Well, anyway, if you want to know about the bars in Austin, Lori or Parker could tell you. Why are you wanting to know?”

A small little bubble of hope started to rise up as I waited for his answer.

Giving me a wide grin, he replied, “I’m thinking about moving to Austin and possibly opening a bar.”

“Are you serious?” I nearly shouted, then covered my mouth in a sad attempt to hide my delight at his news. Dropping my hand, I frowned. “But what about your father? I thought your mom was here to talk you into returning with her.”

He rolled his eyes. “That is my father and mother’s dream. Not mine. I want to do something I enjoy that will allow me to be around when I end up getting married and raising a family.”

The idea of Jax doing that with another woman made my chest ache.

“I don’t blame you for wanting to follow your own dreams. I’m glad my parents never pressured me one way or another.”

Smiling, he squeezed my hand. “I am too.”

We fell into silence for a few moments before Jax said, “Come with me tomorrow night to see the fireworks. I know the best place on the island to watch them.”

“Really?” I asked with a grin that I’m sure was most likely way too big. “And where would that be?”

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