Page 52 of Montana Healing

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He'd continually show up for the sessions, though begrudgingly at first. I would patiently coax him out of his shell, asking about his thoughts and feelings, but his responses were curt, almost as if giving me a piece of his mind was a concession he wasn't willing to make. But I could see glimpses, here and there, through the cracks in his gruff exterior. The way his eyes softened when he spoke of Timmy, the quiet tremor in his voice when he mentioned Timmy's mom. Slowly but surely, a rapport began to build between us.

And then, one day, something shifted. Tyler shared something deeply personal—his yearning to give Timmy the stable, loving home he never had. It was like an essential turning in a lock. His vulnerability in that moment was a turning point, and our professional boundaries began to blur into a deeper, more personal connection.

Then, of course, when we would begin spending time together outside the office, our encounters moved from the sterile space of therapy sessions to walks on the ranch and dinners where laughter and heartfelt conversations flowed easily.

In time, what started as a therapist-client relationship transformed into a romance neither of us had anticipated. Tyler began to trust me more, to let me in, and I fell for the man behind the walls—a caring, ardent individual with depths of love and passion. But it wasn't easy. I was terrified of what people would say about us, about me. The fear of judgment was a constant shadow, whispering doubts that threatened to overshadow the light we were creating together.

Still, whenever I felt that fear gnawing at me, I thought of Tyler's courage—how he bravely faced his demons. How could I not muster the strength to face mine? Every day, I grew prouder to stand by his side and walk around town and at the ranch with him and Timmy. The whispers and stares gradually lost their power, replaced by a sense of peace and pride that I never thought possible.

Timmy's infectious excitement and Mrs. Carolyn's warm embrace solidified the feeling that we were a family. Little moments, like the one we are sharing now, working together towards a common goal, showed me the beauty of our togetherness's simplicity. I leaned into it and allowed myself to savor and cherish it, letting go of the fears that once held me back.

"Sarah," Tyler's voice cuts through my pensive thoughts, drawing me back to our present moment. I glance up from the cards in my hand, meeting his amused eyes. There's his smirk again, which makes my heart beat. "It's your turn," he reminds me, leaning back comfortably in his chair in the kitchen.

"Oh, right," I say, shaking my head slightly to clear my mind. We are deep into our game of Go Fish, the cards spread out on the kitchen table between us. Timmy's giggles fill the air as he bounces next to me. He is too young to grasp the rules but is enthusiastic in his attempts to play along.

Tyler's gaze holds a playful challenge, and I can't help but rise to it. "Got any tens?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"Go fish," he replies with a grin, clearly enjoying this. I sigh dramatically, drawing a card from the pile.

"Mom, look!" Timmy exclaims, showing me his mismatched cards with a beaming smile.

"Great job, sweetheart," I reply, ruffling his hair.

That's another new occurrence. Timmy has recently begun referring to me as mom, and at first, he would do it timidly, as if to test it out to see if it's okay. But realizing I'm more pleased with hearing it and not upset that he calls me that, that has transpired into him calling me that all the time.

Tyler leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're not going to win if you keep getting distracted," he teases.

I shoot him a mock glare. "Just focusing on giving you a false sense of hope," I jest, picking up another card.

"Is that so?" He chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I think you're just stalling because you know you're losing."

"I'll show you losing," I retort, setting down a book of 4 cards. "Got any sevens?"

"Go fish," he responds again, his smirk widening slightly.

We continue this back-and-forth, our banter light and filled with the kind of warmth that comes from shared love and experiences. Each playful nudge, each shared laugh, strengthens our bond, cementing the foundation of the life we're building together.

Timmy grows more boisterous with each passing moment, his joy evident in the simple happiness of the here and now. Mrs. Carolyn glances occasionally from the other side of the kitchen, smiling as she cooks dinner.

Our love story continues to unfold in these small, tender moments—amid cards, laughter, and playful banter. It's a quiet yet profound attestation to our journey from uncertain beginnings to this moment of shared contentment. The echoes of our past struggles seem distant, overshadowed by the brilliant, present joy of being together.

"Sarah," Tyler whispers as the game continues, the sound of my name on his lips like a promise. "I'm glad you're here."

Something he tends to say every night when I choose to stay rather than head back to my house that I haven't been to in weeks.

I look at him, my heart full of gratitude and love. "Me too, Tyler," I reply, squeezing his hand. "Me too."

Dinner earlier had gone just as pleasantly as the card game. Mrs. Carolyn's cooking is always something to look forward to, and tonight she’s outdone herself.

The smells of meatloaf and mashed potatoes wafted through the air, mixing with the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread. When it was time to eat, Timmy spent all of dinner boasting about looking like a real cowboy during his riding lessons earlier.

As Tyler and I are getting ready for bed, and I can't help but reflect on how far we've come. Tyler and I have been through a lot, and looking back, I realize how much we’ve changed.

Not just our relationship and connection but also how we've changed individually.

As I brush my hair in front of the mirror, Tyler comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know, Sarah," he murmurs, his voice soft, "I never thought I'd be this happy."

I look at his reflection, our eyes meeting in the mirror. "Me neither," I admit. "It wasn't easy, but getting here was worth every struggle."

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