Page 37 of Lynch's Match

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“The bitch’s daughter who shouldn’t have survived any of the attacks against you.” Ezra sneers.

Harlow doesn’t let on that what he said bothers her, instead, she gets even closer. “In this world, I’m known as Harpy. You wanna know why?”

A light dawns in Ezra’s gaze as he recognizes that name. My sister and the others are known to be merciless, a force to be reckoned with. Harlow is known to work alone and did so a lot, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t work with the others.

“I see it’s dawning on you,” she says, digging the blade, cutting along his body, not deep enough to cause him to bleed out, but just enough to cause him pain and to scream. “You’re going to go to hell where you belong, and I hope you burn in the deepest depths of Tartarus, where Hades himself will torture you for an eternity.”

I shake my head at my sister. She and the others love Greek mythology, and even our cousin, who is known as the king of the underworld. He runs a facility where people are taken to be tormented for longer.

As much as this bastard deserves to suffer longer, I’m not going to let it happen. His death is to send a message.

Harlow steps away and gives me a nod, letting me know she’s done. Looking at my brothers, I nod, and together we line up and pull our guns out, aiming them at Ezra.

“Say hello to Daddy for me.” I sneer and pull the trigger at the same time as my brothers. Together, we empty our clips.

Some might say it’s overkill, but each bullet has a meaning, a name. He took from us and we got it back.

For my brothers who died. My parents. Everyone else who was hurt in the era we’ve lived through.

It’s over now, and the message will be delivered.

The Inferno’s Clutch MC is not to be fucked with.

Shoving my gun back in my holster, I turn to my brothers. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’m ready to see my woman again. To hold her and know she’s safe. To finally tell her again what she means to me.”

Outside the safehouse, Harlow stops me by placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn to her and wait for her to say what she needs to say.

“I love you, Lynch, and I wish I could have been a better sister?—”

“Harlow, don’t even go there,” I remark, interrupting her. “I didn’t protect you like I should have when you were a kid. That’s on me. I can’t take it back, but we’re good now. You’re happy. I’m happy. We move on. Let’s leave the past in the past and go on from there.”

“Okay,” she says as Ranger comes beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “We’re heading to the hotel. We’ll be here for a couple days before heading back.”

“We’ll meet up before you go.” I nod and let them go. I turn, head into the building, and go in search of Camilla. Lawson told me he had makeshift rooms made up and told me which one Camilla was in. I find her in the middle of an air mattress, a blanket pulled around her, eyes closed.

Seeing her, I know I should take a shower first, but there’s no way I cannot touch her first . . . to ensure myself she’s okay.

Taking my boots off, I lay next to her, and her eyes immediately pop open. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey,” she whispers. “You okay?”

“It’s done,” I tell her.

“I won’t be needed to defend you in court, will I?”

Chuckling, I reach up to stroke her cheek. “No, Cams, it’s all good. But it’s good to know you got our back if it came to that.”

“Yeah,” she breaths and draws that bottom lip in. “I’ve got something to tell you.”

“Yeah? What is it?” I ask, wondering what it is. The only time she does this is when she’s nervous.

“Ela talked to me before you left earlier.”

“Okay.” I lower my hand from her cheek to give her a slight squeeze of encouragement.

“She told me a few things about . . . about her gift. She shared it with me because there was a message I needed to hear,” she says a bit hesitantly. “She also shared that I’m . . . ugh, well, we’re having a baby.” She blurts out those last four words hastily.

I blink, then do it again, staring at her while those words sink in. “You’re pregnant?”

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