Page 24 of Montana Healing

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The words tumble out, messy and raw, exposing the fears I've kept caged inside for too long. Sarah listens, her expression soft but attentive, making me feel seen in a way I hadn't anticipated. It's more than just talking. It's opening up wounds I'd stubbornly tried to ignore, laying bare the insecurities that night after night have kept me company.

"Tyler," Sarah begins, her voice steady and warm. "It's natural to feel this way after what you've been through. But it's also brave to face these fears head-on, to acknowledge them. Not everyone has the courage to do that."

Her words, simple yet profound, wash over me, offering a solace I hadn't expected to find in this office, of all places. Something shifts inside me, a connection forged not just by shared laughter and fleeting moments, but by understanding and empathy. For the first time in what feels like forever, I don't feel quite so alone with my demons.

I take a deep breath, the weight of my vulnerabilities heavy in the air between us. "And there's something else," I confess, the words snagging in my throat. "My worst fear isn't just another injury... it's Timmy seeing it happen. I can't shake the image out of my head. Him witnessing it all, getting traumatized by what he sees. That thought alone is enough to..." I trail off, unable to articulate the depth of my dread.

Sarah leans forward, her presence a calming force. "Tyler, I hear you. And it's a valid fear, especially as a parent. But remember, not everything is within our control. And fearing something doesn't increase its chances of happening."

Her words, meant to console, do their job. But there's a but lingering in my mind, persistent and nagging.

"But how do I live with that? How do I take that risk every day?" My voice cracks, revealing the strain of my internal turmoil.

"By remembering why you do what you do. And also by acknowledging the steps you've taken to mitigate those risks," she counters gently. "Your injury wasn't during an event or contest. It happened at your old ranch, remember? A place you knew wasn't safe for those stunts you were practicing."

Her reminder strikes a chord, the tension in my shoulders easing fractionally. That's right. The ranch's conditions were far from ideal, something I had overlooked in my pursuit of perfection.

"I had forgotten that," I admit, the corner of my mouth twitching upwards in a semblance of a smile. "I was so caught up in the what-ifs that I forgot the circumstances surrounding the accident."

Sarah's smile is encouraging, her eyes sparkling with something akin to pride. "It's easy to get lost in the what-ifs. But focusing on the now, on what you can control, that’s what's important. You’ve made changes since then. You’re not the same person who had that fall. You've grown, learned, and most importantly, you've implemented safer practices."

The realization dawns slowly, a beam of understanding piercing the cloud of my fears. She's right. I've taken steps to ensure my safety and by extension, Timmy's peace of mind. The likelihood of history repeating itself under the same circumstances is slim.

"Thanks, Sarah," I say, my heart lighter than it's been in weeks. "Sometimes, I get so tangled up in my head, I forget to look at how far I've come."

"That's what I'm here for," she quips, her tone light, "to untangle you from your head."

We share a laugh, the sound bright in the confinements of the office, dispersing the last remnants of my fears like smoke in the wind. For the first time in a long while, I allow myself to believe in the possibility of a future unmarred by the shadows of the past.

Chapter 10


Growing Attraction

I take a deep breath as I step onto the porch of Tyler's home. It's a beautiful, sunny day, with the kind of light that adds a golden hue to everything it touches.

Tyler is waiting for me, a smile lighting up his face when our eyes meet. "Sarah, I'm glad you could make it," he says, his voice warm.

"Thanks for inviting me," I reply, smiling back. I'm nervous but excited to be here, to see this part of his world.

He leads me inside, and that's when I see Timmy, his bright eyes filled with surprise and joy. "Miss Sarah!" he exclaims, running towards me. I scoop him up in a hug, laughing at his enthusiasm. "Hey, Timmy, it's so good to see you again!"

We spend some time catching up, with Timmy telling me all about his adventures on the ranch since we last met. The warmth and love in their home can be felt, filling the space with a comforting ambience that I find myself relaxing into almost immediately.

Then, Tyler mentions he has someone he wants me to meet. "I've been talking Mrs. Carolyn's head off about you. She's been eager to meet you."

I nod, curious about the woman who's been a significant part of their lives. We find her in the living room, settled comfortably in her favorite chair. Her eyes light up when she sees us, a kind smile spreading across her wrinkled face. "You must be Sarah," she says, extending a hand. "I've heard so much about you."

Her warmth instantly puts me at ease, and as we talk, I can see why Tyler and Timmy are so fond of her. Mrs. Carolyn is proof of the strength and kindness that seems to define the people in Tyler's life. Not to mention I'm sure she's the one who keeps him grounded whenever he's close to spiraling.

It's clear she's taken a liking to me, her laughter filling the room, echoing warmth and acceptance. Tyler watches us with a pleased expression, his gaze softening when our laughter melds into the comfortable silence of the room.

After a while, he clears his throat, breaking the comfortable lull. "How about we head into town and grab some pie from Patty's? I reckon Mrs. Carolyn here could use a sweet treat, and I know just the place."

The mention of pie lights a spark in Timmy's eyes, and he practically bounces in his seat on the couch. "I heard Patty's Pies has every flavor of pie!"

I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. "I think that's a fantastic idea," I say, glancing towards Mrs. Carolyn for her approval.

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