Page 109 of Priest

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“Sit tight.” Cash pats me on the back as we cut through traffic. “I think I know where they’re headed.”

The address to the warehouse is in a part of town that’s unsuspecting and also dangerous. Still. There couldn’t be anything more dangerous right now than a man like me with a debt to settle. I’m cashing in, and if Leo thinks he’s smarter than we are, he has another thing coming.

He didn’t plan on Carlo not being at the compound. Leo didn’t plan on a lot of things. Even though we’re a step ahead of him, I wouldn’t put it past the slippery little fucker to try and get away. We can’t let that happen. He has to pay for what he did.

And he will. I’ll make sure of it.

Now, we’re crouched around the outskirts of the meeting point at the mob warehouse, men are already lying down in pools of their own blood no thanks to Leo and his army.

Suddenly, a hand grips my shoulder. I turn to see… my dad?

My mouth opens as he slides down next to me. “Dad? What are you doin’ here?”

Dad side eyes me. “You think I’m gonna let my kid get into another gun-slingin’ match without me?” he snorts in a whisper. “Not happenin’.”

“How did–”

“Cash.” He lines up his gun and I stare at him.

“You know how to shoot one of those things?”

He doesn’t spare me a glance this time. “I’ve been shootin’ since before you were born.”

I shake my head. “For fuck’s sake, don’t get shot or it’ll be on my conscience.”

“Maybe you could read us all a benediction?” Nevada whispers.

I turn to look at him surprised he even knows what that means.

He’s probably right. I make a cross sign and kiss my middle and pointer finger. “May God have mercy on our souls for what we’re about to do.”

I feel my dad’s eyes on me. “You love her?” His voice is low.

I meet his eye. “Yeah, I do.”

He nods once. “Then let’s get her back, sooner that happens, the sooner you can make me a Grandfather.”

“Jesus,” I mutter.

I quieten as movement alerts our attention.

Being here got me to thinking about why Leo brought Bella here. But then it all starts to make sense…

Leo stands behind Bella as she holds a gun to Carlo’s head. “Tell him, my little liar. Tell him about what you’ve been doing,” Leo’s sinister voice echoes off the walls.

My heart races in my chest a million miles when I see how close he is to her and how her eyes are downcast in that way I can’t stand.

Carlo is both baffled and shocked; the look on his face with his eyes wide and lips parted says it all. His men are dead and he’s holding his hand in the air, hoping for some miracle. Leo is supposed to be his right-hand man. Tonight, they met here to discuss the shipment of trafficked women and children they have coming in without the fear of phone taps, video evidence or feds lurking nearby.And then there’s the small fact that his ‘dead’ niece is standing in front of him.

“Bella?” Carlo says the words slowly. “What— You’re… you’re alive?”

Her hand shakes as Leo steadies it with his own. It won’t matter either way, there are several more guns pointed at Carlo’ head. “No thanks to you.”

“What in the world? How–”

“Your brother took her along the night of the shoot out,” Leo informs him. “She faked her own death, which is pretty neat when you think about it. Smart too. She didn’t count on the fact that I put a tracker in that ring of hers, mainly because I didn’t trust her, and it only proves I was right.”

“And now you’re taking out my army?” Carlo directs his words to Leo, not Bella. “For what purpose? Haven’t I given you everything?”

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