Page 14 of No Boundaries

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Amelia cleared her throat once again, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. “Um…”

“How is the breakfast?” I asked.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so good!” Lori said, turning to look at my mother. “The eggs benedict is to die for!”

“Really?” Mom replied as she glanced at the menu Jen set down in front of us.

“Coffee?” Jen asked, suddenly appearing at the table.

“I’ll have a glass of orange juice and coffee, sweetheart,” Mom said to Jen.

When I looked up at Jen, I said, “I’ll take the Sunday Special.”

She tried not to smile, but failed. “Coming up. Do you know what you want to order?”

Mom looked up at Jen and nodded with a smile. “I’ll have the eggs benedict.”

Jen turned to me. “The normal, Jax?”

All I could do was nod and hand her my menu.

Amelia leaned in and asked, “What is the Sunday Special?”

Turning so only she would hear, I whispered, “A black coffee with a shot of whiskey in it.”

Her eyes went wide for a moment before she covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

Catching the attention of my mother, she looked at Amelia and then me. “So, is this a date you’re going on today?”

And just like that, Lori, Parker, and my mother all leaned in to wait on the answer to the apparently burning question.

I closed my eyes and wondered why I hadn’t suggested room service.

Chapter Five

BLINKING RAPIDLY, I STARED AT Lynn. Lynn, who was Jaxon’s mother. The mother of the guy I thought was a spoiled rich guy living off his family’s money. When in truth, he wasn’t living like that at all. He was a bartender. Not that there was anything at all wrong with that.

When I peeked over to Jax, he had his eyes closed and was mumbling something about room service.

He finally opened his eyes, gave me a look that said he was so sorry, then turned to his mother.

“Yes, Mom. It’s a date.”

My stomach jumped at his words, and I felt heat creep up my spine. I prayed my internal emotions weren’t showing on my face.

“I thought you didn’t date guests?” she asked.

Jax opened his mouth, then shut it as he stared at her, confused. “How did you know that?”

“Why, Chuck told me. He’s a nice young man.” She turned to Lori and Parker. “Honestly if one of you two girls are looking for a…” she leaned in toward them and whispered…loudly, “a one-night stand, he would be a good pick. He’s the waiter who brought over the chairs, and he works with Jaxon at the bar. Hunky if I do say so.”

Lori and Parker both smiled as Jax gaped at his mother. With my hand up to my mouth to hide yet another laugh, I looked around the restaurant to see Chuck flirting with a woman who appeared to be about seventy.

“Mom…please, stop.”

Lynn patted Parker’s hand, then winked. “We’ll talk at the spa today. I have some suggestions for you. I was quite the flirt back in my day, and could get any man I wanted into my bed.”

Jax dropped back in his chair, rubbed his hands down his face, and practically cried out, “Oh my God, make it stop!”

Lori giggled and said, “I think we’re going to have the best spa day ever!”

Parker lifted her glass of water. “To learning how to bed guys!”

When Lynn lifted her water and clinked glasses with my two best friends, I lost the fight and started to laugh.

“Laugh all you want, but she’s coming for you next,” Jax whispered.

Jen brought out Jax and his mother’s breakfast as Lori, Parker, and Lynn fell into an easy conversation about everything from reading to their nightly skin routines. I chimed in every now and then, but mostly talked to Jax about our plans for the day.

When he finished off his second Sunday Special coffee and was about to ask Jen for another one, I put my hand over his and smiled.

“I’ve never been in a kayak before, so if you keep knocking back whiskey, we may be in trouble.”

He laughed and looked like he was about to lift my hand up to his lips when he stopped. Most likely afraid that his mother might school him in the art of seduction.

“Speaking of, we should probably get going if we want to catch the next boat off the island.”

I nodded.

Jax pulled out his wallet and put some money on the table. “I’ve already asked Jen to put your meals on my bill.”

“How nice. Thank you, Jax!” Lori stated.

“Yes, thank you, Jax. Tomorrow morning is on us!” Parker stated.

His mother patted the side of Jax’s face. “Thank you, darling.”

When he stood and held his hand out for mine, I thanked him for breakfast.

He winked and my heart tripped over itself.

“Shall we head on out for our adventure today?” Jax asked.

“Let’s!” I said as I reached for the small backpack I had brought with me. It contained a change of clothes in case we got wet. Sunscreen, sunglasses, my driver’s license, a credit card, and some cash. My father drummed it into my head to always have some cash on hand.

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