Page 12 of Knight Moves 1

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As I went back upstairs, I imagined the dance she’d performed for me, and the way her body had moved through each line of the solemn music. It hadn’t been a sensual dance, but the result of it had been highly erotic, sending my brain on a wild ride as I mentally planned all of the things we could do together. But, halfway through her dance, my thoughts had changed, staggered by her grace and beauty for a whole new reason. She was the first woman I’d ever met, or at least could remember meeting, that I couldn’t figure out within the first few minutes of meeting her. She was beautiful, sweet, perhaps a little too naive, but it all contrasted with her sexy, little body, and the graceful movements she made that made my body ache to get inside her.

When I got back upstairs, Bennett and Tori were gone. As I passed the door of Bennett’s room, I heard Tori moaning, and quickly ducked into my room, thankful there was a bathroom separating the two rooms so I wouldn’t have to listen to their fuck session. As I sulked down onto my bed, I realized that the ugly truth was that I was jealous. Bennett had met Tori, and had fucked her that same night, and every waking minute since then. I turned on the TV to drown out my stewing,

Before I went to sleep, I took a long, hot shower, and jerked off to the memory of Everlie’s body, and the fantasy that quickly followed—her long, slim legs wrapped around my waist, my cock buried deep inside her, making her scream and claw at me. When I released into the stream of water, I was grinning like a madman, knowing just how sweet it was going to be to turn her from a demure, Southern Bell, into a hot, sweaty, wildcat.

It would be a pleasure worth waiting for.

Chapter Eight


I woke up on Sunday morning feeling more nervous than I could ever remember feeling in my whole entire life. The thought of my impending date with Ryker overwhelmed all other thoughts as I went through my morning routine. I saw Tori briefly, on my way out of the house, and while she gave me her signature cheeky grin, she didn’t say anything about Ryker. However, I knew she’d been out late with Bennett the night before, and likely knew all about my date with Ryker. But as I said goodbye, and flew out the front door, I was grateful she’d chosen not to say anything about it. I was nervous enough without her help.

While driving to the ballet studio, I was so distracted I ended up taking a wrong turn, a mistake that made me ten minutes late by the time I arrived. Luckily, I had been well trained to always arrive for things early, and other than a strange white van, there wasn’t anyone else waiting in the parking lot. I parked on the other side of the small lot from the van, watching it curiously, as I got out of my car. The driver got out of the van seconds after I’d left my own, and as I crossed the lot, towards the front doors of the studio, I couldn’t help but glance over my shoulder.

“Excuse me, Miss, but are you Everlie Harmon?” The man asked, a few yards away.

“Yes, I am,” I replied, hesitating with my key in the lock on the front door.

“Great! I have a delivery for you. Let me go get it from the van.” I watched as he jogged back across the parking lot, opened the back door of the van and retrieved a large flower arrangement in a huge, ceramic vase. As he came back over to me, I couldn’t see his face among all the flowers.

“These are for you.” He hoisted the jumbo arrangement towards me. “You want me to take them inside?”

“Yeah, that’d be great.” I finished opening the studio door and led the way inside. He set the enormous bouquet on my desk. I dug through my purse for my wallet in order to give him a small tip, but the man stopped me, holding up his hand. “No need ma’am, that’s already been taking care of. You just enjoy.” He smiled and left the studio before I could say anything else.

He’d only been gone a moment before I dug through the overflowing bouquet to find a card attached to the plastic stick in the center the name of the sender wasn’t on the card but it was obvious who they were from as it said, “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady.”

My heart fluttered as I set the card down on my desk. I’d never been sent flowers before, and the arrangement before me was nicer than any arrangement I’ve ever seen, with sprays of soft pink tones and creamy off-whites. It looked more like a wedding centerpiece, than a bouquet of flowers before a date. “Laying it on pretty thick Mr. Newman,” I said to myself, still smiling like a fool. It might have been way over the top, but I couldn’t help but appreciate the thought that he put into it, and what had to have been a huge floral bill.

I remembered the sweet way he’d been the night before, so different than he’d been on our first meeting. Maybe there was hope for him after all.

