Page 20 of Montana Healing

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I'm lying on the therapy table, trying to focus on the exercises, but it's as if I'm somewhere else entirely. Dr. Carmine has been talking, but his words are a distant buzz against the vivid memories of Sarah's smile, her joke about skydiving, and the way her presence seems to ground me, bringing me back to Pine Creek in a way I hadn't realized I needed.

"Tyler? Are you with me?" Dr. Carmine's voice cuts through my daydreams, his tone a mix of amusement and concern.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, doc. Just got a lot on my mind," I admit, shifting uncomfortably on the table as I try to refocus on the present.

Dr. Carmine raises an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Thinking about Sarah, aren't you?" he asks, and I can't help but wonder if my feelings are that obvious.

I chuckle, not seeing the point in denying it. "Is it that easy to tell?"

"Only to someone who's seen as many love-struck patients as I have," he says with a smile, then grows more serious. "But let's get back to why you're here. Tell me about your knee. Any pain today?"

I flex my knee, testing its range and assessing the discomfort. "It's there, but manageable. Feels tight, mostly," I respond, more attuned to the physical sensations now that I've been pulled back to reality.

Dr. Carmine nods, making notes on his clipboard. "Okay, I want you to try some light stretches, then we'll do a bit of walking therapy. It's important to gauge your progress accurately."

The session becomes more hands-on from there, with Dr. Carmine guiding me through various exercises designed to strengthen my knee and improve flexibility. "Just like that, perfect," he encourages, as my muscles stretch and burn with the effort. Each step, each stretch, brings me back to the present, the physical effort grounding me in a way that's reminiscent of being on a horse. The pain is a sharp reminder of my accident, the fragility of life, and what I stand to lose if I'm not careful.

Yet, even as I concentrate on my rehabilitation, my thoughts drift back to Sarah. "You seem distracted today," Dr. Carmine observes, not missing a beat. I nod, the realization hitting me with the force of a runaway steer. My feelings for her are deepening, rapidly transforming into something serious, something real. And the most astonishing part? She seems to be feeling the same way, comfortable with our growing closeness despite the unconventional start to our relationship.

By the end of the session, I'm physically tired but emotionally energized. Dr. Carmine gives me a knowing look as I get ready to leave, his earlier question having served its purpose in getting me to participate more actively. "You're making good progress," he says. "Just remember, healing is not just physical. It sounds like your heart's getting a workout too."

"Keep focusing on your rehab, Tyler. And Sarah," he adds with a wink.

I flash him a grateful smile. "Will do, doc."

I step out of his rehabilitation room and find myself roaming the grounds of the ranch with his words echoing in my mind. Is it that obvious about Sarah? I did see a lot of familiar faces yesterday when she and I were having coffee so maybe word traveled around the ranch?

Did we look cozy together to the point people suspect that we are dating, even though we still aren't to that point yet?

That concerns me because I have no idea if Sarah's stance on us will change if she believes people think we're already in a relationship and we're not. I decide that maybe we need to have a talk with everything that's happened between us the last few days.

I sit down on the bench in front of the duck pond as I await Sarah's arrival. I'm feeling anxious and my palms are even sweaty with the fear of where this talk may lead. I feel it's important to let Sarah know that if Dr. Carmine is jokingly bringing her up to me then it's obvious that people are suspecting something is going on between us.

Sarah appears on the path leading to the pond, her stride confident yet cautious. My heart races as she approaches, the weight of our impending conversation grounding me to the bench.

"Hey, Tyler," she says, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty that mirrors my own. I only texted her asking her to meet me here without giving her a reason why, so without context I can understand why she's looking at me like that.

"Hey, Sarah. Thanks for meeting me." I gesture to the spot next to me, trying to appear more composed than I feel. She sits down, turning slightly to face me, her attention undivided.

"So, what's on your mind?" she asks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

I take a deep breath, considering how to start. "Dr. Carmine mentioned you today, in a way that suggests... people might think we're... more than what we are." My words trail off, but her expression encourages me to continue. "And, I guess, what I'm trying to say is—I don't want rumors or what people might think to influence what's happening between us. But, more importantly, I realized I don't want to hide or pretend about how I admire and care about you."

Sarah listens intently, her eyes searching mine. After a moment, she speaks, her voice soft but steady. "Tyler, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this, too. It's not just about what others might think, but also about what we're comfortable with... ourselves. I care about you, more than I've planned or expected to, especially given that I am your therapist. But I told myself as long as we remain professional within the office, we are free to show our feelings outside of the sessions."

Her admission sends a warm rush through me, reassuring me that opening up was the right choice.

"I'm glad to hear that because I feel the same," I tell her. "I'm not just here for the physical healing, you know. These past days, talking and spending time with you, it's been helping me heal in ways I didn't expect."

Sarah nods, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Me, too. I've been carrying this... loneliness, I guess. Keeping everything professional, detached, it's easier. But with you, Tyler, it feels different. I feel like I can be myself, and that's terrifying and... wonderful."

"We're peeling back layers, talking about our pasts, the fears, and the dreams we've been too scared to follow. I think it's amazing and has helped bring us closer in a way."

Sarah nods, taking a deep breath. "I've always wanted to have a life outside of my career," she confesses. "But the fear of people finding out that I'm Jake's little sister, of disappointing myself and others due to some insecurities I have about myself, it holds me back."

I understand her all too well. "I get it," I reply, "For me, it's been about finding who I am outside of the rodeo circuit. After my injury, I had no choice but to confront my identity beyond just being a competitor in the public eye, since no one knows about me being a father."

"It's tough, isn't it?" Sarah says, a hint of empathy in her eyes.

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