Page 11 of Knight Moves 1

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He waited for me to grab my gym bag, and then held the door open for me as I exited, stopping to set the security alarm and lock up on the way out. He walked me to my car, and opened the door for me once I’d unlocked it with my key fob, but then he blocked my way so I couldn’t get in the car yet. He ran a finger down my face, and I stiffened every muscle to keep from trembling at his slow, smoldering touch. “Are you busy tonight?” He asked, his invitation very clear.

“Ryker…” I started, trying to think of an excuse.

“Okay. Tomorrow then, I want to see you tomorrow, Everlie. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be in town, Bennett keeps changing his mind, but I do want to see you again.”

“I have to work tomorrow, but we could do something after I get done,” I agreed. Between the moonlight, his sweet reaction to my performance, and his gentlemanly routine—not to mention that searing kiss he’d left on my palm the night before—he had me willing to try again. “Around this time. Weekends are the busiest days.”

He nodded. “I’ll pick you up here.”


“Goodnight Everlie, drive safe.” He shut the door before I had a chance to reply, and as I drove away, I noticed he waited in his car for me to leave the small lot. Another small, but sweet, gesture that had me wondering if my initial reaction to him had been too judgmental.

I supposed I’d find out the next day.

Chapter Seven


I walked into the hotel room I shared with Bennett, just in time to see Tori down on her knees in front of him, topless, her devil-red lips wrapped around his cock. Her eyes moved up to mine, but she continued working him as though I wasn’t even there.

The hotel room door slammed shut behind me and the noise startled Bennett. He shoved back from Tori. “Shit bro! Don’t you fucking knock?” Bennett demanded, frantically zipping his fly.

Tori rocked back on her heels and pushed up to standing, brushing a finger across her lips, her eyes locked on mine. “No luck with Ev, huh?” She asked, still smiling like the Cheshire cat.

“I wouldn’t say that. I’m seeing her tomorrow.” I rubbed the back of my neck, replaying the evening with Everlie. I still didn’t know exactly what’d happened, she’d been really nice, and the way she’d danced had been so sexy, but when the time came to close the deal, she’d backed away as if she had no idea what game we’d been playing. I’d never met a girl quite like her before. Usually, the girls that I met, especially in clubs, could barely wait to the end of the night to get me into their bed. It was part of the thrill for me, making them wait as long as I wanted, letting their anticipation build for hours before I finally got them alone and could have my way with them.

Everlie, however, was the exact opposite. And she was frustrating as hell.

“Your girl is a tough nut to crack,” I said to Tori, who was still topless, clinging to Bennett.

She laughed. “Trust me, she wants you. Just give it some more time. I’m sure she’ll be worth it.”

Her statement hit me like a glass of ice water to the face. It was such an odd thing for a friend to say. I had more experience with girlfriends who tried to swoop in and get their friend away from me, knowing I was up to no good. I’d never had one push so hard for her friend to go home with me. Tori was definitely a different kind of girl. As I considered her—it seemed odd to me that her best friend was such the opposite of her.

I’d just walked in on her giving a full-on fucking blow job to my best friend, she was still standing in front of me half naked and girlfriend didn’t even bat an eye.

Everlie, on the other hand, would likely be blushing on behalf of her friend, and try to get her to cover up. How was it they could be best friends and roommates and not drive each other crazy? I thought about asking Tori, but Bennett was still shooting me daggers for interrupting his fun, so I excused myself with a wave. “I’m gonna go get a drink downstairs. So if y’all could wrap it up—or at least go to your own room before I get back—that’d be great.”

Bennett flipped me the bird as I walked out but I knew my message had been received. He’d clear out before I got back. We’d rented a suite at the hotel, with two rooms that joined to a central living room. I had no idea why he’d have Tori blow him right there in the middle of the living room when his bed was just a few feet away, but it was Bennett. Under normal circumstances, he was the most laid back, chill guy I knew, but he became impatient when is dick was doing the thinking.

I nodded my head to myself as I walked to the hotel’s bank of elevators that took me downstairs. I crossed through the crowded lobby to the hotel bar, ordered a beer and turned my attention to people watching the others in the room. The hotel we were staying at was on the upper end of hotels and the bar had been given the same posh look as the rest of the place. The other guests weren’t necessarily dressed up, but there was an air of classiness to the crowd that I hadn’t noticed in the other bars we’d been to since we’d arrived in Vegas. This place was more my style and I started to relax a little while nursing my beer.

“Hey there handsome, you lonely tonight?”

I turned at the sound of the purring voice to my left, and found myself inches away from a stacked brunette, in a low-cut dress, sipping on a martini. As our eyes met, she licked her lips. I smiled at her, but couldn’t help compare her to Everlie, and while I admitted she was a gorgeous woman, I couldn’t muster up any interest. I found myself wishing it was Everlie seated next to me—or, better yet—upstairs with her lips on my cock, as Tori’s had been on Bennett.

“No, actually I’m not, but thanks anyway,” I answered, flicking a polite but cold, smile at her, before turning away, staring out over the room again.

The woman’s hand slithered its way onto my thigh, and climbed higher. “Come on, what, are you married?” She whispered against my ear, pressing in so close that her tits were resting against my arm. They were soft—natural—and my hands were itching to get a hold of them, to stroke her hardened nipples, make her moan. She wasn’t the woman I wanted, the one I had on my mind, but she was there, and she was available, willing. Everlie would likely take another two or three wine and dine sessions before she’d be this eager. If she ever got this forward. Somehow, I doubted it.

I turned to the woman and she smiled, her full lips parting to reveal perfect, white teeth. It was a great smile. “I’m Heather,” she said.

“Heather, it’s been a pleasure, but I’m afraid my mind is elsewhere tonight.” I peeled myself from her grip, threw a twenty on the bar behind me to cover my drink and hers and left without another word.

She would’ve been an easy score. I would’ve had her screaming my name within minutes, but it wouldn’t have felt good. At least not afterward.

My body and my mind were still set on Everlie. She was the one who’d satisfy me. Anything else would be second rate. A temporary distraction from the real prize.

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