Page 51 of Montana Healing

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As Bill and I stable the horses, I watch Timmy run back toward the ranch house where some of his friends are, excited to tell everyone about his adventure. Bill claps a hand on my shoulder, and we share a moment of silent camaraderie, feeling the weight and the joy of the day’s success.

"He's a good kid," Bill says, and I can tell he's as moved as I am by the simple joy we've been a part of today.

"That he is," I agree, feeling a deep sense of contentment settle over me. This life, this family—it all feels just right. Speaking of the family... I remember I promised Sarah I would pop in on her as soon as the riding lesson finished.

Sarah is probably still in her office, knee-deep in invoices and paperwork. The thought makes me quicken my pace, eager to see her after a long day.

When I reach her office, I find her exactly where I expected—her head bent in concentration over a pile of papers, her brow slightly furrowed as she meticulously works through each document. I knock lightly on the open door, and she glances up, her face smiling as she sees me.

“Hey there,” I say, leaning against the doorframe, taking in the familiar scent of the office mixed with Sarah’s subtle perfume. “Am I interrupting?”

Sarah shakes her head, her eyes sparkling with warmth and relief at the sight of me. “Not at all. I could use a break right now.” She stands, gracefully moving around the desk to come towards me. We embrace, the scent of hay and horses mingling between us as we share a tender kiss, the warmth of her body melting the day's stress away.

“How did Timmy’s riding lesson go?” she asks, her voice full of genuine curiosity as she looks into my eyes, her fingers gently brushing a stray piece of hay from my jacket.

“It was fantastic!” I exclaim, unable to keep the enthusiasm from my voice. “He was a bit nervous initially but was practically a natural by the end. We did a full circle around the paddock, and he even took the lead for a bit. You should’ve seen the look on his face.”

Sarah’s smile widens, her joy evident as she imagines the scene. “That’s wonderful to hear, Tyler. Timmy’s been looking forward to this for weeks. You must be proud.”

“Oh, I am,” I reply, grinning from ear to ear. “By the end of it, he was beaming. I’ve never seen the kid so happy. It’s moments like these that make all the hard work worth it. Seeing that joy on his face—it’s priceless.”

Sarah nods, her eyes reflecting the same contentment I’m feeling. “It’s amazing how much joy the ranch brings to these kids. You’re making a difference, you know that?”

“Yeah, I think we all are,” I say, wrapping an arm around her waist as we stand there, soaking in each other’s presence. The muted sounds of the ranch outside create a comforting backdrop to our moment.

“Let me finish these invoices, and then I’m all yours.”

“Take your time. I’ll be right here,” I assure her, giving her a gentle squeeze before she heads back to the desk. Standing there momentarily, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude wash over me. "You know what, Sarah?" I say, breaking the comfortable silence. "I was thinking, how about I treat you to dinner later? Just the two of us after I drop Timmy off at home."

Sarah looks up from her work, a soft smile on her lips. "That sounds lovely, Tyler, but why don't we dine here at the ranch instead? As, you know, a family?"

Her bashful suggestion warms my heart in ways I can't quite describe. Not only that but she's gone from cowering at people seeing us together to now wanting us three to eat in the dining hall surrounded by people.

"Sarah, that's perfect," I respond, my voice laced with genuine appreciation. "I know Timmy will love it too. He always gets so excited about eating here. Besides, the food at the ranch... there's nothing like it."

She beams at my reaction, her face lighting up with a soft glow that makes everything feel right. "I'm glad you think so. I've been wanting to spend more time together like this. It feels... right."

"It's more than right," I assure her, stepping closer and gently touching her shoulder. "It's exactly what we need. You, me, and Timmy. A real family dinner."

Sharing an evening meal under the fading light of the ranch fills me with a profound sense of contentment. I watch as Sarah's eyes soften, her dedication and grace evident in every little movement she makes. Standing there, I'm reminded again why these simple moments mean so much.

"How about I help with those invoices?" I offer, my voice tinged with affection. "After all, the sooner we finish, the sooner we can fill our bellies." I wink at her, and she chuckles softly, nodding in agreement.

"Alright, partner," she says playfully, sliding a stack of papers towards me. "Let's get these done."

We work side by side concentrating on getting the work done.

Chapter 24


Epiphany and Redemption

As I sit across from Tyler, feeling the warm glow of his presence, I can't help but reflect on how far we've come.

From the early days when I first met him, I was tangled in his defenses and dark moods, and now our lives are intertwined in ways I never imagined. It's hard to believe that the grumpy, stubborn man who first walked into my office as a new client is now my rock and partner in this beautiful journey we’ve been on.

I remember our first session vividly. Tyler had walked in, shoulders tense, eyes shadowed with unresolved emotions. He was so angry, so unwilling to open up. A fortress built from years of hurt and mistrust stood tall before me. I'd encountered many challenging cases as a therapist, but something about Tyler differed. His reluctance wasn't just resistance - it was pain masked by anger, a soul yearning for solace yet too afraid to seek it.

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