I was halfway through my first class of the day, and busy trying not to tear my hair out while teaching cranky two-year-olds how to plié while they were more interested in chasing each other and tearing off their leotards, when a second delivery van pulled into the parking lot. I saw another uniformed man, just like the flower delivery man from that morning, emerge with a red box that was about the size of a shoe box. I left the screaming toddlers, and stepped closer to the floor to ceiling windows, trying to see what logo was on the side of his delivery van. The man entered the studio and we went through the same routine as I had with the flower delivery man that morning. Once he’d confirmed my identity, he handed me the box and left, saying there was no tip needed. I put the box on my desk, and forced my attention back to wrangling my pack of rowdy students, doing my best to ignore the intense curiosity eating a hole through my brain.

When all of the students had left, I had about ten minutes before my next class started. I rushed over to my desk and pulled the lid off the box. Inside, three stacked layers of paper cups were nestled, each with a different assortment of chocolate truffles. I giggled and popped one into my mouth, my laugh dissolving into a moan of pleasure as the delicious chocolate melted on my tongue. The center was filled with caramel and I was pretty sure I’d never had anything so delicious in my life. There wasn’t a name or logo on the box, but I didn’t have to know where they were from to know they were very expensive, very gourmet chocolates. I was about to close the box—after eating two more bites—when I saw another note, similar to the one from the flowers, taped on the inside of the lid. This one said, “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”

I smiled and ran my eyes over the note again, my constant loop of questions about Ryker swirling back to the surface of my mind. He was obviously very persistent, and I couldn’t help but start to wonder why. He’d said he was in Vegas for a celebration after returning home from overseas with the military. However, over the course of our double date with Tori and Bennett, neither of them had been very specific on how long they’d be in town and neither one had breathed a word about the mission they just returned from. At the time, I hadn’t wanted to ask, out of respect for their mission and privacy, but as Ryker got closer, I couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on. Perhaps most importantly, why, of all the girls in Vegas, did he have his eyes so intensely focused on me? Was it simply the thrill of the chase? My mom had taught me that a lady was to have an air of mystery and elusiveness. Was that it though? Curiosity? Was Ryker simply being so sweet in his pursuit because I was hard to catch?

I shook my head, deciding against that theory. It didn’t seem to fit. But before I could cook up a new theory, my next group of students arrived and I had to turn my attention back towards teaching. The rest of the morning passed quickly, and just as I dismissed my last morning class, half past noon, another delivery arrived. This time it was a delicious meal from a very trendy café. I gave a halfway shocked burst of laughter thinking about how much of a fortune Ryker must’ve spent on the delivery fee getting the meal all the way from the heart of Vegas out to the boonies where I taught. This time the card said, “I’m planning on a late dinner tonight and don’t want you to be hungry. Enjoy.”

I unpacked the meal one box at a time and was startled to find that somehow he’d included all of my favorite foods. It was almost unnerving to see the attention to detail he’d paid, and left me wondering when I’d mentioned all of my favorite foods. There was a Cobb salad, a mozzarella sandwich with sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil pesto and a miniature raspberry custard tart for dessert. I ate greedily, savoring every little morsel, and when I had polished off every bite, I leaned back in my chair and rested a hand on my full stomach. At this rate, between the huge box of chocolates, and the fancy lunch, I was going to need a new wardrobe.

The final delivery came at the end of my day, just as I was about to lock the front door, and go into the back to change into the jersey dress I’d packed along to change into before Ryker would arrive. I flicked off the main studio lights, leaving only the can lights in the hallway to the bathroom and storage room turned on, when I saw a woman in a pantsuit, carrying a box, coming up the path to the front doors. I squinted at her profile, trying to see if I recognized her as one of the parents. I swung the door open for her and she came inside with a bright smile.

“Everlie Harmon?”

“That’s me,” I replied, glancing down at what was actually two large, black boxes, stacked together in her hands.

“My name is Shannon. I’m from Lacey’s Boutique, and I have a package for you.”

Oh my God, he sent me lingerie. I internally panicked, while trying not to look upset. I had never heard of the boutique she’d named, but it sounded like a place you’d buy panties, and the boxes were flat, and thin.

“Mr. Newman selected these two options for you to try, and whichever you like best, is yours to keep,” Shannon explained, still smiling brightly at me.

“Thank you,” I said, reaching for the boxes.

“Would you like me to wait while you try them on? If not, you can drop the extra outfit off at the boutique, or send for a courier to collect it.”

I took the boxes from her, surprised by the weight. “I can try them on now. If you have time. I don’t want to inconvenience you…”

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