Page 25 of Montana Healing

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She nods, her smile deepening. "I think a little outing sounds lovely."

The ride into town in Tyler's truck is filled with easy conversation, the scenery rolling by in a peaceful blur of greens and browns. Patty's Pies is nestled in the heart of town and welcomes us with the sweet aroma of baked goods and the sound of light chatter. Inside, the warm, inviting atmosphere feels like stepping into a friend's kitchen.

We all trail into Patty's Pies, our senses immediately bombarded with the rich, tempting aromas of freshly baked pies. The interior oozes charm, with checkered tablecloths and quaint, mismatched chairs, making it feel homey and inviting. Behind the glass display, a dizzying array of pies beckons, from traditional apple and cherry to more adventurous flavors like rhubarb and peach bourbon.

"Wow, look at all these pies!" Timmy presses his face against the glass, his breath fogging up the surface as his eyes dart excitedly from one pie to the next.

Mrs. Carolyn chuckles softly, watching Timmy with a tender gaze. "Each and every one looks more delicious than the last," she observes, taking her time scrutinizing the assortment before us.

Tyler leans in, his interest piqued by the savory selections. "I don't know about you all, but my stomach's ready for a feast. Mrs. Carolyn, what's your pie of choice?"

She ponders for a moment, her eyes scanning the display before settling on one. "I think I'll go with the blueberry pie today. It reminds me of summers at my grandmother's house," she says with a reminiscent smile.

Encouraged by her choice, I peer closer at the display, my heart set on finding the perfect slice. That's when I spot it—chocolate pecan pie, gleaming under the display lights, its rich, nutty filling promising a taste of decadent sweetness with a hint of savory. "I've made my decision," I declare, pointing at the pie. "Chocolate pecan pie for me. It's my absolute favorite."

Tyler's gaze follows mine, and he nods approvingly. "No surprise there. For me, I can't pass up a classic dutch apple pie." He grins, a look of sheer anticipation on his face. "Can't go wrong with apple and a good crumb topping."

We place our orders, each of us picking a substantial slice that promises to satisfy our sweet cravings. Timmy can barely contain his excitement, hopping from one foot to the other as he waits for his slice of strawberry rhubarb pie—a daring choice for a young palate.

Once we have our slices, laden with whipped cream and accompanied by steaming mugs of coffee for the adults and a tall glass of milk for Timmy, we choose a table near the window.

The pies are every bit as delicious as they look, each bite a perfect blend of flavors and textures. Mrs. Carolyn's eyes light up at the first taste of her blueberry pie, and Tyler looks contentedly at his apple cobbler, confirming his choice with a satisfied nod.

Between mouthfuls of my chocolate pecan pie, I can't help but feel grateful for this simple yet perfect moment. Sharing stories and laughter over pie, I feel a sense of belonging and happiness that's been missing for too long. It's clear that here, in this small town, with these wonderful people, is exactly where I'm meant to be.

I'm standing in the foyer, slipping on my jacket, the warmth of Tyler's house wrapping around me like a cozy blanket. The day's adventures loop through my mind, bringing a smile to my lips. "Tyler, today was... it was just perfect," I say, my voice imbued with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for everything, really."

Tyler leans against the doorframe, a soft, contemplative look in his eyes. "Sarah, I..." he starts, then pauses, as if searching for the right words. "I wish the night didn't have to end here. I wish we had more time."

Those words spark something inside me, a surge of warmth that rushes from my heart to every corner of my being. It's unexpected yet feels entirely right. Without another thought, I close the distance between us, my actions fueled by the connection that's been simmering between us all day.

Our kiss is gentle at first, an exploration that quickly deepens into something more passionate, more urgent. It's as if all the words we haven't said are being communicated in this one act, a mingling of emotions that's both exhilarating and calming. It's a promise, a moment of truth in the simplicity and complexity of our budding relationship.

When we finally break apart, there's a moment of silence, a charged space filled with unsaid words and emotions. But it's comfortable, filled with the warmth of shared affection and the potential of what might come next.

"I didn't see that coming," Tyler whispers, his voice laced with wonder and a hint of laughter.

"Neither did I," I admit, my heart still racing from the kiss. "But I'm glad it happened."

We stand there for a moment longer, basking in the glow of the night and the connection we've forged. It feels like a new beginning, a doorway to something beautiful and profound.

Finally, Tyler takes my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I guess we should say goodnight, for real this time," he says, though the reluctance in his voice matches the feeling in my chest.

"Yes, goodnight," I reply while leaning in to kiss him again. This time, his arms wrap around me tighter than before while pressing me against the front door. Our kiss is so heated that I end up taking my jacket back off and it alarms Tyler into breaking the kiss.

"Would it be too forward for me if I... stayed the night? It would be inappropriate for me... wouldn't it?"

His eyebrows raise in surprise before he grins at me.

"Sarah, I'm a grown man and this is my house. You can stay if you want, and I'd love it if you did.”

Now that that’s settled, he pulls me back into his arms and kisses me deeper this time. Before he reluctantly breaks it again as his eyes look toward the staircase.

“Let’s take this upstairs to my room,” he whispers to me while I nod my head, my hand finding his. He leads me out of the foyer after I’ve picked up my jacket from the ground while we try to be as quiet as we can be heading up the stairs. Once he leads me into his bedroom, all bets are off once he’s closed the door and pulls me by the hips into him to kiss me again.

Desire courses through our bodies as we break our embrace, eager to strip away the barriers between us. Tyler's nimble fingers unbutton his shirt in one swift motion, revealing a sculpted chest that takes my breath away. With trembling hands, I mimic his actions, feeling exposed and vulnerable as I stand before him.

Our eyes lock, a silent understanding passing between us as we both shed our inhibitions along with our clothes. As he pulls me closer, I can feel the heat radiating from his skin, igniting a fire inside of me.

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