Page 59 of Montana Healing

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Her eyes fill with tears, and she steps closer to me, placing her hand gently on my arm. "Tyler, I love you. I love Timmy. I want a life with you both. I was just surprised, that's all," she whispers.

I look into her eyes, searching for the truth in her words. The storm of emotions inside me begins to calm, although the hurt is still very much present. "You have to understand, Sarah," I say, my voice softer now. "I thought we were on the same page. Your reaction made me feel like I was wrong about everything."

She shakes her head vehemently. "No, you weren't wrong. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way," she says, her voice steadying. "I want this. I want us. I've just... never been proposed to before. It just threw me off balance. I guess I never thought of marriage much all my life because it's always been just me and my career."

I take a deep breath, considering her words. The hallway is silent, the tension between us slowly ebbing away. Maybe I can understand her position. Perhaps I can see how my sudden proposal could have been overwhelming, even if the signs seemed evident.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling the tension in the air. "I understand Sarah," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry if my proposal was too sudden. I didn't mean to overwhelm you. At this point, I thought we would get engaged and have a very short engagement to get married sooner. We're practically living together as a family now-"

Before I can say anything more, she grabs my hand and gently pulls me down the hallway. "Come on," she says, her tone soft but stern, her grip warm and reassuring.

We walk back to the dining hall, hand in hand, each step echoing in the quiet corridor. As we enter, the room falls silent. The air feels heavy and awkward, with everyone having sensed the tension.

The guests, a mix of close friends and acquaintances, look at us with wide eyes, their conversations halted mid-sentence. Sarah doesn't let it faze her. She smiles, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Everyone, I'm so sorry for running out like that," she chirps, squeezing my hand warmly, her voice carrying across the room. "Tyler and I just needed a moment."

She turns to me, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that makes my heartbeat. "You should probably take your place on your knee again," she says, her voice gentle yet insistent, leaving no room for hesitation. Her words hang in the air, a mixture of command and encouragement.

I blink, stunned, my heart pounding like a drum. For a moment, I can't move, paralyzed by the gravity of the situation. Is this happening? However, the look in her eyes tells me all I need to know. Slowly, I drop to one knee, trembling as I hold up the box with the ring. My hands are shaking so much that I'm afraid I might drop it, but I hold on tightly, determined not to let this moment slip away.

Sarah beams at me, her eyes filled with love and joy, her smile brighter than I have ever seen. "Yes, Tyler," she says, her voice steady and clear, a beacon of certainty in the whirlwind of emotions. "I will marry you."

The room erupts into excited, congratulatory cheers, the sound bouncing off the walls as I look up at her, feeling as though I might pass out from the overwhelming surprise and happiness. The sound of clapping and joyous shouts fills the air, but all I can focus on is her radiant smile, the promise of a future together shining in her eyes. We did it. We are getting married.

As I rise to my feet, the weight of the moment finally sinking in, Sarah throws her arms around me, pulling me close. The warmth of her embrace and the scent of her hair provide a sense of comfort and belonging. The guests gather around us, their faces beaming with happiness, and we are soon enveloped in a flurry of hugs and handshakes, laughter and tears of joy mingling in the air.

In the midst of it all, I can't help but marvel at the turn of events. I was consumed with doubt and uncertainty a short while ago, fearing that my hasty proposal had ruined everything. Standing beside the love of my life, surrounded by our closest friends and family, I realize that this perfect, beautiful moment is the beginning of our new journey together. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Timmy barrels into me as I scoop him up so he can hug me in excitement while I see a tear-stricken Mrs. Carolyn hug Sarah in happiness. All the hurt emotions weighing down my heart dissipate as I enjoy this celebratory moment.


The Promise of Forever


Two months later, I find myself standing at the altar of the makeshift outdoor chapel at Beartooth Ranch, hand in hand with Tyler.

It felt right to have the wedding here, surrounded by the Pine Creek community, to help us enjoy today.

Having already walked down the aisle as the ring bearer, Timmy stands next to our Matron of Honor, Mrs. Carolyn, while watching the ceremony.

As I gaze into Tyler's eyes, I am filled with a profound sense of peace and certainty—emotions that had once seemed so elusive.

"Do you, Tyler, take Sarah to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, till death do you part?" the officiant's voice rings out, clear and steady.

Tyler's eyes never leave mine as he replies, "I do." His voice is firm yet tender, carrying the weight of promises I know he will keep. The sincerity in his tone is enough to anchor me to this moment, casting aside any lingering shadows of doubt.

"And do you, Sarah, take Tyler to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, till death do you part?" the officiant asks.

"I do," I say, my voice barely above a whisper, but it carries an unmistakable conviction. I smile as I see Tyler's eyes glisten with unshed tears, and I know this is where I am meant to be – with him, now and forever.

As we exchange vows, the world fades away. "Tyler," I begin, my voice trembling with emotion, "From the moment our paths crossed, you've been my rock, my confidant, my best friend. You've shown me the true essence of love and given me a family. Today, I pledge to stand by your side, to support you unwaveringly, and to love you with all my heart. I vow to cherish every precious moment and to grow old with you, building a life overflowing with joy, laughter, and boundless love."

Tyler grips my hand tightly, his smile overflowing with love and tenderness. "Sarah," he begins, his voice filled with emotion, "You have changed my life beyond my wildest dreams. You’ve filled my heart with joy and made me the most amazing father to Timmy. Today, I vow to always be by your side, to honor, cherish, and adore you. I promise to build a life together that is filled with adventure, warmth, and endless love. No matter our challenges, our bond will grow stronger each day."

Our guests, seated on rustic wooden benches, are a sea of familiar and loving faces. Standing beside Mrs. Carolyn, Timmy can hardly contain his excitement, his eyes lighting up each time they meet mine. He had been ecstatic about our wedding, especially knowing that I'd officially become his mother figure legally. Mrs. Carolyn, having been an incredible support for Tyler and Timmy, is now an irreplaceable part of our family, and Tyler had worked so hard to ensure she knows it.

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