Page 49 of Montana Healing

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Mia looks up, momentarily startled, but her eyes soften as she realizes it’s just me. "Oh, Sarah, that'd be wonderful. I could use some extra hands," she replies, gratitude evident in her tone. She hands me a stack of plates, and we fall into an easy rhythm of setting up.

As we work, a comfortable silence blankets us, broken only by the clinking of dishes and the distant laughter of the kids. "So, how've you been? Settling into a parental role must feel exciting but exhausting," Mia ventures, her eyes twinkling with genuine interest.

I chuckle softly, balancing two glasses in one hand. "Exciting and exhausting, for sure. But in a good way," I admit, feeling fondly for the whirlwind that planning has been.

Mia nods knowingly. "I remember when Jake and I were trying to get comfortable becoming parental figures for each other's kids. It was chaos, but the kind that's wrapped in love," she muses, her gaze drifting slightly as if replaying old memories.

"Speaking of love, you and Jake seem happy," I comment, neatly placing the last plate down. "What's your secret?"

She pauses, considering her answer carefully. "Honestly, it's about the little things. Checking in on each other, being there even in the mundane moments, and laughing—a lot," she tells me, her voice steady, filled with warmth and sincerity.

"That makes a lot of sense," I say, nodding. "Tyler and I have been trying to stay grounded, focusing on what matters despite how busy we've been."

Mia's face lights up with a big smile. "That’s the best way to do it. You two already have such a strong connection. Not everyone gets that lucky right off the bat. Days like today remind me how precious these moments are. Getting lost in the hustle is easy, but it's always worth stopping to appreciate life's small joys."

I glance back at Tyler, who’s now catching Timmy mid-air in a playful toss, his face radiant with laughter. "You’re right, Mia. These are the moments we’ll remember forever."

Mia places a hand on my arm, her eyes shimmering. "Here's to many more moments like these," she says softly, and I can’t help but feel my heart swell with gratitude.

Her words seem to cloak my heart in the kind of warmth that's everlasting.

The warm aroma of lasagna fills the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter around the table. It feels like these moments could last forever.

"Dinnertime, everyone!" Mia calls out, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. We all gather around the table, the delicious spread watering our mouths. Timmy and Dylan rush to their seats, eyes wide with excitement.

"Wow, Ms. Mia, these breadsticks are amazing!" Timmy exclaims, taking a big bite. Dylan nods vigorously in agreement, his cheeks puffed out with a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, they're awesome, MOM!" Dylan adds, his voice muffled by the breadstick he’s chewing on.

Emily, seated beside me, picks up a forkful of lasagna, her eyes lighting up as she takes a bite. "It's so cheesy!" she giggles, her expression one of pure delight. It's moments like these that make my heart feel full.

Mia watches us, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. "I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the meal," she says, her voice filled with warmth. I catch her eye and give her an appreciative nod, feeling a wave of gratitude for the effort she's put into this dinner.

"This lasagna is incredible, Mia," Tyler comments, cutting into his slice. "You’ve outdone yourself."

Mia beams, her face glowing with pride. "Thank you, Tyler. It’s my mom’s recipe. She always said the secret ingredient is love."

I look around the table, seeing the joy on everyone’s faces, and realize how vital these shared meals are. They’re little islands of connection in our busy lives. I take a moment to savor the taste of the cheesy lasagna, the crispness of the breadsticks, and the happiness that fills the room.

Timmy catches my attention again, with Dylan joining him in a near-synchronized exclamation. "These breadsticks are the best!" they almost shout, their enthusiasm contagious.

"I'm glad you like them so much," I say, smiling at their excitement over the food.

Emily looks at Mia with wide, earnest eyes. "Mommy, can we have lasagna every day?" she asks, her voice filled with innocent hope.

Mia chuckles softly, ruffling her hair. "Maybe not every day, sweetie, but I promise we’ll have it often."

The conversation flows easily, stories and laughter filling the gaps between bites. Tyler catches my eye across the table and gives me a knowing smile. We’re both thinking the same thing—these moments matter.

The kids' energy wanes as the evening progresses, but their spirits remain high. Mia stands up to clear the plates, but I quickly intervene.

"Let me help you with that," I offer, standing up and gathering a stack of plates.

Mia shakes her head, her smile unwavering. "You’ve done enough, Sarah. Just enjoy the evening."

Reluctantly, I sit back down, watching as she moves gracefully around, collecting the plates before Jake gets up, not taking no for an answer from Mia as he insists on helping her clean up. The kids rush into the living room to watch television while Tyler and I are left at the table.

"How do you feel?" he asks me with worry in his eyes. I hope being here with your brother and his family wasn't too much for you.

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