Page 58 of Montana Healing

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Tyler’s hurt and confused expression is the last thing I see before the tears cloud my vision completely.

Chapter 27


Riding Through the Storm

I stand there, frozen, as if the world has stopped spinning beneath me.

The murmur of shocked whispers grows louder around me, a cacophony of concern, sympathy, and confusion. Everything feels surreal, like a nightmare I can't wake up from. My heart aches, and I don't know what to do next.

The sound of boots scuffing against the wooden floor draws my attention. Jake strides towards me, his brows furrowed with concern. "Tyler," he says, his voice low yet firm, "maybe it'll be okay. My sister has always been weird about surprises."

I hear him, but I can't seem to process his words. My feet feel rooted to the floor, and all I see in my mind's eye is the image of Sarah running away, her face pale and eyes wide with disbelief. Jake places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and shakes me gently. "Go talk to her, Tyler. You two need to sort this out."

His words finally penetrated my haze of shock. I push myself to move, each step heavy with the weight of the situation. The dining hall seems to stretch forever, but I eventually reach the hallway. Every synchronized murmur of the guests irritatingly rings in my ears, reminding me of my public rejection.

Reaching Sarah's office door, I halt, taking several deep breaths. My initial sense of hurt is burgeoning into anger. I steel myself, knocking firmly on the door. "Sarah, it's me," I announce, trying to mask the wavering tremor in my voice.

"Come in," she responds softly from the other side.

I push open the door, closing it quietly behind me. Sarah is at her desk, her elbows resting on its surface, her face buried in her hands. She looks up slowly, her face pale and eyes brimming with tears of confusion and perhaps sorrow.

"What's wrong, Sarah?" I ask, my voice strained, trying to mask my growing unease. "I didn't expect you to, well, just run like that."

"I didn’t expect you to propose," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with anxiety. Her hands tremble slightly, and she clutches them together to steady herself.

I try to rein in my growing frustration, attempting to lighten the mood with a weak joke. "Proposals are supposed to be a surprise, you know." I offer a small, forced smile, hoping to ease the tension.

"I'm serious, Tyler," she answers, her eyes finally flicking up to meet mine. Her gaze is filled with a mixture of fear and confusion, and it makes my heart ache.

A surge of anger flares within me, a bitter taste filling my mouth. "Why are you so surprised, Sarah? You're practically living with me. We've talked about our future together!" I gesture around the room, filled with reminders of our shared life.

She bites her lip, avoiding my gaze once again. "Maybe it's too sudden... for a proposal." Her voice wavers and I can see the conflict in her eyes.

"There's no time limit on love," I retort, unable to keep the edge out of my voice. "Are you saying no to my proposal?" My heart pounds in my chest, fearing the answer.

"No, I'm not saying no," she insists quickly. "I'm just... surprised." Her words are hesitant as if she's still processing everything.

"It sounds like you're saying no," I snap, my patience wearing thin. I feel a sharp sting of rejection, which cuts more profoundly than I expected. I turn away from her, heading towards the door. The wound of her reaction seeps deeper, the words as sharp as knives, leaving an aching void in my chest.

"Tyler, wait!" she calls, but I don’t stop. I fling the door open and walk out, the hurt and anger swirling inside me like a storm refusing to subside.

I hear Sarah scrambling after me, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. "Tyler, wait!" she calls. Ignoring her plea, I continue walking, the anger and hurt surging through me.

Before I reach the exit, I feel a gentle tug on my elbow, forcing me to stop. I turn slightly, just enough to see the look of distress on her face. "Tyler, please," she says, almost out of breath. "Can we please talk about this?"

My eyes are stinging, but I fight back the tears. "What is there to talk about, Sarah?" I spit out. "I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted a future with me."

Her face is ashen with guilt and concern, and she hesitates before speaking. "I do want a future with you. I'm not saying no... I was just caught off guard by the proposal," she mutters, her voice trembling.

I shake my head in disbelief. "Caught off guard? How can you be caught off guard?" I ask, my voice rising. "We've been living like a couple planning a future. It's been a month, maybe longer since you’ve stayed at your home. You only go back to grab more clothes to bring here."

She opens her mouth to respond, but I don't let her. "Timmy calls you 'Mom' now, Sarah. And Mrs. Carolyn dotes on you as if you're already family." My voice cracks with emotion. "Why is it okay for Timmy to call you 'Mom' so soon, but when I propose, it's too soon?"

Her eyes widen, and she looks genuinely hurt. "Do you regret Timmy calling me 'Mom?’" she asks quietly, her voice shaky.

I sigh, the anger dissipating slightly. "No, I don't regret it," I say, softening my tone. "I don't understand how you see that as normal and natural, but my proposal is too sudden." I run a hand through my hair, struggling to control my emotions.

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