Page 108 of Priest

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He’s right.

The club will hate me.

Priest is dead because of me. His club brothers will want me to pay. If it weren’t for me then he’d still be here. I slap a hand over my mouth so Leo won’t hear my sob.

I don’t even try for the door, though if they shot me trying to escape, that may be a comfort to me right now.

Instead I slink down the banister to my ass and bury my face into my knees as I hug myself.

I don’t know how. I don’t know where. But I’m going to get out of this.

I have to.

It’s what Priest would want.



Rock lost sight of the van, but we do know it wasn’t heading to Carlo’s compound. The good thing about most hackers is they generally have a Plan B up their sleeves. The great thing about Jett and Rock is they always have a backup plan that supersedes Plan A. I don’t ever doubt them, and this is why.

Don’t ask me how, but Rock honed in on a signal in the van that inadvertently gave him access to what we think is the tracking device on Bella’s ring. Rock surmises it’s probably on Leo’s cell phone, confirming everything we already knew that Leo has her and she’s still alive. I’m looking at the dot right now. She’s on the move.

“We know Leo wanted us to storm the compound,” Cash says, his eyes darting around from the unmarked van we’re sitting in two blocks away from where the signals coming from. “His men are swarming the neighborhood. A nice, bloody end to all his troubles. He gets to keep runnin’ the mob as their new Don, and Bella will probably be sold to a trafficking ring as punishment for her betrayal.”

I ball my hands into fists. “That asshole won’t see the light of day again.”

“He could go underground,” Tag warns. “He’s smart thus far. And if he has the following of Carlo’s men already, then they’ll protect him.”

I know Tag’s right, but I just want to see this motherfucker dead and my girl alive and in my arms again. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through right now.

“We need to move,” I say. “Can’t this damn van go any faster?”

Riot turns to look at me over his shoulder. “Keep your hair on, brother. We get too close, they get suspicious. We can’t fuck this up at the eleventh hour. Plus, Carlo isn’t even home, conveniently.”

“If he’s not home, then why did Leo plan on havin’ us raid the property and gun Carlo down?” I say.

Clearly I’m not thinking straight when Ryder chimes in. “Because even someone like Leo can’t predict the mob boss’s movements all the time. If they’re headed to the warehouse, Leo will likely gun Carlo down himself and make it look like it was the MC. Either way, we’re fucked.”

“The fact we haven’t raided the compound will be settin’ him on an uneasy slope,” Cash agrees. “Which is why we’ll just blow the place up, that way none of my men are affected and the ones that are deserve to be blown to smithereens.”

“I’m glad you have all of this worked out,” I mumble, unable to concentrate on a damn thing. “I just want Bella back in one piece.”

“Hang tight,” Harlem tells me. “We’ll get her back. She’s still alive, and the fact Leo hasn’t killed her says a lot. He’ll want to hang onto her as long as he can until this mess is over, which is a good thing for us. We’ll swoop in and get her back and it’ll all be over.”

“Since when have you become the voice of reason?” Riot turns to look at Harlem.

He frowns. “I’m always the voice of reason, asshole.”

Some of the guys snicker but I can’t even summon a smile. I don’t want this. I can’t… I need to get to her…

“Will you two shut up?” Tag complains. “I’m tryin’ to think.”

“Yeah, we can hear,” Riot snickers.

I press my fingers to my temples. I can’t deal with this. I know that I’m usually the one giving advice. The one the club relies on to make things right again. The man who they can confide in and talk to when they need it, but now I’m just a mess.

I have no reason to be here if Bella isn’t with me. Just to know she’s okay. That he hasn’t laid a finger on her.

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