Page 38 of Lynch's Match

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“That’s what she said,” she confirms.

“Then you’re pregnant.” I grin and pull her into me.

“I take it you’re okay with this?” she says more in question than statement.

“Yeah, baby, I’m fuckin’ thrilled,” I tell her and kiss her, then spend time doing other things to her, not caring about anything else. She’s all that matters right now.

I don’t know what the rest of our lives are going to hold, but as long as we’re together, we got this. She’s my match. My woman. My ol’ lady. And now, she’s gonna be the mother of my child. I couldn’t be happier.

Finally, life is back on track, and I can let the past go and move forward. To have the life we were always meant to have.

Ela was right back then when she said what she said, and now, I have it back—all of it.



Nine Months Later . . .

“He’s perfect,” Ela coos, standing over Lynch’s shoulder, awing at the sight of my newborn son.“He looks so much like Lynch did as a baby.”

Lynch lifts his gaze and grins in my direction. Never in my life have I ever seen such lightness in his eyes as they are now. Well, I have. Two hours ago, when the doctor placed our son on my chest. He looked at the little bundle with his hand over mine and met my eyes. Only then I’d seen a single tear in his eyes.

“Have you decided on a name?” Angelina asks. She’d been in here during the delivery. She was standing on one side of me while Lynch was on the other. With her being a doctor and essentially Lynch’s sister-in-law, I wanted her to be there in case anything happened.

“Yeah,” Lynch answers and comes to me, laying our baby boy in my arms. He maneuvers to be able to sit with me in the hospital bed. It’s not an easy fit, but he’s able to stretch out next to me. “Baby, you tell ‘em.”

Nodding, I meet Fury’s gaze first, then Ela’s. “We decided to name him after our dads, Tiberce Maxim-Daniel Corbin.” I know it’s weird for him to have two middle names, but he needed to grow up knowing he had not just one strong grandfather but three—Fury, Lynch’s dad, and my dad. Two may be gone, but they’ll both be looking after him.

“Fuckin’ honored,” Fury rasps, clearing his throat.

I grin as he steps forward and takes Tiberce from me. The man is like a powerhouse, even at his age. Granted, he doesn’t look like he’s in his sixties. Fury still has a head full of black hair with maybe just a bit of silver sprinkled throughout.

“Little man, you’re treasured,” Fury whispers and kisses the top of the kid’s head.

Ela takes the baby next and whispers something in French. I recognize what she’s saying, and I give her a moment to relay her message to Tiberce. She speaks to him, telling him how he’s loved by all and angels will always watch over him.

By the time she’s done, I have tears streaming down my face.

So much has happened since the night our lives imploded.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to defend the club in court after they took out Ezra. I don’t know the details just that it was over.

We spent some time with his sister before she and the others went back home. It was bittersweet, but I knew we’d be seeing her more often and have. A couple times, we’ve gone up to Virginia to see everyone. There were a few times she and Ranger came down here. Some of those times, included Raven’s and Victoria’s families. Each and every time, it’s been amazing to spend time with family.

The guys went on to fix the clubhouse, repairing the damaged parts while we stayed with Ela and Fury. When they finished up the clubhouse, Lynch and I moved into his room. We could have had the house fixed up, but after what happened, I didn’t want to live there. Besides, I saw the way Lynch would look at the houses sitting on club property, so we decided to build next to Speed’s. It was interesting to see how fast those guys could get anything done. They get the job done quickly and efficiently.

After the house was complete and we’d moved in, things really started settling for us. Lynch went back to his normal schedule working at the bar for the club, and I was busy with clients at the law firm. This didn’t mean he didn’t show up at my office. Or that we didn’t have dinner together every night. He made sure the two of us were together plenty.

“Spent enough time apart, Cams, never again,” he said one night after I questioned him about leaving the bar early.

The only real downers in the past months had been the funerals for Lynch’s brothers. It was hard to see Lynch struggle with their loss, but he said something that totally made sense. “They might be gone, but never will they be forgotten.” And they weren’t, Lyrica designed a tattoo for all the brothers. They got the tattoo on their forearms.

One other downer was having to speak to the judge about the issues with my aunt. Thankfully, we didn’t do it in a courtroom. He’d been kind enough to take everything Dan had and what I’d said into account. Now, Helena was spending a good long sentence locked away in prison.

Everything else was good. So good, and I couldn’t be happier.

With Lynch back in my life, and now, our son, I have everything I ever wanted.

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