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“You would think so, but sadly, it’s not,” Leo goes on. “Caruso's time in power has come to an end, my friend. You taught me everything you know, and for that I’m grateful. I truly am. But your men don’t respect you. Eventually, they’ll turn against you like they’ve already done without you even realizing.”

“You won’t get away with this,” he hisses.

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. I have it all set up, even this execution. The MC will take care of the rest, which is what happens when you deal with complete, incompetent assholes. They’ll take the fall, the men will turn to me and I’ll take on your legacy. Of course, I’ll mourn your death and vow that I’ll make our enemies pay.”

“You motherfucking asshole!” Carlo has nowhere left to run and he knows it.

I have to hand it to Leo; to get this far, he’s played a good hand. Even if his days are numbered, his plan worked up until this point.

I can’t wait to see his face when he sees us. But we can’t risk Bella’s life. I have no doubt he’ll turn that gun on her the second he’s out of options.

She’s a pawn to him, just like everybody else in his lineup.

She looks terrified; her eyes are wide and I’m sure she’s shaking.

I want to take it all away. Tell her that I’m here, that I love her. That I’ll die protecting her if that’s what it takes.

Leo looks pleased with himself. “Take a long look around. The legacy you built, it won’t stand long. Everything you worked hard for will now be mine.”

“My family won't let you get away with this,” he spits. “They’ll see right through it.”

Leo laughs. “Not when I turn up at your funeral distraught, vowing to avenge your murder to anyone who dares speak against the Caruso name.” He kisses Bella on the side of the cheek and that gesture alone has me seeing red. I want to rip his tongue out of his goddamn throat.

“Please, Leo,” she begs. “I don’t want to do this.”

“You’ll have to be patient with her,” he goes on. “She’s never killed in cold blood before. By the time I’m done reprogramming her, she’ll be the good little whore-wife I’ve trained her to be. I might even lend her out to some of your old cronies who will inevitably back me in all my decision making, being that you once again, chose me to be your predecessor.”

“You won’t get a block,” Carlo replies. “They won’t believe a single word you say. You just wait and see. They’ll paint this town red with your blood.”

My finger closes around the shaft of the gun I’m holding and I want to charge at him. But not when there are several guns pointed that could easily turn our way just as easily. The way Leo is shielded, and holding Bella at close range makes it hard to take a shot and not endanger Bella’s life.

“Don’t make me do this.” Her tone is more anger than anything else, and pride swells in my chest with how brave she’s being. “Please.”

This is the perfect scenario for Leo; he thinks we’re over guns blazing at the compound, doing all the dirty work for him.

“It’s easy,” Leo chimes. “You just aim, and then pull the trigger.”

“Now,” Cash mutters into the walkie.

Shots go off and I aim at Leo. Unable to get a good shot, I lurch forward out of the shadows and race toward them. He pulls Bella with him and bullets start spraying everywhere. I don’t know who’s hitting who, and I don’t care — I just need to get to my girl.

“Be careful son,” I hear my dad’s voice. “I’ll flank you.”

I don’t even get to thank him.

“I’ve got your other side,” Nevada says. “Go!”

I dodge and dive, firing at one of the soldiers who aims at me. Bullets fly by and Nevada takes men out on either side. I never realized what a good shot he was, but I’m glad for it right at this moment. Carlo Caruso goes down like a sack of spuds.

“Bella!” She wrestles with Leo. He’s trying to get the gun out of her hand, but she’s hanging on with both hands and it’s pointing every which way.

Without being able to get a clear shot I run into his side, knocking him — and ultimately Bella — over. I hold my arm out to catch her but she falls down, grazing her knees. Then I’m on top of Leo as he pushes me off and we wrestle as we both hit punches to the body.

I can’t turn to check on Bella; I need to deal with this asshole first but when we finally get to our feet, I hear Bella say in a steady voice. “Don’t move.” She’s pointing the gun at Leo. “Don’t you fucking move, you asshole!”

“What are you gonna do, Isabella? Shoot me?”

“Yes.” She doesn’t hesitate. She shoots him in the chest and he doubles back, trying to escape. But there’s nowhere to go except over the side of the dock and into the Mississippi River. I try to catch him, but he’s already fallen over the side. I pull the gun from Bella’s hands and fold her into my arms. Chaos is all around us and I pull her with me to safety, in my arms where she belongs.

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