Page 56 of Montana Healing

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Turbulent Waters

Today feels like it's full of mysteries waiting to be unveiled.

During breakfast, I glance around the table and smile.

“So, what’s everyone’s plans for today?” I ask, pouring syrup over my pancakes.

Tyler looks up from his plate, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “I’ll be at the ranch all day.”

Timmy giggles suddenly, his eyes sparkling with excitement. I cock an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.

"And what about you, Mrs. Carolyn?" I ask, turning my attention to her.

Mrs. Carolyn glances at Timmy with amusement dancing in her eyes. “Oh, I’ll be spending the day with Timmy. He’s eager to show me his horse-riding skills.”

Timmy can hardly contain his excitement, giggling even more. Tyler chuckles, shaking his head. I can’t help but smile at their little exchange.

“Well, I only have two client sessions this morning, so I’ll have a half day,” I say. “I’ll join you at the ranch once I’m done.”

Timmy’s giggles intensify, making me wonder about the real secret behind all this joy. Nevertheless, I nod and smile, leaving the surprise for later.

My workday concludes by mid-afternoon. Eager to discover what had everyone in such high spirits, I park my car in the driveway of the Parker residence. As I gather my things to head inside, I spot Joanie, our next-door neighbor, rushing over.

“Sarah, oh, thank goodness you’re here!” Joanie exclaims, flustered but smiling warmly. “I’ve made too many sandwiches, expecting the whole family, but they couldn’t make it due to a family emergency. Won’t you come over for lunch? I hate to waste all this food.”

Her genuine distress, mixed with hospitality, tugs at my heart. “Of course, Joanie. I’d love to,” I reply, closing my car door and following her to her house next door.

Joanie’s home is as welcoming as she is, filled with the comforting aroma of fresh bread and the soft hum of a country radio station playing in the background. She leads me to the quaint, cozy kitchen where an impressive spread of sandwiches, salads, and homemade lemonade awaits.

“Help yourself,” she says, motioning towards the table. “I made enough for an army.”

“This looks amazing, Joanie,” I compliment, grabbing a plate.

We sit down together, and as we eat, Joanie shares stories about her children and grandchildren, making me feel like an honorary family member. The food is delicious, the conversation light-hearted, and time flies by.

As our lunch concludes, I thank Joanie for the lovely meal and head back to the Parker residence, curiosity still bubbling. Making my way to the ranch, I feel the intrigue intensifying with each step.

Upon arriving, I find Timmy on his pony, proudly showing Mrs. Carolyn his new skills. Tyler is nearby, a grin plastered on his face as he watches his son. As they notice me, Timmy lets out an excited squeal.

“Mom, look what I can do!”

He expertly guides his pony in a small circle, his face glowing with pride.

“That’s incredible, sweetheart!” I cheer, clapping my hands.

Tyler walks over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Looks like we’ve got a little cowboy on our hands,” he says, with a pride-filled voice.

“I’m so proud of him,” I reply, leaning into Tyler.

We watch Timmy for a while longer, applauding his tricks and listening to him chat excitedly about his pony. The sun's warmth, the joy on Timmy’s face, and the love in Tyler’s eyes make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

Then suddenly, my brother Jake rushes over to Tyler and whispers something in his ear. Jake then smiles and hurries away as Tyler looks ready to follow him before turning back to me.

"They need my help. I will be busy the rest of the day, but try to relax since you're off work now." He kisses my lips and rushes away while a funny feeling grows in my stomach.

It appears that something is afoot right underneath my nose, and yet, I can't place what is happening.

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