Page 50 of Montana Healing

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"It's perfect," I admit, with a twinkle in my eyes, reaching across the table to grasp his hand. "Thank you for encouraging us to come spend time with them. I do feel like we're a family now."

That pleases Tyler as his face lights up in happiness hearing that.

"Good. Then it means I'm doing my job of ensuring that."

Chapter 23


New Beginnings

I feel proud that Timmy wants to spend the afternoon at the ranch, learning to ride a horse.

Timmy is already waiting by the barn, shifting from foot to foot in anticipation. His eyes light up when he sees me approaching, and I can't help but grin back at him.

"You ready to meet your horse, buddy?" I ask, reaching down to ruffle his hair.

Timmy nods enthusiastically, but there's a flicker of hesitation in his eyes. "Yeah, but... what if I fall off?"

Bill, who is standing by the stable door, walks over and kneels at Timmy's level. "You won’t fall off, Timmy. That's why we're here to help you," he says reassuringly, giving him a gentle pat.

I'm glad Bill is here and eager to assist in this since, on the inside, I'm nervous about Timmy getting on a horse. My knee injury has made me more paranoid about the possibility of someone being quick to get hurt.

Taking Timmy’s small hand in mine, I lead him to the horse. It's a gentle mare named Daisy. Her eyes are kind and patient. She nuzzles Timmy's shoulder, making him giggle nervously.

"She's friendly, see?" I say with a smile, watching as Timmy’s fear begins to melt away.

Bill grabs a stool and brings it over beside the horse. "Alright, Timmy, let’s get you up here," he says, placing the stool firmly on the ground. "Tyler and I will be right here. You’re safe."

With a bit of help from both of us, Timmy climbs onto the stool and then onto Daisy’s saddle. His hands grip the reins tightly, his knuckles whitening visibly. I gently adjust his hands, showing him the correct way to hold them.

"Just like that, see? You’re doing great," I encourage, fixing the stirrups so they fit his feet perfectly. "Remember, Daisy is gentle. She needs to feel you’re calm."

Timmy looks down at me, still a bit unsure. "What if I mess up?"

"Everyone starts somewhere," Bill chimes in, mounting another horse to lead by example. "Even Tyler fell off a horse once, didn’t you?"

I nod with a chuckle, "Oh, more than once. But falling is part of learning."

Timmy takes a deep breath, his tiny chest heaving. "Okay," he says with determination.

Emma and I exchange a look, and I know we’re both proud of the kid for facing his fear. With gentle coaxing, we walk Daisy forward, each holding onto one side of Timmy. His initial worry softens into a smile as he feels the rhythmic motion of the horse beneath him.

"See, you’re doing great!" I cheer, keeping a firm yet gentle hold on Daisy’s bridle.

Timmy beams at us, the sun catching his golden hair in a halo. "I am, aren’t I?" he says, a hint of awe in his voice.

“Absolutely,” Bill says, riding his horse alongside us. “You’re a natural, Timmy.”

Timmy’s confidence grows with each step, and soon, we’re walking a complete circle around the paddock.

As we guide Timmy through the basics of horse riding, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of fulfillment. Watching his fear transform into joy reminds me why I love being out here. The vast open fields, the sound of hooves against the earth, and seeing the wide-eyed wonder in kids like Timmy bring it all together. This, right here, is what matters.

By the time we finish, Timmy looks up at us with eyes full of admiration and gratitude. "Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Bill," he says earnestly.

"Anytime, buddy," I reply, lifting him gently off the horse. "You did amazingly well today. How about we do this again tomorrow?"

Timmy nods eagerly. "Yes, please!"

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