Page 57 of Montana Healing

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I watch Tyler head off, my curiosity gnawing at me. But before I can ponder further, Mrs. Carolyn approaches and smiles warmly.

"Sarah, I packed a huge picnic basket for Timmy and me to have a picnic near the lake," she announces, a twinkle in her eye. "You're more than welcome to join us."

It's a sweet offer, but I rub my still-slightly-full stomach, remembering the delightful lunch Joanie prepared. "Thank you, Mrs. Carolyn, but I just had lunch with Joanie. I'm quite full."

Timmy's eyes light up at the mention of a picnic, and he rushes over to me. "Mom, please come! We can have so much fun! You have to come!" He looks up at me with that irresistible, hopeful expression.

I chuckle, trying to remain resolute. "Oh, Timmy, I ate so much already. It wouldn't be fair to you or Mrs. Carolyn."

But Timmy isn’t giving up. "Please, Mom! There’s apple pie! And we can watch the ducks, too!"

His enthusiasm is infectious, and I find myself caving. "Alright, alright," I say, laughing. "I suppose one slice of apple pie won’t hurt."

Timmy’s cheer of triumph makes us all smile. Mrs. Carolyn grabs the picnic basket, and the three of us head towards the lake. The trail is lined with wildflowers, and the sky is a perfect blue, making it a beautiful sight.

Upon reaching the lake, we find a lovely spot under a sprawling oak tree. Mrs. Carolyn spreads out a huge blanket, and the aroma of the packed food makes me regret my earlier resolve not to eat. She lays out a magnificent spread of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and, of course, the apple pie.

Timmy immediately starts digging in, chatting away about the new school year. "I’m so excited to start school with my new friends! Did you know they take field trips to the next town? It’s much bigger, with many cool places to see and fun things to do!"

I smile at his excitement, cutting a slice of apple pie. "That sounds wonderful, Timmy. You’re going to have such an adventure!"

He then gets more enthusiastic about starting school, but I also notice the wink that he and Mrs. Carolyn trade when they don't think I see it. I tilt my head to the side while studying them, realizing something is indeed going on.


After three hours of lounging on the blanket, playing tag with Timmy, and feeding the ducks by the tranquil pond, I finally suggest returning to the ranch. The sun is beginning to dip below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the landscape. Timmy looks at me with his big, pleading eyes, his hair tousled from our adventurous day, but I know he’s getting tired, too.

“We should probably get going, sweetheart,” I say, brushing a strand of hair from his face and gently touching his flushed cheeks. “It’s been a long day.”

He sighs in that adorable way he does when he’s reluctant but doesn’t argue. Mrs. Carolyn, with her kind and warm demeanor, helps pack up the remnants of our wonderful picnic, carefully folding the blanket and placing the leftover snacks back into the basket. We begin the walk back along the dusty, well-trodden path that leads to the main part of the ranch. The sounds of the evening – crickets chirping and the distant mooing of cows – accompany us.

As we approach the ranch yard, I find it odd that there’s no one outside. Usually, there’s a bustle of activity – people tending to chores, horses being groomed in the stables, and just the general hum of ranch life. Today, though, it’s eerily quiet. The barn doors are shut, and there’s no sign of the workers who are usually busy at this time.

“Why is it so quiet?” I ask, looking around, sensing something is off. The silence feels almost tangible as it hangs in the cool evening air.

Mrs. Carolyn smiles and shrugs. “Maybe it’s just one of those days,” she says, but I can tell she knows more than she’s letting on. There’s a glint of mischief in her eyes that she can’t entirely hide.

Timmy grabs my hand eagerly, his tiny fingers warm and insistent, pulling me towards one of the side doors that leads to the dining hall. “Come on! We have to go this way!”

“Timmy, what’s the rush?” I ask, tugging back a little, but he’s insistent, his excitement growing even more.

The moment we enter the dining hall, I freeze. It’s beautifully decorated, in a romantic way. Fairy lights twinkle from the ceiling like stars, lanterns cast a warm, inviting glow, and the room is filled with fresh, fragrant flowers. Every detail seems meticulously planned. My heart begins to race, and I can’t figure out why. The room is enchanting as if we’ve stepped into a fairy tale.

“Timmy, what’s going on?” I ask, but he smiles brightly, his eyes sparkling with a secret he’s held all day. He gives my hand an encouraging squeeze and leads me to the center of the room, where the soft sound of music begins to play, wrapping the moment in a magical aura.

Everyone seems to be smiling, looking at me with anticipation and warmth. The room is softly lit, and there's a lot of excitement. Tyler steps forward from the crowd before I can fully process what’s happening. His hands are behind his back, and he looks more nervous than I’ve ever seen him, his usually calm demeanor replaced with a trembling intensity.

“Tyler, what’s all this?” I ask, my voice trembling slightly, my heart pounding.

“Sarah,” he begins, his voice steady but filled with emotion, his eyes locking onto mine. “Since you came into my life, you’ve brought happiness and light. You’ve made Timmy smile more than I’ve seen in a long time, giving Mrs. Carolyn and I hope for the future. I know I don’t want to spend another day without you.” His words hang in the air, heavy with sincerity and love.

My heart pounds even more as I realize where this is going. The room seems to shrink around me, every eye fixed on us.

“You mean the world to me, Sarah,” he continues, dropping to one knee as he pulls a black velvet box from behind his back. The room falls silent, the anticipation almost tangible. My breath catches when he opens it, revealing a stunning diamond ring that sparkles under the soft lighting. “Will you marry me?”

Stunned, I feel as if the room is closing in on me. My vision blurs, and I struggle to breathe. The weight of everyone's expectations presses down on me.

All I can manage is a soft “Excuse me,” before I turn and run out of the dining hall, my footsteps echoing down the hallway toward my office—everyone's gasps ringing in my ears, a mixture of shock and confusion.

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