Page 48 of Montana Healing

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Sarah blushes profusely as we burst out laughing before Jake rushes in the direction of the children to escort them.

"Mia, I guess you and the baby are with us." Sarah includes her sister-in-law as Mia smiles, relieved that she's not alone after Jake has taken off after the kids.

I lead them to an empty picnic table, where we can sit and rest our feet while watching Jake help the kids win prizes at a nearby booth.

Chapter 22


Revelation and Acceptance

I watch Jake with the kids, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as their laughter echoes back to us.

Sitting here with Mia and the baby feels surreal as I remember how hesitant I was to make this trip. Amidst all this joy and acceptance, I realize just how much mental baggage I've been carrying around. Tyler sits beside me, his hand gently resting on my back, offering silent support.

It's funny. My constant worry about what people might think of us together seems almost laughable now. I see open, accepting faces everywhere I look without a hint of judgment. Seeing how warmly the community has embraced Timmy and even Mrs. Carolyn fills my heart with warmth.

Mrs. Carolyn, once somewhat of a recluse, is now often seen laughing at bingo nights or showing off her knitting prowess, surrounded by friends who genuinely enjoy her company. She looks ten years younger, and I know it’s because she feels valued and included.

I think about Timmy, who has been utterly accepted by the kids here. Tyler’s decision to bring him to the ranch regularly has worked wonders. Timmy, who was once so shy and reserved, now bursts with enthusiasm and joy as he talks about his new buddies. Playdates, sleepovers, and impromptu soccer matches have now become the norm, creating a joyous rhythm to our lives that we hadn’t anticipated.

The best part is how naturally everything has fallen into place: there have been no forced introductions, no awkward explanations, just straightforward, unadulterated acceptance.

It’s a revelation that peels away layers of doubts and insecurities I didn't even realize I was lugging around. Tyler, too, seems lighter, as if he’s stopped holding his breath and finally exhaled a burden he didn't know he was carrying.

As I watch the kids running around, I reflect on my journey. The road to where we stand now wasn't easy. Facing my past, embracing my vulnerabilities, and learning to love myself through the lens of new experiences have all been part of it.

But this event at the ranch solidified something crucial: people are kinder, more understanding, and far less judgmental than I ever gave them credit for. It’s a simple truth, yet a powerful one.

Tyler turns to me as if sensing my thoughts. “Earth to Sarah,” he teases lightly, pulling me back to the present.

I chuckle, leaning into his side. “Just thinking,” I say, my voice soft with contentment.

“About?” he probes gently, his eyes filled with curiosity.

“About how lucky we are. About how much I’ve worried for nothing,” I admit, my honesty coming quickly in this moment of peace.

He nods, understanding reflecting in his eyes. “It’s amazing how everything seems to be falling into place. I never thought we’d get here, honestly.”

“Me neither. But here we are, and I couldn’t be happier,” I reply, squeezing his hand.

Jake walks over to us with a broad smile, casually tipping his hat back. "You two feel like sticking around for dinner? Mia's making lasagna, and she always makes enough to feed an army," he says, with a playful glance toward Mia, who stands a few feet away, prepping a table.

Mia catches his comment and blushes, attempting to hide her embarrassment behind a roll of her eyes. "Jake!" she scolds, but there's a warm smile behind her words.

Tyler doesn't waste a second. "We'd love to stay," he responds enthusiastically. "I've been dying to get to know my future brother-in-law better." He winks at me, and now it's my turn to blush, heat rising to my cheeks despite the cool breeze.

Jake laughs and looks between me and Mia. "Seems like Tyler and I are competing to see who can make their woman blush more!" His hearty laugh is contagious, and soon we're all laughing together.

As the laughter fades, a comfortable silence settles over us, and we take a moment to watch the kids—Timmy, Emily, and Dylan—playing with the goats in Jake's backyard. Their joyous squeals and carefree energy are infectious, making the scene even more idyllic.

I lean into Tyler's side, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. "Looks like the kids are having a blast," I note, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Nothing like playing with animals to make a day special," Jake agrees, his tone reflective. "I always loved coming home to this. It's good for the soul."

Tyler nods. "That's what we're all looking for. Those moments that complete the puzzle and make everything feel just right."

I feel a blush creeping up my neck as I soak in the warm, familial atmosphere. Excusing myself from the cozy scene, I walk over to Mia, who’s still bustling around the table. "Need a hand?" I offer, my smile mirroring the friendliness in my voice.

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