Page 19 of Montana Healing

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That piques his interest even more as the waitress approaches us to take our drink orders, but Tyler is already ready to order. "Alright, then I'll try the salmon croquettes with garlic mashed potatoes and a lemonade," he decides, handing the menu back to the waitress as she jots down his order.

I opt for the brisket Brunswick stew, a personal favorite of mine, and hand my menu over. Once the waitress leaves, the reality of sitting across from Tyler, not as his therapist but as... something else, starts to sink in. I'm nervous, but there's also an undeniable spark of excitement.

I want to ask him something about us, but I realize I should let things play out a bit longer—maybe to see where this all leads. I smile as he glances around the diner to check out its décor while I'm busy checking him out.

Thirty minutes have passed, and we've settled into an easy rhythm of conversation as we enjoy our lunch. The diner is alive with the hum of other patrons, but it feels like we're in our little world. Tyler takes another bite of his salmon croquettes and lets out a contented sigh, his eyes meeting mine as he does.

"These croquettes are phenomenal," Tyler exclaims, hardly able to contain his enthusiasm. "And these garlic mashed potatoes—are you sure they don't have some secret ingredient?"

I can't help but laugh, watching him enjoy his meal with such enthusiasm. "I told you, this place has the best food in town. It's all pretty straightforward, though—just good, honest cooking."

He nods, taking another generous forkful. "Well, they've certainly won me over. I can see why this is one of your favorite spots." His gaze lingers on mine a little longer than necessary, and I feel excitement in my stomach.

I bite my brisket Brunswick stew, savoring the rich flavors. "I'm glad you like it. This stew has been my go-to comfort food since moving here. There's something about it that feels like home."

Tyler smiles, and a warmth in his eyes makes my heart skip a beat. "I get that," he says. "It's nice to find those places or foods that ground you, remind you of what's important."

I agree while taking another heaping scoop of the brisket onto my spoon.

"So, Sarah, tell me about one of your most daring adventures," Tyler prompts, his elbows resting on the table as he leans in, genuinely interested.

I chuckle, the memories flooding back. "Well, one time, I decided to go skydiving on a whim. My friends thought I had completely lost it, but something about throwing caution to the wind just... called to me. I realized I was burnt out from work and my life. This is before I moved back to Pine Creek."

Tyler's eyes widen in admiration. "Skydiving? Wow, I have to admit, that's impressive. I'm not sure I could take that leap—literally."

"It was terrifying and exhilarating, all at once," I admit, my heart racing at the mere recollection. "But once I was in the air, free-falling, it felt like pure freedom. Like every worry I had just vanished."

He nods, visibly impressed. "That's incredible, Sarah. It sounds like a life-changing experience."

"It was. But enough about my escapade. What about you, Tyler? Have you had any wild adventures in your past?" I ask, curious to peel back another layer of his intriguing persona.

He laughs, a sound that seems to resonate straight through me. "I'm afraid my adventures are all centered around my career—literally. My biggest thrill is bull riding, and it's always adrenaline-pumping, no matter how many contests and events I've done."

The admiration in my eyes must be visible because he quickly adds, "It was a dream of mine for years, and seeing it come to fruition was... well, it was everything I hoped for and more."

"That's fascinating," I say, my curiosity piqued. "Bull riding must take an incredible amount of courage and skill. Out of all the contests and events, what would you say has been your proudest accomplishment?"

Tyler pauses momentarily, his gaze drifting off as if sifting through a treasure trove of memories. "Hmm, that's a tough one," he admits with a modest shrug. "But, if I had to pick, it’d probably be when I won a Professional Bull Riders event 6 years ago. It was more than just winning. It was about overcoming my fears and proving I could do it. That event was a turning point for me, not just in my career, but in my life as a whole."

His eyes meet mine, and the intensity of his conviction strikes me. "That sounds incredible, Tyler. It's inspiring to hear how much it meant to you," I respond, genuinely moved by his story.

He smiles, that easy, heart-stopping smile that's become all too familiar. "Thanks, Sarah. It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't change a thing. What about you? In your adventures, what’s something you're most proud of?"

I ponder the question, tracing the wood grain on the table with my finger. "Besides surviving skydiving?" I joke, earning a chuckle from Tyler.

"Honestly, it's leaping to move back to Pine Creek. It may not seem adventurous compared to skydiving or bull riding, but it was a big step for me. Leaving a steady job, a town full of noise and chaos, to return here... It was scary. Especially since I know that, with me not growing up here, I had many people forgetting that Jake had a sister. And I hoped I could continue living with my own identity, away from his spotlight. But I realized this is where my heart is."

Tyler nods, understanding flickering in his eyes. "Sometimes the bravest adventures are the ones that bring us home," he says softly, his gaze holding mine. We stare into each other's eyes a bit longer before pulling away to finish our meal as excitement swirls in my heart.

Chapter 7


Healing Begins

The warm afternoon sun blankets Beartooth Ranch in a golden glow, but inside Dr. Carmine's rehabilitation area, the atmosphere is all business.

I'm supposed to be here for my knee, to get it back in shape after the accident that nearly ended my career. Yet, all I can think about is Sarah. Her laughter echoes in my mind, her resilience inspires me, and the simple pleasure of our lunch together has my heart racing faster than any rodeo.

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